  • 學位論文


Study of Co-development in Community Industry and Ecological Conservation— Case of Yi Shin Community

指導教授 : 黃源協


摘要 社區營造工作不外乎是發展社區產業,帶動社區觀光發展,而全世界最大的產業之一就是觀光休閒產業。行政院文化建設委員已升格改制為文化部,於民國83年提出「社區總體營造」計畫,目的就是期待藉由社區居民積極參與地方公共事務,凝聚地方共識,也讓社區居民全面性、整體性的參與規劃社區經營創造。社區可以結合產業透過生態保育的成效來發展生態旅遊,這種結合生態保育、商業經營與社區發展的「以社區產業和生態保育為基礎的生態旅遊」不僅可以讓社區永續發展,也能為當地居民帶來意想不到的經濟商機。本研究即依循此觀點,針對南投縣埔里鎮一新社區,運用現有在地生態資源、產業特色透過生態保育的成效創造社區觀光發展,進行探討與研究。 本研究希望探討一新社區之環境、生態、社會化及經濟面向可能的影響,範疇包含(一)探討一新社區產業與生態保育共生的狀況(包含背景脈絡現況分析);(二)分析一新社區產業與生態保育共同發展,根據優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅評估,並梳理出環境脈絡成為環境教育場域之可行性;(三)依據研究發現提出有益於一新社區產業與生態保育共同發展的策略,包含: 一、 持續推動優質無毒健康農產品,輔導社區農民通過『綠保田』認證,友善土地並提升其農作經濟價值。 二、 運用社區地形優勢,創造里山環境,取得環境教育場域認證,導入社區回饋機制,邁向永續社區。 三、 發展社區生態旅遊行程,先由串點到線做起,輔導青農邁向休閒農業,逐步擴大生態旅遊經濟規模,並使產業與保育和諧並進。


Abstract Community building work is nothing more than the development of community industries and promoting community tourism development. Tourism and leisure industry is one of the world largest industries. The Council for Cultural Affairs of Taiwan, upgraded to the Ministry of Culture, mentioned the concepts of “community reconstruction” in 1994. The purpose is to look forward to the active participation of local residents in local public affairs, gathering local consensus, so that community residents involved in planning community management creation comprehensively and holistically. This case study was based on Natun County, Puli Town, Yi Shin community, exploring and researching the use of existing ecology cultural resources and industry characteristics to create ecological conservation in community tourism development. This study hopes to explore the possible impacts of the environment, ecology, socialization and economic orientation of a new community. The scope includes (1) exploring the status of a new community industry and ecological conservation symbiosis (including background context analysis). (2) Analyze the common development of a new community industry and ecological conservation, and evaluate and comb the environmental context into the environmental education field based on advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats. (3) Based on the research findings, propose strategies that are beneficial to the common development of a new community industry and ecological conservation. These strategies include: 1. Keep on promoting good and non-poison agricultural products, and helping farmers to pass green farmer identification. Be friendly to the earth and upgrade economic value of their products. 2. Using the niche of each community to create a Satoyama landscape. Also, help to create the uniqueness of the environment and feedback for the community. Therefore, to create eternal energy for the community. 3. Develop community tourism and ecotourism such as ecological observation of white fish. Help young farmers to develop leisure industry, and at the same time, maintain the ecological circumstances as well.


一、 中文部分
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