  • 學位論文


Representating Xian:the Spatial Dialectics on the Strategy and the Practice of Urban Development.

指導教授 : 潘朝陽


若對當代中國都市與經濟的發展進行基本觀察,大多會同意中國在都市化過程中,常以發展型國家的意識形態干預市場經濟,導致文化資產受到忽視與破壞。這種情況究竟是一種刻板印象,還是當代中國都市所共同面臨到的真實問題?本文以當代都市理論對古都西安作個案的分析與探討。西安悠久的歷史文化傳統,不僅僅是西安人的驕傲,政府當局更是以這樣的歷史深度作為重要的都市特色,將西安塑造成為世界歷史文化名城,是政府當局一直以來希望能夠達成的理想與目標。從都市實體建築來看,延續自隋唐,而改建於明代的城牆一直是西安的象徵。在舊城區中,也不乏歷史文化街區與仿古建築等文化象徵。這些歷史建築所構築出的現代都市地景,在當代西安都市的發展策略上,應該透過什麼樣的角度來詮釋呢?這是本研究的問題意識起點。 自中華人民共和國建國以來,儘管每一次的城市發展總體規劃都將古城保護作為一項重要的內容,但環顧西安都市空間現狀,古城仍然遭到極大地破壞。本文試圖理解傳統的歷史文化,在西安的都市空間發展策略中,究竟扮演著什麼樣的角色?意即政府規劃單位,要如何使西安達到其宣稱的世界文化歷史名城的理想目標?並分析相關城市規畫的背景與實行狀況。 再現(representation)的概念是本文作為新都市文化地理學中空間分析的背景理論(background theory)。主要焦點放在探討西安都市空間營造過程中,空間的表徵(如城市規劃)與空間實踐(具體空間建設)之間的落差,並以再現的觀點理解與批判都市文化所展現出來的多元性。 儘管空間宰制者不斷宣稱歷史文化的重要性,但在具體的空間實踐上是一些飽受批判的”仿古”建築群與街道,這樣的空間實踐是構築在擬象(simulation)的基礎上,加上菁英政治的想像與國族主義意識形態的展現。同時,空間規劃者的理念在實踐時也受到多重干預,包含各種規劃年限、範圍的重疊與混淆;中國經濟發展與中產階級的崛起;受到市場與開發商的吸引等等,導致在西安的都市營造過程中,促進經濟發展還是首要的目標。面對上而下的都市治理模式,一般而言居民無力正面抵抗,但從居民的日常生活實踐中,卻可以看到另外一種抵抗形式的可能性,居民透過對於空間作不同的使用方式(way of use)來挪用既定的空間歷史想像。也就是對於空間的規訓,即使以不正面衝突的方式進行”抵抗”(resistance),也可能生產出不同的空間性意涵。 Ardono提出文化產業的概念,認為消費文化只不過是資本家,以更精緻的方式包裝他們對消費者的剝削。歷史文化的保護,也只是地方政府在追求經濟發展之下的表面包裝,對於將西安恢復為歷史文化名城的願景,若停留在論述與受到爭議的空間實踐上,不但無法再現(representation)歷史文化的豐富內涵,更不可能形成都市具體的風格與特色。因此導致都市光韻(aura)逐漸流失,經濟主導空間發展的惡性循環,將不斷在都市空間營造的過程中上演。這種現象在當代中國的都市空間營造上,已經成為共同面臨的問題。 透過歷史脈絡的分析與當代理論的對話,要回應當代都市空間發展中經濟與文化所面臨到的矛盾,必須回歸到都市空間所表徵的地方性意義上來探討。地方性的意義,是構築在歷史文化脈絡與居民日常生活的實踐上。因此,必須挖掘出都市空間的光韻(aura),彰顯出都市空間的區域特色,不僅可以透過這樣的觀點回應空間中文化經濟的矛盾,也是建構永續都市的另一種思考面向。


Those who make an observation of the economic and urban development in China will agree that the strategy of urbanization was usually dominated by the developmentalism, which resulted in the destruction of many cultural heritages. Is this a bias or a basic issue that should be dissolved in modern China? This essay tends to take the city Xian for example. The venerability and the tradition in Xian was not only the proud of the people here but the goal which the authority concermed wants to achieve to construct a famous historical city in the world. There were many historical constructions in the city, such as the city wall which was built since Ming dynasty, and some antiqued streets and buildings as well. But how to interpret such landscapes under the urban strategy will be the main issue which this essay tends to discuss. Since 1949, it was an important target to preserve the ancient city under the urban planning, but many heritages were detroyed inevitably. So it is important to comprehend the role of the historical tradition in the urban strategy nowadays and to realize how the authority concerned achieve the goal to shape the city into a worldwide historical city. The present work is to analyze the background and the practice of the urban planning in Xian. The keyword and the perspectives of this essay is “representation”, which would be the background theory of the critical analysis in Urban Culture Geography. It is important to realize the gap between “representation of space”(such as urban planning) and “spatial practice”(such as the constructions and creations of the space), and to interpret the diversity of the modern city with the viewpoint of the “representational space”. Although the authority concerned declare the importance of history and tradition. In fact, the copy of the antiqued buildings and the historical streets as the spatial practice was criticized. Such spatial practice was constructed as the “simulacra” and the imaginary of the elite and the nationalism. In the meanwhile, the idea of the urban planner would be intervened by some aspects, such as the confusion of the boundary and time limit of the planning, the sharply rise of the bourgeoisie under the economic development in China, and the attraction of the capital and the market, etc. The increase of the economic still plays the key role in the strategy of the urban development. The people “used” the history and the culture in a different way by the practice of everyday life. They “resisted” the discipline of the space, but did not conflict directly, which produced the different meanings in spatiality. Ardono brought up an idea of the cultural industry, which viewed the cultural consumption as the more detail way to exploit the consumers by the capitalists. The preservation of the historical traditions was only the appearance of the economic development by the authority concerned. The prospect to rebuild the Xian city could not merely make efforts in such “copied” historical space, which was neither the representation of the history, nor the formation of the particularity of the city. The “aura” of the city might disappear and the domination the urban space would be the economic development continuously. This is the common issue on the construction of the city in China nowadays. By the dialogue between the analysis of the historical context and the contemporary urban theory, it is important to discuss the representation of the locality in urban space in order to response the contradiction of the urban development between the economy and the cultural history. The significance of the placeness was set up under the historical context and the practice of the everyday life. In order to manifest the regional particularity of the urban space, it is necessary to explore the “aura” of the urban space, which helped response the contradiction between the culture and the history and offered another perspectives of the sustainable city.


萬毓澤(2007),從日常戰術到“新革命主體”:論de Certeau、Holloway與Negri筆下的權力與抵抗,政治與社會哲學評論,第20期,頁57~131。
