  • 學位論文


A Study of the Participation Attitude and Recreation Perception of the Voluntary Workers -an Example by GFC Culture & Education Foundation

指導教授 : 李晶


本研究之目的為瞭解崇友文教基金會志工現況、參與態度及休閒認知,探討不同背景之志工對參與態度與休閒認知的差異情形,及志工參與態度與休閒認知之間的關係。本研究以研究者自編之「志願服務參與態度與休閒認知量表」,採問卷調查法全面普查199位志工,回收樣本126份。抽樣期間為2009年5月為期兩週,所得資料經描述性統計、信效度分析、因素分析、單因子變異數分析法、Scheffe事後考驗法、皮爾遜積差相關分析得知結果為:該會志工整體的志願服務參與態度良好,家庭成員支持態度影響著志工的參與態度;不同服務年資的志工在參與態度上亦有顯著差異。該會志工大致可接受志願服務是種休閒活動的概念,也認同志願服務具有休閒的意涵,但不完全將志願服務視為休閒活動。志工的參與態度與休閒認知呈現正相關,表示擁有越積極的參與態度,對服務性休閒的認知越清楚。研究建議該會應加強對志工家庭成員的宣導及不同年資志工之間的交流;也應研擬策略以提升留職意願,降低志工資源流失的成本。同時建議學生志工家庭成員加入志工行列,試圖瞭解基金會服務項目、內容與志工成長經驗。對於後續研究的建議是可針對涉入較深的志工,以質性訪談或焦點團體深入探討留職意願、服務阻礙因素、管理制度、對生涯發展的影響…等,或以量化分析參與志工的動機、滿意度,以期更完善的研擬志工管理計畫,方能解決斷層、招募不易、人員流失的問題。 關鍵詞:志工、參與態度、休閒認知


志工 參與態度 休閒認知


The purpose of this study was to realize the personal characteristics, participation attitude and recreation perception of the voluntary workers by Chung-You Culture and Education Foundation, to explore the difference among participation attitude and recreation perception due to diversified background and relationship between participation attitude and recreation perception of the voluntary workers. “The measurement of the participation attitude and recreation perception of voluntary workers” edited by researcher herself was designed as questionnaire for survey. The questionnaires were issued to the total 199 voluntary workers. 126 subjects were effective. The survey was contented in two weeks in May 2009. After descriptive statistic, reliability and validity analysis, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s and Person’s correlation analysis it was found that attitude of participation in voluntary service was very good in general, participation attitude of the volunteers was influenced by support of family member, and there were eminent difference in participation attitude among diversified service seniority. The voluntary workers in captioned foundation accepted the conception of “voluntary service was one kind of recreation” in general and also recognized that voluntary work had some function of recreation, but not fully regard voluntary service as recreation activity. There was a positive correlation between participation attitude and recreation conception of the voluntary workers. That was the more positive in participation attitude, the clearer in perceive serving as recreation. Based on the results of the study to suggested the foundation that they should strengthen persuasion or propagation to the family members, to set up communication between voluntary workers with different service seniority, and to propose a strategy to promote willingness of volunteer to stay in foundation for continual service, in order to reduce cost incurred by human resources lost. To try to invite family members of volunteer to attend enable them to realize service items of the foundation, contents of the service, and share the grow experience of the service. And suggest to conduct a qualitative interview to the senior volunteers or focus on major group in some successive study, to explore the willingness of volunteer to stay in foundation to provide continual service, service restrict factors, management system, influence on carrier planning etc. or quantitative analysis of participation motive, satisfaction degree in other to improve management planning, to avoid interruption of service experience, to solve the problem of recruitment or lost of voluntary workers. Keywords: voluntary worker, participation manner, recreation conception




