  • 學位論文


Going through the Barriers of Career Transition - a Study on the Resilience of Middle - Aged Women

指導教授 : 張玉茹


本研究主要以具有生涯轉換經驗的中高齡女性為探討對象,目的為呈現這群女性在生涯轉換下之韌力發展的心路歷程,並探討影響其再學習或工作過程中,進行生涯決定的因素,以及再就業過程中相關的支持、挑戰與收獲。藉由質化研究,以立意取樣、半結構深度訪談方式,邀請四位研究參與者分享其生涯轉換歷程的生命故事,並在遵守研究倫理和真實性檢核標準之下,將訪談內容轉成為故事文本,以敘事研究之『整體—內容』 及 『類別—內容』敘事分析模式,將中高齡女性敘說之生涯發展故事內涵,進行重述與研究分析,茲統整研究結果如下: 中高齡女性的生涯轉換,在歷經遭遇困境、克服阻礙之過程中,支持著再進修成長、努力不懈的自我勉勵與省思、增進知能學習所展現的韌力歷程。她們同時扮演著女兒、母親、配偶、員工和學習者等多重角色,也學習從不同的角度看事情,並保持自省,克服各種挑戰以應付角色與生涯改變的衝擊。 透過對四位研究參與者的訪談與分析,統整研究結果如下: 一、 個體獨特的生命故事:從研究參與者各自的生命故事敘說中,可歸納出不同的生涯主題,藉由各自不同的生活體驗與經歷,透過職能進修的學習歷程,生涯轉換的諮詢服務,為往後的再就業之路,奠定了重要的基礎。 二、 韌力之內涵:包括內在資源、外在資源。韌力需在刺激與條件下,始能產生交互影響而作用,而運用專業能力、堅定的信心、獨立性、積極熱忱、目標清楚、正向樂觀、獲得成就感、克服挑戰、轉念、問題解決能力,家人支持、持續學習為中高齡女性生涯轉換歷程中,經常面對的刺激與條件。 三、生涯轉換: 1. 生涯轉換的支持:經歷生命重要事件帶來的內在衝擊與掙扎,是個人必須面對的心理歷程,透過周遭親友及重要他人的支持,將為個人注入新的動能。 2. 生涯轉換的挑戰:不確定性帶來的猶豫、公司新文化的衝擊、工作型態的改變、家人或朋友的支持與否、面對身心的挑戰。 3. 生涯轉換的收獲: 自我成長與探索、專業知能之培訓、助人工作的投入。 四、生涯轉換歷程之未來願景與因應方式:以正向思維面對困境;尋求人際網絡的支持;運用專長或工作經驗;自我探索;持續自我充實與提升;時間管理;壓力調適;追求心靈的成長。 期盼以此研究結果回應研究目的與問題,依此結論提出實務工作之建議。


The purpose of this study investigates the middle-aged women with career transition experiences. The objective is to learn and demonstrate how these women pass through their career transition with great resilience. This study explores the factors that lead to their decisions about returning to education or workforce, as well as the support, challenges and achievements obtained along the way. By means of quality research and purposive sampling, semi-structured interviews were conducted with four participants who shared their life stories. Adhering to the research ethics and authentic assessment standards, the content of these interviews was transcribed into stories. Through narrative analysis method, the content of these middle-aged women’s storytelling is reinterpreted and analyzed by the models of “Holistic–Content” and “Categorical – Content”. Herewith the summary of the study findings. In the course of career transition, the middle-aged women undergo difficulties, keep encouraging themselves to develop further, and endeavor to overcome obstacles. They show considerable resilience in the journey. They are playing simultaneously multiple roles such as a daughter, a mother, a spouse, an employee and a student. They learn to view from different perspectives, constantly self-reflect, and try to overcome various challenges to deal with the impact from the change of roles and life. Based on the analysis of the interview with these four participants, the findings are summarized as below. I. Individual unique life story: Through the participants’ storytelling, different life themes are collected. Each participant’s own life experience, life development, and the career transition counselling she acquired, all set an important foundation for her to successfully returns to work later on. II. The inner of resilience: The inner of resilience includes inner resource and outside resource. The resilience only works under the mutual influence of stimulation and certain conditions. The stimulation and conditions that the middle-aged women usually face during their life transition period are associated with professional skills, insight, determination, independence, enthusiasm, vision, optimism, satisfaction, overcoming challenges, second thoughts, problem solving, support from family, and continuous learning. III. Career transition: 1. Support to career transition: Each individual has to mentally encounter the inner impact and struggle when going through some important events in his or her life. Through support from family and important friends, he or she will be filled with energy and strength. 2. Challenge of career transition: The challenges include hesitation due to uncertainty, culture impact from the new job, change of work type, family or friends’ support or not, and ageing. 3. Achievement from career transition: The achievements include self-development and self-exploration, professional development, training for volunteer service. IV. The vision and resolution of life transition: Based on the results, we conclude the following elements are key to successful career transition: confronting difficulties by positive thinking, seeking support from interpersonal network, utilizing specialty or working experience, self-exploration, continuous self-development, time management, dealing with pressure, pursuit of belief and spirit enhancement. This study is with an attempt to provide the research results to fulfill the research objectives as well as offer some practical suggestions based on the conclusion.


ㄧ、 中文部分
中華民國統計資訊網(2018)。107年全年人力資源調查統計結果摘要分析。擷取自: https://www.stat.gov.tw/public/Attachment/91229434FDX2C8E3.pdf
