  • 學位論文


A study of the elementary school teachers in Taipei County proceed with community resources for the school-based curriculum.

指導教授 : 柯正峯


摘 要 本研究目的在探究台北縣國小教師在運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學之認知、現況及困難。並根據研究結果,提出結論與建議提供教育行政機關推展「學校本位課程」、學校課程發展委員會擬定學校本位課程教學活動及教師進行學校本位課程教學之參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象以台北縣15,073位國小教師為母群體,以分層隨機抽樣方式,取得有效樣本615份。利用次數分配、百分比、平均數、卡方檢定、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 歸納本研究之研究結果,主要有以下幾項結論與發現: 一、台北縣國小教師對運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學的認知,大多持以正面及肯定的想法。 二、台北縣國小教師會因性別不同、教育程度不同而對運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學的認知上有顯著差異。 三、台北縣國小教師運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學的現況顯示教師運用的頻率有增加的趨勢,但認知和執行情形有落差。 四、實施九年一貫課程後,台北縣國小教師運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學大多在「正式的上課時間」,且仍以「社會領域」居多。 五、台北縣國小教師運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學時,在各類資源的運用中,「人力資源」以「家長」為最常運用者;「事的資源」中,最常運用的是當地歷史事蹟、傳說;「地的資源」中,最常運用的是古蹟,而「物的資源」中,則以農、漁、牧、礦、工等特產為最常運用者。 六、台北縣國小教師運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學時,在運用的教學途徑中,最常以「協請家長參與教學活動」將社區資源帶進學校,而將教室延伸到社區的方式中,則以「利用社區環境進行教學」為最普遍。 七、台北縣國小教師運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學時,在運用的教學程序中,最常以「和同事交換意見」來獲取社區資源訊息,教學前的規畫準備工作以「編製學習單」最普遍,而教學活動設計方式則採以「融入各領域教學式的活動設計」最多,教學時則以「講述法」進行教學工作,並「自行擔任教學者」;學生的學習活動則採「觀察、體驗」方式進行,且以「學習單」作為評量方式者為最多。 八、台北縣國小教師運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學時所遭遇的最大困難和過去的研究並無太大差異,顯示實施九年一貫課程教學後,教師的困難仍未獲得解決。 九、台北縣國小教師對運用社區資源進行學校本位課程教學時所遭遇的困難中,依序為「教師」、「學校」、「社區」、「家長」、「學生」。 依據上述的研究結論,提出以下的建議: 一、對於教育行政機關的建議: 1.降低班級學生人數。 2.不定期訪視各校實施情形,獎勵辦理成效優良學校。 3.適時提供經費補助。 4.規定每學年教師應至少完成固定時數之社區資源研習。 5.教學成果編輯成冊。 二、對於學校的建議: 1.增加課程發展委員會社區代表名額。 2.利用組織再造引入社區資源教師。 3.行政教師應協助教師辦理相關活動申請事宜。 4.定期召開鄉鎮市內學校運用社區資源發展學校本位課程會議。 5.邀請鄉鎮市內教師及社區人士共同編訂融入社區資源的學校本位課程教學活動設計手冊並燒製光碟資料。 6.建立社區人力資源名冊。 7.辦理鄉土踏查活動及相關研習。 三、對於教師的建議: 1.建立班級人力資料庫。 2.主動參與課程設計研習課程。 3.利用學年會議或教師聚會進行對話。 4.與有經驗教師進行協同教學。 四、對於社區的建議: 1.開放社區環境。 2.編印社區資源手冊。 3.主動走入校園辦理活動。 4.地方節慶日邀請教師共同參與。 5.成立社區與學校聯絡的管道。 五、對於後續研究的建議: 1.在研究方法上:可採質性或行動研究,以深入了解教師在運用社區資源進行學校本位課程時的完整歷程。 2.在研究對象方面:可將家長及社區人士同時納入研究對象,以全面性了解教育部所推動運用社區資源進行學校本位課程在各縣市實際的教學情形及各方人士所抱持的想法。 關鍵字:社區資源、學校本位課程


Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the recognition, current situation and difficulties of the elementary teachers in Taipei County making use of the community resources for the school-based curriculum (SBC). And according to the result of the study, offer references to the relevant educational unit、the Curriculum Development Commitment and the teachers to promote the school-based curriculum. This study adopts questionnaire investigation and the interviewees of the study are the 15,073 teachers in Taipei County as mothers’ colony, by way of dividing floor and gathering together and sampling, obtain 615 effective samples. Using the number of frequency distribution, the percentage, the mean, the chi-square distribution, the t-test, one-way ANOVA carries on the material analysis. The description of findings is as followings: 1. Most of the elementary teachers are agree to make use of the community resources for the school-based curriculum teaching. 2. The recognition of the elementary teachers in Taipei County towards to the school-based curriculum teaching differs due to the users’ sex and education. 3. The frequency of the elementary teachers making use of the community resources for the school-based curriculum teaching has increased, but there are differences between recognition and the action. 4. After Nine-year Compulsory Education, most of the elementary teachers in Taipei County apply community resources for the school-based curriculum teaching on the official class time and especially for social study. 5. Among the community resources, parents are the most usual way of applying “the human resources”. In applying the history and legends for “the affairs resources” is the most popular, and “the place resources” is in applying the historic spot, and “the materials resources” is in the products of the farming, fishing, husbandry, mining and industry. 6. The application of “bringing the community resources to the school” is convenient to look for assistants from students’ parents when teacher’s teaching. The application of “expanding the classroom to the community” is using the community environment for teaching. 7. The most usual way to get the messages of community resources is talking with the working partners. Making learning sheets is the popular way before teaching. To blend into every subject is the mainly teaching plans. Teachers teach by talking to the students alone. Students learn by observation and undergoing the experience, and test by the learning sheets. 8. The difficulties of the elementary teachers apply for the community resources of the school-based curriculum are not different from before. It means that the difficulties are not resolved effectively. 9. The first five difficult factors when the elementary teachers apply for the community resources of the school-based curriculum are “teachers”, ”schools”, “community”, “parents” and “students”. The suggestions are highlighted as followings: Firstly, suggestions to the education administration organization: 1. Reduce the student’s numbers of a class in elementary school. 2. To visit schools aperiodicity, award to the schools succeed in running a school. 3. The budget supporting timely. 4. Teachers have to study for community resources every academic year. 5. To compile the teaching achievement. Secondly, suggestions to the schools: 1. To add the members of the Curriculum Development Commitment. 2. To lead into the teachers of community resources by organization reengineering. 3. The administrative teachers have to help the class teachers apply for the relative activities. 4. To convene the meeting of the school-based curriculum periodicity. 5. To invite the teachers and the habits in the community to compile the manual of the school-based curriculum. And copy the disk data. 6. To make the list of community human resources. 7. To conduct the homeland activity and study of community resources. Thirdly, suggestions to the teachers: 1. To establish the human data bank of class. 2. To participate in the course of the activity plan. 3. Talking with the leagues by the meeting and gathering. 4. Teaching with the teachers who have the experiences of applying the community resources. Fourth, suggestions to the community: 1. Open the community environment. 2. To compile the manual of the community resources. 3. To conduct the activity in the school. 4. Inviting the teachers to participate in the local festival celebrations. 5. To build the connections between school and community. Finally, suggestions for the studies in the future: 1. Further studies can be focused on the qualitative research and the action research. In order to understand the career of teaching. 2. The parents and habits in the community can be the interviewers of the further research. Key words: community resources, the school-based curriculum.




