  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林磐聳 王行恭


圖畫書是兒童讀物中之一,隨著社會經驗的發展、教育受到重視、出版印刷事業的發達,帶動近年來國內兒童圖畫書發展,其中科學類題材在質與量上漸漸有可觀的數量成長。本研究先探討國內外對於科學類圖畫書的定義、教育目的和評鑑的原則為何,並以國家圖書館中親子資料室書籍進行統計整理,用圖畫書方式呈現的書籍在科學類兒童讀物中比例為何,並以設計原理的觀點分析科學類圖畫書在編排設計上文字與圖像上的運用。研究結果得知,科學類圖畫書內容上大都偏重於知識的傳達,物種的介紹,解答科學的疑問,年齡大都設定給初學者與學齡孩童閱讀,在編排設計上,應以兒童和閱讀者為出發點,兼顧年齡、視覺動線、編排設計的原則,圖像為了達到正確傳達資訊的目的而有許多不同呈現方式,文字與圖像在圖畫書的呈現上,需故事構思與視覺表現融合為一,適當的編排更能將文字和圖畫精巧的結合,也讓整本書更具完整性。 在個人創作部份,用圖畫書的表現方式呈現,創作目的是以關懷自然環境、尊重生命為主軸,生態物種的認識為輔,並以臺灣中低海拔特有動植物做為畫面中的主角,故事的整體架構建立在「生命的循環」上,以植物做為一個生命循環的象徵,襯以四季的循環,表達出生命中生老病死的豐富性。用圖文合一敘述故事,將自然科學和藝術結合,用另一種表現方式來傳遞自然知識,希望閱讀?從故事中有所感動與感知,也認識了此環境的物種,並且由心底產生對這些物種的愛,達到生命教育的目的。


With the development of social experiences, people’s attention of education, and the prosperity of publication, picture books have been thriving and are one of the reading materials for children. Among them, the quality and quantity of science topics have greatly grown. This research initially discussed the definition of scientific picture books, the goal of education, and principles of evaluation, combined with compiled statistics gathered form Juvenile Room in National Taiwan Library. I analyzed the application of arrangement for characters and images in scientific picture books with design principles. According to research results, scientific picture books were greatly used to communicate knowledge, introduce species, and solve scientific questions. Most of them are designed to be read by the beginners or school kids. They should be created to meet the requirements of the beginners or school kids and to simultaneously concern ages, vision, and design principles. In order to correctly circulate information, images are shown in many different ways. In addition, characters and images should be shown with structure of the story and exhibition of our vision. Proper arrangement could have firm connection between the character and the image, making the picture book more complete. As to my self-designed picture book, it is mainly used to care for natural environment and respect lives as well as to study ecology in Taiwan, which is especially focused on special species in low or middle altitude. The main structure of the story lies on the circle of lives under the changes of four seasons, symbolizing complex situations of birth, aging, sickness and death in our life. Using pictures and words to connect natural science with art is another way to communicate natural knowledge. I hope that readers could emotionally and knowledgeably learn these special species and develop deep affection for them, reaching the goal of spreading life education.




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