  • 學位論文

書籍裝幀與編排設計之研究 —以設計類企劃採訪報導書籍為例

A Study of Binding and Layout Design —For Cases of Books with Interview Articles in the Category of Design

指導教授 : 梁桂嘉


一本好的書籍除了內容豐富之外,書籍的設計更要讓讀者在閱讀時視覺更加便利、流暢且值得收藏。簡言之,書籍設計除了完成作者傳達資訊之目的外,必須以讀者角度設想,來符合讀者喜好與滿足讀者需求。因此,本研究採用文獻分析法探討書籍與書籍設計之相關理論,並藉由實際個案,分析與評論市場販售之書籍優劣,將分析結果實際應用於書籍設計創作上。最後本研究歸納出三項結論: 1.藉由文獻探討,了解書籍不再只是提供資訊、情報而已,它必須要有獨特的樣貌來吸引消費者購買,並將書籍轉化成附有藝術文化價值的商品,也因此有了「書籍設計」一詞的誕生。「書籍設計」主要是經過「外部裝幀設計」與「內部編排設計」兩者相互整合並附予書籍更高價值的一項工藝。 2.以「設計類企劃採訪報導書籍」作樣本蒐集,結果得知此類型書籍設計1之創意與概念沒有一定的準則,但「外部裝幀設計」與「內部編排設計」內所有的要素皆是彼此相互有關連性的一個串連著一個,每一項元素的安排與設計都會影響到製作成本以及書籍整體給讀者的感受。 3.經由書籍設計創作,發現書籍設計是一經驗之培養與累積,如對紙材的敏感度、印刷流程的熟悉、活用印後加工之多元性、了解裝訂技術的發展、視覺美感的養成等,靈活運用這些要素於書籍設計上,也能創作出一本極富藝術性與文化價值的書籍。


The key elements to compose a good book are not only its abundant context, but also the overall design of the book which allows readers to read with ease as well as smoothness, and to treasure it in collection. In a word, the book design should be able to reach the goal of author delivering information, and satisfy readers’ needs and preferences from their point of view. Therefore, this research uses analytic approach of documents to review books and the theories related to book design. Moreover, by presenting real cases, the research aims to investigate the design of books on market and apply the results to the design of a book. The research is concluded in three points: 1.From the analytic approach of documents, it becomes definite that books no longer attract people by merely information. Books ought to possess unique design and even to the degree that transfers themselves to the merchandises with artistic values. Thus, the word “Book Design” is created. Bringing higher values to books, “Book Design” is a craft with the integration of “Binding Design” and “Layout Design.” 2.Reviewing the collected cases based on books with interview articles in the category of design, we realize there are no standard principles regarding books design in such category. However, all the elements of “Binding Design” and “Layout Design” are always connected one after another; any arrangement of them influences the production cost as well as the perception of readers. 3.Book Design can be refined by experiences. One can polish his skills in Book Design by the understanding of paper materials, printing process, binding methods, after-print processing, visual art and so on. A book with great artistic and cultural values can be made when the techniques described above are applied intelligently.


Book Design Binding Design Layout Design


林瑞霖,2006,《誠品報告2005,藝術新秀的生存之道》, 台北:誠品股份有限公司。
中文書籍 (依年份排序)


