  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 游進年


本研究旨在以教師專業發展評鑑為例,探討宜蘭縣國民中小學教師對教師變革之關注問題,其主要目的有五:(一)瞭解宜蘭縣國民中小學教師對教師專業發展評鑑變革關注的現況;(二)探討影響宜蘭縣國民中小學教師對教師專業發展評鑑變革關注的個人因素;(三)分析影響宜蘭縣國民中小學教師對教師專業發展評鑑變革關注的學校情境因素;(四)探究影響宜蘭縣國民中小學參加教育部試辦之學校教師對教師專業發展評鑑變革關注的因素;(五)根據研究結果做成建議,以作為主管教育行政機關、學校行政單位,在推動教師專業發展評鑑等變革政策之參考。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究採調查法進行資料之蒐集,以立意抽樣方式,進行抽取宜蘭縣參加教育部試辦學校教師及未參與的教師為問卷調查對象,藉以了解目前學校教師對試辦教師專業發展評鑑的認知與關注程度,並以描述統計t-test與one-way ANOVA進行資料分析與處理。 研究結論如下: 一、宜蘭縣國民中小學教師對教師專業發展評鑑變革關注程度已達中上水準。 二、宜蘭縣國民中小學教師對教師專業發展評鑑變革的關注,以「個人關注」及「合作關注」兩個階段較高。 三、隨著試辦時間增加,對教師專業發展評鑑關注的面向,也提高到「結果關注」及「再調整關注」階段,顯示變革政策的推動是需要時間的。 四、教師專業發展評鑑變革的關注會因性別、現任職務、參加評鑑、不同任教學校階段、學校規模及學校參加試辦與否而有顯著差異。 五、試辦時間建議不宜過短,教師關注層面才會提昇。 六、進行變革的過程建議時時關照教師的需求,注重教師個人的權益。 七、不同試辦時期,關注重點不同,建議施以不同策略,變革較易成功。 八、建議學校不要強加壓力去參與試辦,要多用鼓勵方式,讓教師自願參加。 本研究根據上述研究結論,對教育當局、學校、教師提出若干具體建議,以供參考。


This study examines teacher sentiment toward the proposed teacher evaluation reform in the Yilan County public elementary and middle schools. The main objectives of the study are: 1)To understand the current state of teachers’ appraisal of Yilan County elementary and middle schools’ motion to institute evaluations of teacher knowledge and capability. 2)To explore the personal factors that influence teachers’ appraisal of the motion to institute teacher evaluations. 3)To analyze the factors within school environments that influence teachers’ appraisal of the motion to institute teacher evaluations. 4)To investigate the factors that influenced the teachers who participated in the Ministry of Education’s experimental Yilan County teacher evaluations. 5)To provide the elementary and middle school administrations with practical advice for promoting teacher evaluations, based on the study’s findings. A questionnaire titled “Survey of Teachers’ Appraisal of the Reform” was distributed to collect the pertinent data for the study. Both teachers who joined the evaluation project and teachers who did not were selected by stratified random sampling as subjects to answer the questionnaire. T-test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the raw data, in addition to descriptive statistics. Based on empirical data findings, several conclusions can be offered: 1)Teachers, on average, are strongly supportive of the initiative to institute teacher evaluations. 2)Among teachers’ concerns regarding the evaluations, personal and collaboration concern were most prominent. 3)As regards the process of implementing the evaluations, the teachers’ responses on the questionnaire reveal their concerns to be heightened to the level of consequence concern and refocusing concern. This indicates that instituting the reform policy requires more time. 4)The concerns expressed within the teachers’ assessments of the reform vary significantly in terms of demographic variables such as gender, current positions, whether they joined the experiments, which grades they teach (1st-6th or 7th-9th), the size of the school, and whether or not the schools joined the experiment. 5)If the probationary time is extended, teacher concern for the success of the implementation will be increased. 6)During the probationary period, the teachers’ needs should be carefully considered with an emphasis on how they may benefit from the evaluations. 7)During different probationary stages, the primary concerns will differ. Therefore different strategies for different probationary stages should be adopted in order to aid the success of the reform. 8)Schools and teachers should be encouraged to voluntarily join the experiment, rather than be forced into compliance. The conclusions from the study can provide the schools and teachers with concrete suggestions for their referral.




