  • 學位論文


A Study of the Needs for Constructing English E-Learning Environment in High School Librariest--An Example Taken from Junior High Schools in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林孟真


摘 要 本研究目的在了解臺北市國中英語教師對實施e-Learning之態度與需求,並探討國民中學圖書館在建置英語e-Learning情境時,與英語教師建立合作關係的模式。研究之初先行蒐集相關文獻資料,針對英語e-Learning之理論與在教學中的實務內容加以探討,並研擬「學校圖書館建置英語e-Learning情境之需求研究調查問卷」,藉以掌握及分析其客觀實情。 本研究對象為台北市國中英語教師,以分層抽樣方式進行。問卷資料以SPSS 統計套裝軟體進行分析,將研究結果加以歸納整理,提出以下結論: 壹、英語e-Learning在國民中學英語教學之應用情形 一、台北市國中語教師對「e-Learning」的定義仍不明確。 二、英語教師認為國中階段適合推動英語e-Learning,但必須克服諸多實施障礙。 三、實施英語e-Learning必須考量教材內容的適用時機、應用活動、及融入方式,以協助增進教學成效。 貳、台北市國中英語教師對建置英語e-Learning情境之需求 一、英語教師使用e化教學媒介及課外補充教材之情形十分多元活潑,但使用自製多媒體教材的現象並不普遍,各校宜切實提供各項支援。 二、在實體環境需求方面,歸納有「鼓勵參與」、「團隊協商」、「設備充實」、「技術協助」、「實務研習」、「課務調整」、及「資源整合」七項需求。 三、在平台建置的模組功能需求方面,宜秉持「輔助校內課程、增進學習效能」之原則,重視「英語教學平台」與「英語學習平台」的交互運作。 參、學校圖書館與英語教師合作建置英語e-Learning情境之要點與模式 一、多數英語教師不清楚學校圖書館即將轉型為「教學資源中心」,具有「支援教學、整合資源」的任務與功能。 二、絕大多數英語教師有意願協助學校圖書館建置英語e-Learning情境。 三、學校圖書館應與英語教師合作建置英語e-Learning情境,並尊重英語教師的「專業自主權」,規劃具有特色的實體環境與學習平台;並加強e-Learning課程的研發設計及推廣應用,以營造全方位的學習情境。 最後,本研究依據研究發現與結論,提出日後推動國民中學英語e-Learning工作的建議,以供參考。


Abstract The purpose of this research is to understand English teachers’ attitudes and needs for the practice of e-Learning. It also aims to discuss the mode for establishing a cooperative relationship with the English teachers while constructing English e-Learning environment in school libraries. A questionnaire drafted according to related literature helps to produce a more objective analysis of the matter. Using the stratified sampling method, the study chose English teachers of junior high schools in Taipei City as survey subjects. The data from the questionnaire are analyzed by packaged statistics software SPSS. The results indicate that (1)The English teachers have positive attitudes on the application of e-Learning in English classes, but the appropriate timing, application events and the integration methods for the teaching materials should be adjusted;(2)A multitude of lively e-Lesson media and complementary extra-curriculum materials are utilized by English teachers, however it is uncommon to find teachers making use of self-made multi-media instruction materials;(3)7 needs for constructing English e-Learning physical environment are generalized: Encouragement for Participation, Group Negotiation, Better Facilities, Technical Assistance, Practical In-service Training, Adjustment of Curricular Affairs, and Resource Integration;(4)The modular functions of the English e-Learning platform adheres to the principle of “complementing school syllabus and improving learning effectiveness”;(5) Most English teachers are willing to assist with the construction of English e-Learning environment;(6) With the missions of teaching support and resource integration, school libraries need to construct a multi-directional English learning environment under a cooperative relationship with English teachers. Finally, based on the results, this study makes some suggestions as the reference for the promotion of English e-Learning in the junior high schools.




