  • 學位論文

Paulo Freire對話教學理念與實踐之研究

A Study on Paulo Freire's Dialogic Pedagogy: An Encounter of Ideas and Praxis

指導教授 : 黃光雄


本研究旨在探討Paulo Freire的對話教學理念與實踐之道。首先,詳述Freire對話理念的孕育、發展與背景淵源;其次,釐析Freire的對話理念及其哲學思考基礎;再者,闡釋Freire對話教學的理念與實踐之道;繼之,評析Freire對話教學的特色及相關批評;最後再根據探究結果,提出有關課程與教學的啟示。透過文獻探討和理論分析,主要的研究結果歸結如下: 一、Freire對話理念的孕育發展與背景淵源,與其個人的生命體驗、教育實踐、所處的社會歷史脈絡及學術的探究緊密關聯,Freire的生命實踐歷程,即是其對話理念開展與實踐過程。 二、Freire的對話理念植基於其對人性、對世界、對知識的特定哲學思考取向,其核心思維在於以對話作為人類社會互動與相互人性化的基礎,以對話的辯證思考陳顯人、世界、與知識的互動關係,主張以集體實踐的對話,轉化非人性化的關係建構。 三、Freire的對話教學理念結合了批判性與可能性的語言,重新建構教學的概念。其所建構的教學圖像是批判的、對話的、實踐的人性化教學,是以動態的辯證迎向未來延續性的解放教學;Freire的對話教學理念,在本質上是以人性化的解放為目的,在實踐上是以批判對話的求知探究為歷程。 四、Freire的對話教學取徑不應視為一種固著的技術,但可推衍出實踐的程序原理,作為演繹方法與篤行實踐的參照;對話教學乃是一種民主的實踐,充分展現對話所具有的民主特質;Freire將對話教學理念運用在識字教學上,突顯對話在轉化人與世界關係的深刻意義。 五、Freire的對話教學理念與實踐,展現其人性解放、對話辯證、互動創造、關注差異與民主實踐等特色,但也面臨理論與實施上的若干批評。 根據前述發現,本研究綜理出有關的啟示,作為課程轉化與教學實踐的參考,並藉以引發更進一步的思考與探究。


The purpose of this study is to explore the thoughts and praxis of Paulo Freire’s dialogic pedagogy. Firstly, by analyzing Freire’s biographical and philosophical background, the author identifies the main stages of his career and the development of his pedagogic ideas. Secondly, based on Freire’s concepts of human beings, the nature of reality, and the theory of knowledge, the author goes further to analyze the ideas of dialogue and it’s philosophical foundations. It is suggested that Freirean pedagogy is built on a platform constituted by a dynamic dialectical approach toward the world, a praxical view of knowledge and human beings, and a deep commitment to the liberation of the oppressed. Thirdly, following a detailed examination of Freire’s dialogic pedagogy, the author highlights that Freirean pedagogy is a pedagogy for liberation and a pedagogy of knowing. It means, dialogic pedagogy represents a specific approach to understanding human beings and the social world, from which general principles for teaching and learning can be generated. For Freire, pedagogy can be humanizing only when it is critical, dialogical, and praxical. And, dialogic pedagogy is an actual praxis of democracy. Finally, based on a thorough synthesis about Freirean pedagogy, the author not only reviews the major features of dialogic pedagogy, but also provides implications for curriculum transformation and pedagogic praxis.


蕭靖融(2012)。Paulo Freire教師圖像之研究: 以《教師即文化工作者》為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315275555
