  • 學位論文


Evidence of caring reception and caring dimensions of knowing, feeling, and action among the Taipei middle school students and its associated moral implications

指導教授 : 溫明麗


本研究以Carol Gilligan及Nel Noddings訴求之關懷倫理學為基礎,形成整體關懷概念架構,並以台北市國高中學生為對象,採取問卷調查法對其關懷現況進行探析,並釐清學生個人背景變項於其間的差異或關聯情形。「關懷」於研究中分作兩大概念探討,其一為學生被動接收之「關懷感受度」,包含家庭、同儕與教師關懷,另外則是學生關懷的主動付出,由知(認知思維) 、覺(情意感受)、行(實踐行動)三大關懷向度構成。研究結論主要歸結如下: 一、 穩固關懷意願並落實關懷行動,仰賴關懷思維體認與情意浸濡的並存 二、 學生關懷付出積極程度與關係對象的親疏遠近,未必呈現全然正比對應 三、 關懷情感最初易由近端關係生成,然德育終極目標係使情意能普及所有 關係對象 四、 僅憑情意親密訴求關懷,恐削弱關懷意識並有礙合宜互動品質;僅憑理 性規範訴求關懷,恐使關係流於工具性對應 五、 實踐關懷歷程中伴隨的情意回饋,使個人愈能由情感面向肯定關懷 六、 現有關懷知性價值的提倡,尚不足啟動學生關懷的實際行動 七、 青少年視關懷具備互惠性特質,關懷感受匱乏恐導致負向循環作用 八、 性別並非影響關懷的唯一要素,社經地位與學業成績中的落差尚潛藏窒 礙關懷實踐的不利因素 九、 成功促發學生實踐關懷的關鍵,在於營造校園整體關懷文化並賦予個人 自我實現的正向協助 尚以上述研究結論為基礎,省思其中德育義蘊,並針對學校、教師、家庭及研究人員分別提出參考建議。


關懷倫理 關懷 道德教育 Noddings Gilligan


The purpose of this research is to explore the existing situation of ‘care’ among public middle students in Taipei with questionnaires, and then to analyze the differences or correlations between their personal backgrounds. Through literature reviews, the concept caring structure was mainly based on ‘ethics of care’ as proposed by Carol Gilligan and Nel Noddings. The concept of caring is divided into passive ‘caring reception’ from family members, classmates and teachers, and active ‘caring response’ which contains three dimensions, knowing, feeling and action. As a result, we have made the following conclusions:  1. To Stabilize the caring will and implement it to    actions depended on both knowing and feeling       dimensions of caring.  2. Students’ devotion to care in the actual situation    did not entirely reflect on the   degrees of relationship.  3. Development of affectionate attitude to others is      first noted in those close to us; however, the    ultimate goal of moral education is to enable our       students to treat all subjects with emotions.  4. Trying to convey the sense of caring by intimate    relationships alone may weaken the concept of caring     itself and interfere with the quality of interaction.  However, doing so with rationality alone will render    the concept of caring to instrumental responses.  5. The emotional feedback brought by the progress of    caring practice made individuals value more highly of    feelings among care. 6. The existing promotion of care about recognition aspect did not succeed in making students start to take caring actions. 7. Teenagers regard the care as a reciprocal relationship; when they feels others no longer care for them, a negative feedback may have occurred. 8. Students’ gender was not the only element affecting their caring behavior, since more harmful factors lurked in the gap between socio-economic status and academic achievement. 9. The key to facilitate caring practice lay in shaping school culture of care and help individuals reach to their self-realization. Finally, the suggestions based on the conclusions above are made to provide references for the school administrators, teachers, family members, and future researchers to improve the ethics of care and moral education.


ethics of care caring moral education Noddings Gilligan


李琪明 (2004a)。品德本位校園文化之營造:美國推動經驗與啟示。台灣教


