  • 學位論文


Six junior high school female principals’ mental operations in problem solving:A poststructural feminism analysis view

指導教授 : 潘慧玲博士


隨著教育行政領導研究典範的轉移,認知取向的課題近年受到許多研究者的關注,而當教育現場有越來越多女性得以躋身領導一職之時,實徵研究如何反映女性教育領導者的觀點,而不落入傳統性別本質論的窠臼,則是研究者致力的焦點。環顧國內當前的教育行政領導研究,以認知取向切入的實徵研究相當有限;此外,在領導性別研究部份,雖然實徵研究已逐漸納入女性的聲音,但我們仍需要加入其他的觀點以瞭解女性教育領導者的實際。是以,本研究採取質性的個案研究取徑,透過訪談法及放聲思考法蒐集資料,探究臺北縣市六位國中女校長的問題解決實務,並以後結構女性主義作為分析觀點,試圖從後結構女性主義關切的主體性、位置性、語言與論述、權力、知識與差異,呈現不同女校長問題解決心智運作的樣貌。 綜合研究結果發現,本研究之結論如下: 壹、女校長面對問題時,常傾向透過個人詮釋理解問題,並以價值、原則引導解答程序之進行。 貳、女校長面對問題時較少提出解決目標,傾向在了解問題後提出各種策略因應,其解答歷程具動態性且有彈性。 參、女校長在面對問題情境時,均會知覺她們在解決問題可能出現的限制,並展現她們正向與負向的情感。 肆、女校長在問題解決思考內涵與解決策略的見解略有異同,但最常以溝通作為問題解決的核心策略。 伍、資深與初任女校長的問題解決實況有明顯差異,不過仍有例外的情形。 陸、女校長的問題解決心智運作受其主體位置脈絡影響,呈現多元的樣貌。 柒、女校長的問題解決歷程充滿語言與論述、權力與知識的運作。 捌、後結構女性主義的分析觀點能解構教育行政領域傳統男女校領導研究之論述。 基於本研究的發現與結論,文末針對校長、學校行政、校長培訓以及未來研究的提出建議。


As paradigm shifts in educational administration, researchers who are influenced by this pradigm shift begin to pay attention to cognitive perspective on educational leadership. While the number of female educational leader increases, many researchers who have been devoted themselves to representing the viewpoints of female educational leaders make efforts to avoid gender essentialism myths in their researches. However, in Taiwan, there are only few empirical studies which focus on educational leaders’ cognitive operations. Even though the increasing number of female educational leaders made researchers add female’s voice to their studies, we should take different pespectives to explore the praxis of female educational leaders’ experience. Therefore, six junior high school female principals from Taipei City and Taipei County were recruited to attend this study for investigating their mental operation of problem solving praxis. This study adopted qualitative case study as the research approach, and employed interview and think-aloud methods to collect data. In addition, poststructural feminism which emphasizes subjectivity, positionality, language, discourse, power, knowledge, and difference were used as the perspective to analyze different female principles’ problem solving experiences. The conclusions in this study were as follows: 1. Female principals inclined to understand problems through their personal interpretations. Their own values and principles may guide their problem solving processes. 2. When confronting problems, female principals tend to find out different solutions rather than set goals after they understand the problems. The problem solving process is dynamic and flexible. 3. In problem solving process, all female principals perceive possible constraints and show their positive and negative moods when encountering problem situations. 4. Although six female principals have different problem solving strategies, communication is seen to be one of the core tactics. 5. There are profound differences between expert and novice female principals’ problem solving praxis, however, with some exceptions. 6. Female principals’ mental operations which show varieties in problem solving praxis are influenced by their subjectivity and positionality. 7. Female principal’s problem solving processes are filled with language and discourse, power and knowledge. 8. The discourse of typical gender studies in educational administration could be deconstructed by poststructural feminism. In the end of this thesis, several suggestions were provided for principals, school administration, principal preparation and future studies.




