  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Community Care Section Service and Quality of Life of Elderly People- An Example of Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 黃志忠


本研究之研究目的旨在探討社區照顧關懷據點服務與老人生活品質相關性,並檢視影響老人生活品質之相關因素,最後就研究結果與研究發現,提供未來國內社區照顧關懷據點政策制定與實務執行之相關建議。本研究研究方法使用問卷以面對面訪問的方式進行資料蒐集,以台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷為主要的問卷主軸,以分層隨機抽樣的方式調查參與高雄市6個社區照顧關懷據點的老人,總共蒐集178個樣本,回收率為97.8%。經統計分析後結果如下: 1.受訪老人平均生活品質的得分為56.53,屬於中上程度。以「生理健康面向」14.39分的得分最高,最低為心理面向13.86分 2.老人的性別、退休前職業、婚姻狀況、慢性病數、經濟狀況、社會支持、憂鬱、參與據點項目數、接受電話問安頻率、參與健康促進頻率、參與文康活動頻率、接受電話問安時間、參與健康促進時間以及參與文康活動時間與老人生活品質有顯著相關。 3.經由階層迴歸分析後發現,社會支持、憂鬱以及參與健康促進時間與老人生活品質有顯相關,且能解釋生活品質39.2%的變異量。 基於以上的研究結果,本研究提出研究建議如下:(1)在學術建議方面:研究對象擴大至全台,或進行社區照顧關懷據點之政策評估;利用質性研究方法以得到豐富深入的研究結果;增加預防性服務的研究以提供延緩老化的證據。(2)在實務建議方面:加強電話問安、關懷訪視與餐飲服務對象之資源轉介,以增加其社會支持,進而減少憂鬱;加強課程之完整性,以吸引更多長輩參與;加強預防性服務的深度,以防範未然;增加社區照顧關懷據點之財源,以利據點的服務延續。(3)在政策建議方面:將社區照顧關懷據點納入長期照顧的一環;依社區照顧關懷據點的服務人數、服務時間調整補助;增加對社區照顧關懷據點的支持,增加社區照顧關懷據點之可近性;計算預防性服務的成本效益,以節省政策成本。


The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the relationship between community care section service and quality of life of elderly people and examine the relevant factors. According to the result of the study, we provide some suggestions for community care section service policy and work. After surveyed six community care section, this study collected 178 samples, completed 97.8% by WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan survey. The outcomes are as follows: 1. The average score of the 178 old peoples’ WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan surveys was 56.53 s that belonged to meddle level. The highest one was 14.39 in physiology health domain and 13.86 was the lowest one in psychological domain. 2. Gender, an occupation before retirement, amount of chronic disease, economic status in monthly, social support, depression, amount of section item, frequency of friendly phone call, frequency of healthy promote, frequency of leisure activities, how long they participated in friendly phone call, how long they participated in healthy promote, how long they participated in leisure activities are all significant factors for the quality of life of older people. 3. After stepwise regression analysis, it is found that social support, depression, how long they participated in healthy promote are significant. All of variables explained overall health-related quality of life was 39.2%. Base on the results of this thesis, it is suggested that: (1) In study, the subject of study expands to the entire Taiwan, or to proceed policy evaluation; By obtains the rich thorough findings using the qualitative research; Increases the preventive service research to provide the evidence which the postpone ageing. (2) In practice, to strengthen the resource referral for friendly phone call and direct visits case and to increase social support and to reduce depression; to strengthen the completeness of the course and to attract more elderly people to participate; to strengthen the depth of preventive service and nip in the bud; to increase the financial resource of community care section and to continue the service easily; (3) In policy, include the community care section to long term care; adjust subsidies according to the number of paticipants increase and service time of the community care section; increase supports for community care section; save costs for calculating the cost benefit of preventive service.


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