  • 學位論文

教師情緒智力與音樂休閒活動參與之相關研究 - 以宜蘭縣國中教師為例

A Study on the Relation of Teachers’ Emotion Intelligence and Music Leisure Activities Participation-Taken Examples of Junior High School Teachers in Yi-lan County

指導教授 : 吳舜文


本研究旨在探討國中教師情緒智力與音樂休閒活動參與之相關,並分析不同背景之研究對象在情緒智力表現與音樂休閒活動參與的情形。研究對象以分層隨機抽樣方式,選取宜蘭縣二十四所公立國民中學教師163位,施以自編之「教師情緒智力與音樂休閒活動參與之相關研究」調查問卷,將所得資料進行統計與分析後,所得研究結果如下: 壹、宜蘭縣國中教師具良好的情緒智力且以自我激勵表現最佳 貳、宜蘭縣國中音樂科任教師情緒智力在認識自身情緒、認知他人情緒構面與整體表現皆高於非音樂科任教師 參、宜蘭縣國中教師情緒智力在不同學歷、婚姻狀況、有無撫養孩子、任教年資及是否現為音樂科任教師具顯著差異 肆、宜蘭縣國中教師音樂休閒活動參與以音樂聆賞類型、一週0~2天(含)以內參與頻率、偶爾認真投入參與程度、自己喜歡而主動參與參與之需求等為高 伍、宜蘭縣國中教師音樂休閒活動參與和性別、年齡、學歷、婚姻狀況、任教年資、任教學校行政區域及是否現為音樂科任教師等具顯著相關 陸、宜蘭縣國中教師情緒智力與音樂休閒活動參與之類型、頻率和程度皆具顯著相關但與參與需求未達顯著相關 最後研究者依據研究結論提出建議,以作為相關教育單位與未來研究之參考。


This research was to discuss the relation of junior high school teachers’ emotion intelligence and their participation in music leisure activities. This research also analyzed how research objects of different backgrounds perform in emotion intelligence and participate in music leisure activities. By stratified random sampling, this research selected 163 teachers in 24 public junior high schools in Yi-lan County. With the self-made “Questionnaire of Study on the Relation of Teachers’ Emotion Intelligence and Music Leisure Activities Participation” the researcher analyzed the data and concluded as the following: I. Junior high school teachers in Yi-Lan have higher emotion intelligence, and with better performance on self-motivation especially. II. The music teachers’ emotion intelligence in Yi-Lan Junior high school are higher than other subject teachers on understanding their own emotions as well as others and overall performance. III. Yi-Lan junior high school teachers’ emotion intelligence have significant difference on educational background, marital status, the availability of raising children, years of teaching experience, and teaching subjects. IV. Yi-Lan junior high school teachers have higher music leisure participation rate on the type of music listening, the frequency of 0-2 days a week, the passionate degree of participation and attending the music activities actively. V. The Yi-Lan Junior high school teachers participating in music leisure activities have significant correlation to different gender, age, educational background, marital status, years of teaching experience, school administrate area, and teaching subjects. VI. Yi-Lan junior high school teachers’ emotion intelligence have significant correlation to the type, frequency and professional level of participating their music leisure activities, but it has no apparent relations to the demand of the participation. Based on the conclusions, the researcher offered suggestions for educational institutes and future research.


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