  • 學位論文


The Study on the Relationship between Emotional Management and Working Stress of Resource Room Teachers in Taiwan Public Senior and Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 鄭慶民


本研究旨在了解我國公立高中職資源班教師情緒管理與工作壓力之現況,並比較不同背景變項之公立高中職資源班教師情緒管理與工作壓力的差異情形,進而分析情緒管理與工作壓力之相關情形。本研究採用調查研究法,以研究者自編之「公立高中職資源班教師情緒管理與工作壓力之調查問卷」為研究工具,針對公立高中職資源班教師為研究對象進行全國普查,總共發出147份問卷,回收有效問卷為137份,問卷所得資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行分析。 依據資料分析結果,本研究得到以下結論: 一、整體而言,大部分的公立高中職資源班教師具有良好的情緒管理能力,而公立高中職資源班教師的工作壓力趨近中等程度。 二、不同背景變項之公立高中職資源班教師其情緒管理發現如下: (一)女性教師之情緒管理優於男性教師。 (二)35歲以上未滿45歲之教師其情緒管理能力最高;未滿25歲之教師其情緒管理能力最低。 (三)有婚姻之教師其情緒管理能力高於無婚姻之教師。 (四)服務年資愈長,其情緒管理能力愈好。 (五)學校規模愈大之教師,其情緒管理能力愈好。 三、不同背景變項之公立高中職資源班教師其工作壓力發現如下: (一)男性教師之工作壓力大於女性教師。 (二)未滿25歲之教師其工作壓力感受最大,45歲以上之教師其工作壓力感受最小。 (三)無婚姻之教師其工作壓力感受高於有婚姻之教師。 (四)服務年資未滿3年之教師其工作壓力感受最大,20年以上之教師其工作壓力感受最小。 (五)學校規模愈大之教師,其工作壓力感受愈小。 四、公立高中職資源班教師之情緒管理與工作壓力有顯著的負相關,表示公立高中職資源班教師的情緒管理能力愈佳,其所感受到的工作壓力愈低。 最後,根據研究結論提出具體建議,俾供主管教育行政機關、學校、資源班教師以及後續研究者之參考。


The purpose of this study is to understand and discuss the similarities and the differences between emotional management and work-related stress of resource room teachers in public senior and vocational high schools in Taiwan with various background elements. Further more, this study analyzed the relevance between these two crucial elements. The researcher employed questionnaire survey method and designed the “Scale for Evaluation of Emotional Management and Work-related Stress of resource room teachers in public senior and vocational high schools” to conduct this research. The object of this nationwide survey is resource room teachers in public senior and vocational high schools. A total of 147 questionnaires were issued with 137 valid questionnaires collected from resource room teachers. The data thus obtained are then rendered as statistics by statistics analyses methods, including frequency distribution, percentage, average, standard deviation, Pearson relevance between multiplication and subtraction. In terms of the outcome of analyses, the study is legibly concluded as follows: 1. The emotional management condition of the resource room teachers in public senior and vocational high schools reached between the level of medium and high. Their work-related stress approached at the medium level. 2. Significant differences in emotional management were found among resource room teachers in public senior and vocational high schools in terms of personal background. (1)A stronger ability was established in emotional management among female than male teachers. (2)Elder teachers at the age of 35 to 44 have the best emotional management ability, while those under 25 have the least emotional management ability. (3)Married teachers showed a more positive result in emotional management ability than single teachers. (4)Emotional Management ability is proportional to the experience in teaching. (5)The scale of school is proportional to the emotional management ability. 3. Significant differences in work-related stress were found among resource room teachers in public senior and vocational high schools in terms of personal background. (1)A higher scale of work-related stress showed among male than female teachers. (2)A high result showed in dealing with work-related stress are teachers under the age of 25 while those above 45 showed least work-related stress. (3)Single teachers feel more work-related stress than their married counterparts. (4)Teachers with less than three-year teaching experience dealt with the most work-related stress, while those with twenty-year or above teaching experience dealt with the least work-related stress. (5)The scale of school was inversely proportional to teachers' sense of work-related stress. 4. A negative correlation existed between emotional management and work-related stress among resource room teachers in public senior and vocational high schools. This research showed that teachers with higher emotional management ability tend to sense less work-related stress. Based on the conclusion above, several recommendations are offered for educational administrative institutes, senior and vocational high schools, resource room teachers and future researchers in emotional management and work-related stress of resource room teachers.


江文慈 (2001)。透視教學中的關鍵張力:教師情緒。師友,408,43-47。


