  • 學位論文


Policy Learning and Diffusion of the Bookstart Programs in Taichung County.

指導教授 : 孫同文


在公共政策學科的相關研究議題當中,政策學習與政策擴散的理論逐漸受到重視。1980年代以來得行政改革風潮所強調的「企業型政府」,蘊含了熊彼德的企業家精神,意味著公部門應該引進新的思維或方式,來落實行政服務傳遞的工作。但是創新並不一定要「從零到有」,舉凡引進市場機制、私部門的管理工具,以及學習績效良好的計畫方案,並且在工作流程方面的改進,都可以是創新意涵的推展。這樣的思維同時涉及了所謂「政策學習」和「政策擴散」這兩個面向,而關鍵的研究課題在於:政策為什麼會擴散?什麼因素影響了政策擴散?政策擴散的過程中是否涉及了政策學習?台中縣為「Bookstart」計畫的發源地,各鄉鎮圖書館為配合單位,各個鄉鎮圖書館於2003年起陸續加入計劃,六年內,21個鄉鎮市全數參與推動「Bookstart」計畫,成為國內第一個自發性推動「Bookstart」計畫的縣市。2009年教育部也於全國各鄉鎮圖書館推動此計畫。 本研究主要是以政策擴散的面向切入台中縣鄉鎮圖書館推動的「閱讀起步走」(Bookstart)計畫,以鄉鎮圖書館內部資源、外部環境因素、上級機關與非營利組織為討論面向,透過深入訪談法,以立意取樣的方式選取8位台中縣當初參與計畫之圖書館館長、推動計畫之文化局承辦課員與協辦信誼各1名,共計10名受訪者。 研究結果發現,「Bookstart」計畫之所以能順利推廣成功的主要原因在於:上級與輔導機關必須適時保持的互動關係,另外主事者對於一件事情的態度,是會影響整個計畫是否能順利進行的重要關鍵。而各館之間除了自行蒐集相關資料外,亦會透過彼此學習觀摩的方式推動計畫,而對圖書館本身資源或組織方面差異,雖會影響參與Bookstart的意願,但相較上,仍有許多的解決之道,並非有 絕對的影響,其中影響最大的為主事者館長對參與「Bookstart」計畫的積極度及重視度;從組織外在環境結構而言,各館一致認為家庭經濟所得與城鄉差距為影響組織加入「Bookstart」計畫重要因素,而嬰兒出生率為現行趨勢,首長支持則是基於選舉考量。然上述內外在環境因素之影響,除先天環境之外,皆可因為主事者對事情的態度而改善上述困境。 本研究針對現行推動計畫之鄉鎮圖書館建議為:1.主事者對計劃的重視度;2. 加強推廣活動。對縣文化局之建議為:1. 理念的落實;2. 加強輔導與溝通;3. 機關配合。另外對於未來欲參與計畫之鄉鎮圖書館之建議為:1.加入計畫的簡易性;2.服務「熱誠」的重要性;3. 善用館內資源。對於教育部的建議則是:1.需要選擇「對的人」辦理;2.由各地的文化局統籌辦理,以提升各地的推廣效益;3.完善的宣傳簡報說明;4.足夠的經費與資源補助;5.完善的資訊統計系統;6.推動後續評估的理念。


In the field of policy studies, policy learning and policy diffusion are emerging as two important research topics. Since the 1980s, “entrepreneurial government” which emphasizes Schumpeter’s notion of entrepreneurship has been adopted by various administrative reforms. It implies that public sector should promote innovative ideas for service delivery. However, innovation does not necessarily have to start from ground zero, such as introducing market mechanism and managerial tools into government, benchmarking, or improvements in operation procedures are also innovations. Thus, innovation in public sector involves both policy learning and policy diffusion. The critical issues are: How can innovative policy be diffused? What are the factors influence policy diffusion? Does policy diffusion also involve policy learning? Taichung County is the first local government in Taiwan to implement the Bookstart program through its township libraries. Since 2003, Bookstart program has been gradually diffused among these township libraries. Nowadays, all the twenty-one township libraries in Taichung County have participated in the Bookstart program. Consequentially, the Ministry of Education had decided to promote the program as a national policy in 2009. Using Taichung County as a case, this thesis examines the diffusion of the Bookstart Program by emphasizing the impacts of policy learning, the internal resources and external environment of township library, and the efforts of higher level of government and Non-profit organization (Hsin-Yi Foundation) on the diffusion of the program. This study utilizes in-depth interview, the interviewees include eight township librarians, one official from the County’s Bureau of Cultural Affairs, and one member from the Hsin-Yi Foundation. This research reveals that the two main reasons for the successful diffusion of Bookstart program. The first is the interactions among township libraries, Hsin-Yi Foundation, and the Bureau of Cultural Affairs. In addition of information sharing, they also involve policy learning from each other. The second is the supportive attitudes of the stakeholders. As for the external conditions, all of the librarians agree that the financial status of recipient family, the rural-urban division, baby birthrate, and political consideration of winning votes effect the adoption of Bookstart program. For improving the effectiveness of the Bookstart program, several policy recommendations have been made for township librarians and the Bureau of Cultural Affairs respectively.




