  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying Collaborative Learning on the Sixth Graders in Math

指導教授 : 馮丰儀


本研究旨在探討協同學習於小六學生數學學習之應用,及學童參與協同學習對其之影響。本研究採行動研究法,蒐集多元資料,包括教室錄影、反思札記、晤談學生、教學觀察、學習動機問卷、學生學習成就測驗、定期評量、學生學習回饋單等,並將研究資料進行質性和量化分析。研究對象為南投縣山明國小(化名)六年三班,共27名學生。研究目的包括: 一、分析個案班級教學者運用協同學習模式之歷程。 二、探究個案班級學生參與協同學習對其之影響。 三、研究協同學習模式所遭遇的困境與解決之道。 四、依據研究發現提出建議,供國小教師之教學參考。 研究結果發現: 一、個案班級教學者運用協同學習模式之歷程 (一)實施協同學習歷程中,教師角色由教學主導者轉變為學習引導者。 (二)實施協同學習歷程中學生才是學習的主體。 (三)教學活動設計包含探究、合作、表達三元素。 (四)課堂教學歷程分成導入、展開、挑戰三個階段。 (五)安排方便學生對話討論的座位,訂定討論規則,營造討論氛圍。 二、個案班級學生參與協同學習對其之影響 (一)學習動機提升:實施協同學習,討論對話氛圍形成,學生樂於探究與思考,對學習漸具自信,化被動學習為主動學習,學生願意嘗試挑戰較高難度的學習。 (二)學習成效改善:實施協同學習,學生有學習的榜樣,也在學習中找回了自信,而且學習越來越有成就感。 三、實施協同學習模式所遭遇的困境及解決之道 (一)學校體制下的學習與課後學習產生衝突,教師宜善用時間協助學生解惑。 (二)秩序管理與討論氛圍形成不易,教師宜多行間走動並予以引導。 (三)教師無法確切做好時間規劃,宜藉由事先備課掌握核心概念以利有效教學。 (四)同學年老師沒有共同備課時間,校方宜協助安排適當時間。


The research aimed to discuss collaborative learning applied on math classes of sixth graders and the influences upon students who involved in it. The research adopted action research, collected multiple data which included classroom video recordings, introspection notes, student interviews, teaching observations, learning motivation questionnaires, students’ achievement tests, formal examinations, and forms of students’ feedbacks, etc.. The data of the research all went through qualitative and quantitative research analyses. The objects were 27 students from class 3, sixth grade, Shanming (pseudonym) Elementary School, Nantou County. The purposes of this research included 1.Analyzing the procedure of the teacher’s application of collaborative learning mode to target class. 2.Studying the influences on target students who were involved in collaborative learning mode. 3.Researching the obstacles and solutions of applying collaborative learning. 4.Making suggestions to provide teachers of elementary school with references based on this research. According to the research 1.The procedure of the teacher’s application of collaborative learning mode to target class a.During the collaborative learning processes, the teacher changed her role from a teaching instructor to a learning guide. b.During the collaborative learning processes, the students became main body of learning. c.Teaching activities included exploration, cooperation and expression three elements. d.Teaching processes included leading-in, development, and challenge three stages. e.Teacher arranged proper seats, set rules, and conducted an atmosphere for students to discuss. 2.The influences on target students who were involved in collaborative learning mode a.Enhanced learning motivation: Applying collaborative learning and forming the atmosphere of discussion made students like to explore and think, so they were more confident, more active on their learning gradually and willing to try to challenge more difficult questions. b.Improved learning effects: With the application of collaborative learning, students could model themselves on classmates, found their confidences from learning, and their senses of fulfillment increased. 3.The obstacles and solutions of applying collaborative learning a.There were conflicts between in-school and after-school learning; therefore, teacher had to make good use of time to solve students’ problems. b.It was not an easy task to maintain disciplines as well as create a communicative atmosphere in the classroom. Teacher had better walk around and give students necessary assistance. c.Teacher could not control the time precisely, so she/he should be well-prepared and mastered in core ideas of the lessons as to teach effectively. d.Since teachers of same grade had no time to prepare lessons together, it depended on the school administrators to help arrange proper time.




