  • 學位論文


An Analysis on the Broadcasting of Meeting Session in the Legislative Yuan

指導教授 : 劉立行


立法院為中華民國最高民意機關,身負法案、預算,以及國家重要政策的審查等工作,其重要性不言可喻,立法委員及立法院,本應受到社會大眾共同的尊敬,其作為本應具高度的莊嚴性。但從各項民意調查卻發現,民眾對立法委員的信任度卻很低。立法委員所審查的法案或是議案,也頻遭質疑涉及不當的利益輸送,讓立法委員連法案審查都很不到民眾的信賴。   正因為立法委員及立法院得不到人民的信賴,而立委任期又受到《憲法》保障,除了因犯罪需受司法制裁外,在任期中即任表現得再差,除非是定期改選,讓選民以選票來汰換不適任的立委外,是沒有任何辦法可以在任期中對不適任的國會議員作任何處罰。而第七屆立法院改選,執政的國民黨又在國會中大獲全勝,佔有立法院四分之三的席次,引來民間團體、在野立委擔心更無力制衡國民黨執政力量。   在民意壓力下,立法院在2008 年2 月20 日實施第一階段議事轉播,透過網際網路傳送議事實況,本研究透過深度訪談、參與觀察等研究方式,針對議事轉播形成過程及現狀進行分析,並探討轉播未來改進方向。   研究發現,立法院雖已開始對外轉播議事,但受限於經費、人員編制問題,只經由網際網路來傳送會議內容,沒有電視頻的傳播,其影響力仍不如媒體所製播的電視新聞。且執政黨立委以國會形象為由,阻擋立法院部分重要議程的轉播,更是讓轉播不完整。未來,若能協調取得專屬電視頻道轉播議事,增加議事內容的曝光,對國會形象的提昇,始有所助益,也能重建立法院及立法委員在人民心目中的可信度。


議事轉播 立法院 網際網路


Legislative Yuan, which is responsible for examining budget, bill and crucial domestic policies, represents citizens’ opinions in Taiwan. Therefore, legislators should be respected by the public. However, according to various polls, public’s trust toward the legislators is really low. Moreover, even the bills which are examined by the legislators can’t get the trust from the public.   Constitution protects legislators. Even if citizens don’t trust the legislators or the legislators’ performance is really bad in their position; except being sentenced because of crime behavior, citizens can’t do anything until re-election. Therefore, public called for a televising parliament. In order to respond to the public opinions, Legislative Yuan started televising parliament on Feb. 20th, 2008. Through the Internet, Legislative Yuan broadcasts its live parliament processes to the public. This research analyzed the process and situation of televising parliament by in-depth interview and participant observation. This research also provides a general view of televising parliament now and possible methods for future improvement.   Although Legislative Yuan has started televising parliament, its influence is not as huge as news stories on TV channels. The reason might be the limitation of broadcasting on the Internet, instead of on TV channels. Moreover, the ruling party blocked certain crucial parliament televising that makes the whole program incomplete. In the future, if the televising parliament can be broadcasted on TV channels, it will not only assist the public understand Legislative Yuan more, but also promote the image of parliament.


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