  • 學位論文


A Study of the Training Process of Elite Male Boxing Athletes in Taiwan

指導教授 : 卓俊辰


本研究採質性研究法,以2005年至2009年間曾代表我國參加亞洲盃、亞運會、世界盃、奧運會等比賽之6位我國優秀男子拳擊選手為研究對象。本研究之目的在於探討優秀選手的訓練背景及訓練過程,選手參與拳擊訓練的動機和目標、選手與教練及隊友的互動關係、選手基本運動能力及技術的訓練、選手的心理調適歷程、選手對國內拳擊訓練條件的認知、選手訓練歷程所面對的問題及解決方法等。 經深度訪談結果發現: 一、選手投入拳擊訓練的動機和目標:選手從國中開始訓練,主要是自己的興趣。在高中時期及國家隊時期最積極,為了保送以及國手資格。想放棄拳擊的原因是太累了以及拿不到國際成績,繼續參與拳擊訓練的動機是為了國際成績以及獎金。選手國際比賽的成績目標是亞洲運動會前三名。 二、選手與教練及隊友的互動關係:選手比較能接受民主型及混合型教練的領導。影響最深的教練以啟蒙教練為最多。教練會幫助選手的課業、升學、就業等事務。選手認為教練要能夠了解選手,並擁有良好的拳擊專業能力。隊友的影響有技術研究、升學的考量、課業問題、練習態度、比賽表現等。 三、選手基本運動能力及技術的訓練:國中時期開始重量訓練,在2006年亞運集訓及2008年奧運培訓時期進步最多,訓練量也最大。選手認為應著重步伐、模擬以及對打的訓練,體能訓練為全面性發展的。 四、選手心理調適歷程:選手認為影響勝負在於心理因素。平時訓練會做冥想訓練和模擬訓練。遇到強敵時會將注意力放在比賽上。落敗時會探討自己未能獲勝的原因,作為訓練的依據。倦怠時會採取轉移注意力,暫時不去想拳擊的事,減低自己的壓力。 五、選手對國內拳擊訓練條件的認知:拳擊在臺灣並不受重視,對打的對手太少。應加強評分標準與國際相同、多設立拳擊重點大專院校、多與拳擊先進國家交流等。選手自覺練拳擊沒有保障,只能保送進大學,未來希望擔任體育老師或教練。 六、訓練歷程所面對的問題及解決方法:選手訓練上的困難為國家隊不同時期教練所教的技術不同,會請教教練或是和已經學會的隊友一起研究。自己獲勝的因素在於比賽經驗多、求勝心強以及步伐移動快。選手認為適應國際打法,加強體能及肌力等,是自己最需要加強的地方。賽前會採用飲食控制及增加訓練量,來達到體重下降的目的。選手未曾受過較嚴重的傷害,以大拇指扭傷最常發生。會服用營養補充品,自覺體力變好。因拳擊訓練而獲得升學、獎金、出國等榮耀,失去和家人相處的時間及影響功課等。


拳擊 優秀選手 訓練歷程


This study conducted qualitative research method by using the six elite male athletes as the subjects who had ever represented Taiwan to attend Asian-Cup Boxing Championships, Asian Games, World-Cup Championships, and the Olympics from 2005 to 2009. The main purpose of this study was to explore the training backgrounds and progresses of elite athletes, including their attending motivation and target, mental adjusting skills, relationships between athletes and coaches, basic physical training strategies and the cognition on domestic boxing training conditions, methods of dealing with difficulties and solving problems. According to the in-depth interview, the results indicated as follows: 1. Main Motivation and Goal for the Athletes: Most of the athletes start their training from junior high school due to self interests. In order to get a recommendation for college and become national champions, they must be active during senior high school and be a national representative team member. These athletes at times want to give up due to fatigue and failure to achieve in international games. However, their goal to achieve international awards and bonus motivates them to continue to practice and attend races. The goal of the player is placing First, Second and Third for the Asian Games in international game. 2. Relationships between Athletes and Coaches: Democratic and mixed types of leadership are more acceptable amongst athletes. Abecedarian has a significant effect on players. Coaches help the player outside of training by helping them with their schoolwork, and preparing for college and the work force. Players think that coaches should understand players, and have good boxing abilities. Team members affect their technique, college, schoolwork, training ability, and game performance. 3. Basic Physical Training Competence and Technical Training Strategies for Athletes: As for the basic competence of sports and technical training, athletes have significantly improved during the training of Asian Boxing Championships in 2006 and training of the Olympics in 2008. During that time, they had plenty of training. They started weight training in junior high school. Players think that their main focus in training techniques include steps, simulation, and fighting one another. Physical strength training should be developed in all aspects. 4. Mental Adjusting Progress for Athletes: The studies show that the key leading factor affecting ones victory or defeat is the psychological factor. The researchers conducted meditation and stimulated training to focus on the game when going against an expert. When they lose, they confer the reason as to why they failed. The reasoning behind their failure provided a guideline as to how they can improve themselves. When the athletes are tired, they transfer their train of thought, removing boxing from their mind in order to release stress. 5. Cognition on Domestic Boxing Training Conditions: As for boxing training conditions, Taiwanese sports organization do not pay much attention to boxing and Taiwan is lack of boxing players available to practice with. Taiwan should aim to strengthen their scoring standard to meet international standards, set up college which emphasize boxing, and communicate with other country which is in the lead for boxing. Athletes feel very insecure in the boxing field and that their only benefit from boxing is that it will help them get into college. They want to be a physical trainers or coaches in the future. 6. Methods of Dealing with Difficulties and Solving Problems: The main problem for players is adjusting to the different coaches training methods. The athletes’ victory comes from experience, agility of steps, and their determination to win. Players consider that in order to adapt to the international attack mode, it is crucial to strengthen their physical condition. In order to maintain or lose weight, they try to control their diet and train regularly before games. Players rarely get injured but when they do, it is often their thumb that gets injured. Players notice an improvement in their physical strength when eating more nutrient food. They get recommendations for college and bonuses which allows them to travel abroad for boxing training. Because of this, they don’t have much time to spend with family and friends.


Boxing Elite Athletes Progress of Training




