  • 學位論文


Grandparents Raising Grandchildren:the Social Support and Psychological Well-being of Grandparents

指導教授 : 林如萍


本研究旨在探討隔代教養祖父母的社會支持與心理福祉。針對桃園縣國小高年級、國中一至三年級學生之祖父母為對象,採取問卷調查法,以立意取樣方式獲得有效問卷405份。主要之研究發現如下: 一、隔代教養家庭中,擔任主要照顧者以女性、父系祖父母為主。隔代教養的成因,以「父母離婚」為最多,其次是「父母雙方工作忙碌無法照顧」,再其次為「父母一方或雙方過世」。 二、隔代教養家庭之祖父母的社會支持及影響因素: 隔代教養家庭之祖父母的社會支持,包括情緒性/訊息性支持、實質性支持、情感性支持、正向的社會互動四面向。而影響各項支持之因素如下: 1.情緒性/訊息性支持:祖父母的健康狀況越好;主要經濟為子女提供、退休撫卹或保險給付;自覺經濟狀況越好;孫子女的外在問題行為越少則祖父母獲得的情緒性/訊息性支持程度則越高。 2.實質性支持:祖父母的健康狀況越好;自覺經濟狀況越好;孫子女的外在問題行為越少;隔代教養成因為父母工作忙碌則祖父母獲得的實質性支持程度則越高。 3.情感性支持:祖父母的健康狀況越好;孫子女的年齡越小;隔代教養成因為父母工作忙碌則祖父母獲得的情感性支持程度則越高。 4.正向的社會互動:祖父母的健康狀況越好;孫子女的外在問題行為越少;有其他同住家人則祖父母獲得的正向的社會互動程度則越高。 三、整體而言,隔代教養家庭中的祖父母的心理福祉頗佳。再者,祖父母自覺之經濟狀況越佳,以及情緒性支持、情感性支持、正向的社會互動越高,則心理福祉越佳。


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social support and psychological well-being of grandparents who raise their grandchildren educated in Taoyuan County elementary school higher grades and junior high school first to third grades through a survey of samples. A total of 405 samples was recovered through purposive sampling. Findings of the study indicate are as follows: 1.In the families of grandparents raising their grandchildren, the result reveals that the female takes more duty in caring their grandchildren than the male and paternal grandparents take more duty than maternal grandparents do. The major cause for raising their grandchildren of the grandparents is divorce. The next cause is the fact that their parents are so busy on jobs that they cannot take care of their children. The third cause is the death of either side of their parents or the death of both parents. 2.The social support of grandparents and the factors: The social support of grandparents are emotional/informational support, tangible support, affectionate support, and positive social interaction support. The following are the factors: (1)Emotional/ informational support: the degree of grandparents’ emotional/ informational support would become higher when grandparents are more healthy, their income come from their children, from retirement pay or insurance benefits, or when it’s with better economic situation and with fewer external behavior problems of their grandchildren. (2)Tangible support: when grandparents are more healthy, with better economic situation, it will cause fewer external behavior problems of their grandchildren. The major cause for families of grandparents raising their grandchildren is the fact that their parents are so busy on jobs, which will cause higher tangible support from their grandparents. (3)Affectionate support: When grandparents are more healthy and grandchildren are older and the major cause for families of grandparents raising their grandchildren is that their parents are so busy on jobs, the degree of grandparents’ affectionate support are higher. (4)Positive social interaction support: When grandparents are more healthy, it will cause fewer external behavior problems of grandchildren. When living together with families, the degree of grandparents’ positive social interaction support will become higher. 3.In short, the well-being of grandparents is quite good in families of grandparents raising their grandchildren. Factors of well-being of grandparents, economic situation, emotional/ informational support, affectionate support, and positive social interaction support of grandparents can fully explain the mental relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, which is based on the variables of grandchildren, grandparents and family backgrounds and their grandparents’ parenting methods.






