  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳曉雰


本研究旨在探討如何以音樂劇《悲慘世界》落實九年級音樂素養指標,以行動研究法完成。研究對象為彰化縣某國中九年級A、B兩班各35名學生,自2010年9月13日至10月26日實施為期六週之行動研究,以研究者自編「九年級學生欣賞音樂劇《悲慘世界》之學習心得調查」為研究工具,並以聯絡簿、學習單及教學日誌進行資料蒐集。 研究發現如下: 一、以九年級素養指標為依據,進行音樂劇《悲慘世界》之行動研究。 二、藉由音樂劇《悲慘世界》之行動研究,藝術與人文學習領域九年級音樂素養指標之落實情形。 (一)學生樂於挑戰樂曲中複雜的升降記號指法,在實際練習的過程中也瞭解了轉調的意義。 (二)透過本課程,學生學到以分析樂曲結構的方式來欣賞音樂。 (三)在欣賞的過程中,學生不但從認知的角度以主導動機、轉調等方式欣賞音樂,也從情意的角度欣賞演唱家的音色、唱腔及詮釋。 (四)學生能比較不同文化中戲劇與音樂結合的表演藝術;且為了分組上台報告,學生能以多元的角度瞭解音樂作品的意義,並與別人分享心得。 (五)學生對四大音樂劇的作詞、作曲、製作人以及相關的人事物感到熟悉並且產生興趣。 (六)學生在欣賞的過程中皆能保持安靜,並對演唱家的演出表現出高度的讚賞。 (七)學生十分認同及喜歡音樂劇這樣的表演藝術,對其它的音樂劇也同樣展現出興趣,並能安靜聆聽分組報告的內容與曲目。 最後,本研究對課程設計、教學及未來研究等方面,提出相關建議。


The study investigates how the ninth-grade music accomplishment target is achieved through an action research involving teaching the musical Les Misérables to ninth-grade students. Two groups of thirty-five ninth-grade students each were selected from a junior high school in Changhwa County to participate in a six-week action research on the musical Les Misérables. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey on these students, as well as observations on their parent-teacher communication books, study lists and teaching journals. The findings of the study are as following: 1. The action research has been performed in accordance with the ninth-grade music accomplishment target established in the Arts and Humanities Accomplishment Target by the Ministry of Education. 2. Through the action research on the teaching of Les Misérables in the class, the researcher observes how students achieve the ninth grade music accomplishment target. A. Students are willing to challenge the complicate fingering of the sharps and flats in the musical excerpts, and they have learned to understand the meaning of modulation through practice. B. In the course, students learn to appreciate music through analyzing the compositional structure. C. During the process of appreciation, students appreciate not only cognitively on structure motives and modulation, but also affectively on performers’ timbre, voice and interpretation. D. Students learn to make comparison of performance art combining drama and music in different cultures. Besides, they appreciate the meaning of musical pieces in a multidimensional perspective and share their opinions with others. E. Students gain familiarity and interests in lyrics, melody, producer and other information related to the four musicals. F. Students are able to keep quiet during the appreciation process, and bestow high praise on the performance of the singers. G. Students approve and adore the musical performance, and exhibit strong interest in other similar musicals. They even listen enthusiastically to contents and repertoires in group presentations. Finally, the study offers further suggestion in curriculum design, teaching and future research.


李宛蓁(2008)。國民中學藝術與人文學習領域教科書音樂欣賞教材之內容分析。 國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系碩士論文,未出版,臺北。


