  • 學位論文


The Interactive Model of Evaluation Stakeholders in Taiwan Higher Education: The Application and Critique of Politics of Evaluation Theory

指導教授 : 翁福元


本研究以評鑑政治學的觀點,探討台灣高等教育評鑑過程中利害關係人的互動關係。本研究主要目的有四:一、詮釋不同利害關係人在高等教育評鑑過程中的介入程度;二、瞭解利害關係人可能對高等教育評鑑結果產生的影響;三、建構高等教育評鑑利害關係人互動模式;四、針對現行高等教育評鑑機制提出具體之改善策略。 本研究首先針對研究方法論涉及的議題進行討論,並據以進行研究設計並實施。本研究所採用的研究方法有文獻分析、參與觀察、半結構訪談與專家問卷調查。研究者根據文獻分析,彙整高等教育評鑑利害關係人之角色定位與影響,進而發展理論面的整合互動模式,再透過參與觀察、半結構訪談與專家問卷調查蒐集實徵資料,將互動模式應用於實務面。 根據理論建構結果,本研究將利害關係人互動模式命名為「劇場隱喻」互動模式,其中涉及評鑑者、委託者、標的團體與非標的團體等四種利害關係人角色,其對評鑑各有不同的影響。互動模式係以評鑑者為核心,討論評鑑者與委託者、標的團體及非標的團體等不同利害關係人的互動關係。在互動過程中,評鑑者將會扮演使神漢密斯、智慧女神雅典娜,以及普羅米修斯等三種隱喻角色。而評鑑亦會隨之產生不同的評鑑取向,分別為績效、改善與教育三種評鑑取向。 為了有利於分析台灣高等教育評鑑政治場域的現象,研究者先針對台灣高等教育評鑑的發展階段與影響因素進行探討,並提出相關的議題。其次,則就台灣高等教育評鑑的鉅觀政治場域進行闡述,包括其扮演的政治角色、提供的功能與產生的影響等三個面向。接著,則說明利害關係人的介入程度、採取的作為,以及對評鑑產生的影響等微觀政治場域的樣貌。最後,則運用劇場隱喻互動模式探討評鑑者所扮演的三種隱喻角色。 根據研究結果的討論,本研究以評鑑機制、利害關係人與模式建構等三個面向,描繪台灣高等教育評鑑政治場域的現象,做為本研究之結論。此外,再分別針對評鑑委託者、評鑑委員的角色,以及後續研究等提出建議。


This study aims to explore the interaction of evaluation stakeholders in Taiwan higher education, according to the discussion of politics of evaluation. The main objectives of this study are shown as follows: firstly, to interpret the intervention of different stakeholders; secondly, to understand the impact made by stakeholders; thirdly, to construct interactive model of evaluation stakeholders in Taiwan higher education; fourthly, to present the recommendations to current evaluation in Taiwan higher education. This study discussed the issues of methodology in order to organize and apply methods. The main methods applied in this study were literature analysis, participant observation, semi-structured interview, and expert questionnaire investigation. Literature analysis was mainly applied to explore the stakeholders’ role and impact factors, in order to develop theoretical interactive model. Besides, participant observation, semi-structured interview, and expert questionnaire investigation were applied to collect empirical data to implement the interactive model. According to result of theoretical construct, this study developed a theoretical comprehensive interactive model, named “Theatre Metaphor Model”. There were four rules of stakeholders in the model: evaluator, client, target group, and non-target group, which made different impacts to evaluation in higher education. The evaluator played the core rule in theatre metaphor model, and the other stakeholders made different impacts by interacting with the evaluator. In the model, evaluator played three metaphor roles: Hermes, Athena, and Prometheus, which developed three orientations: accountability, improve, and education. Firstly, in order to explore the politic phenomenon of evaluation in Taiwan higher education, researcher discussed the development and impact factors of evaluation in Taiwan higher education, and addressed issues. Secondly, researcher explored the role, function and impact of macro-politics of evaluation. And then, researcher analyzed the intervention, behavior and impact of different stakeholders in micro-politics of evaluation. Finally, researcher applied the theatre metaphor model to discuss the three metaphor roles evaluator playing. The result of this study described the system, stakeholders and model of politic field of evaluation in Taiwan higher education. Besides, researcher presented recommendations to client, evaluator, and further studies.


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