  • 學位論文


The experience of single-parent adolescent toward postdivorce coparenting

指導教授 : 彭淑華


本研究以質性研究方法探討離婚父母共親職的樣貌,與不同樣貌下子女身歷其中的感受和經驗,同時亦探究影響良性共親職發展的助力與阻力。透過立意取樣以監護權歸母親所有且成為單親後仍能知覺父職參與的青少年子女為研究對象,共徵得七位單親青少年子女分別進行深度訪談。研究發現如下: 一、父母理性相待,子女能感受到父母雙方的愛,無忠誠衝突的困擾,亦有益於子女身心適應;父母間存在衝突角力,子女易衍生負向情緒與行為模式,心底也希望能不受父母紛爭所擾。 二、離婚父母共親職依關係特徵可分為三種樣貌,分別為「協同合作型」、「平行給愛型」、「聯盟角力交互型」。承上,前者所述以「協同合作型」為代表,「平行給愛型」次之,後者所述則特別見於「聯盟角力交互型」。 三、三種共親職樣貌從離婚至今的發展亦有所不同:「協同合作型」為「初期尷尬來往-其後協調合作」,「平行給愛型」為「初期緊張但未相互排除-其後少交集無合作」,「聯盟角力交互型」為「初期衝突且存在角力-其後合作漸增」。 四、就受訪子女觀點獲知母親對父職參與持開放認同態度、父親本身認同父職角色、子女接納父職、父母理性相待以子女最佳利益為考量等皆有利於離婚父母發展良性共親職。 文末就研究發現對離婚父母、相關實務工作與政策提出討論與建議,包含檢視現行單親家庭服務方案與調整服務項目、增進實務工作者相關專業素養、提高離婚商談資源的可近性與能見度、社政與教育系統接軌合作、相關政策之推動訂定等。最後,說明取樣限制使研究呈現的三種離婚後共親職樣貌為單親家庭的部份樣態,亦建議未來後續研究以離婚父母為對象,以更為細緻瞭解當事父母在共親職中的經驗脈絡,據以提供不同角度觀點的寶貴資訊。


單親 離婚父母 共親職 父職參與


This study assesses the utility of qualitative research method to investigate the pattern of coparenting after divorce and the feelings and experiences of the children themselves, as well as both promoter and suppresser of positive coparenting education. The research objects involved are the adolescents living in mother-custody associated with father's involvement. Through the purposive sampling method, there are seven single–parent adolescent have participated in in-depth interviews separately. The major findings are as fellows: 1.As long as the divorced spouses who have been treating each other rationally, and their children feeling loved by both of their parents. This would benefits the well being of children from not being disturbed of the loyal conflicts. Parental conflict would consequently promote children's negative emotions and behaviors. Children don't want to see their parents are troubled with arguing or fighting. 2.The patterns of coparenting after divorce can be further divided into three different types: “Cooperative Coparenting Relationships”, “Parallel Coparenting Relationships”, and “Competitive Alliance Relationships”. “Cooperative Coparenting Relationships” is the most common stereotype in the previous describing scenario; “Parallel Coparenting Relationships” the second, the “Competitive Alliance Relationships” would particularly happen in the following circumstance. 3.The differences between these three kinds of coparenting patterns have been changing since the date on which the deserting spouse divorced: “Cooperative Coparenting Relationships” is shifting from the embarrassing period of time – to coordinated phase;“Parallel Coparenting Relationships” is shifting from the initial phase of tension without totally isolated from each other – to later period of less communication and cooperation; “Competitive Alliance Relationships” is shifting from the initial phase of tension with conflicts and collisions – to increasing opportunity of cooperation. 4.The ideas from adolescent who were interviewed are including the open attitude of involvement and concern from mothers to fathers, the approval identity of father himself, the acceptance of the father from children, parents to act rationally in their child's best interests and etc. All of the above would favor a prosperous development of coparenting relationship after divorce. The suggestions of the research to divorcing parents, the real practice in the field and political policy have been brought up in the last paragraph, which including the single-parents family services, service adjustment proposal, enhance the Professional practice of relative workers, increase the accessibility and visibility resources of the divorce counseling, co-operation between social and academic system, promotion of the relevant policy and etc. At last, the restrictions of sampling to present as a part of the pattern of all those three different relations. There are also other suggestions of the future study of divorced parents with the purpose of deeper understanding of coparenting from different points of view.




