  • 學位論文


The relationship between the community newspaper reading habits and the sense of community─A study of Wen Shan Weekly

指導教授 : 林振春


本研究主題是探討社區報閱讀習慣與社區意識關聯性之研究,以文山報導為例,旨在探討文山報導讀者閱讀後,是否增加了對社區的認同感,並因而積極參與社區活動,以提升自我的社區意識,同時藉以瞭解文山報導與社區意識之關聯性,提出結論與建議。 本研究除了採用文獻探討社區、社區報、社區意識及其間之關聯性,並以問卷調查方法研究之。研究對象為文山報導社區報發行在台北縣新店市、烏來鄉、坪林鄉、石碇鄉、深坑鄉、平溪鄉社區內各行業讀者,抽樣調查後以研究對象之背景資料、閱讀習慣、社區意識分析、量表信、效度分析,以平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析交叉分析,薛費法進行考驗等統計方法,獲取文山報導閱報習慣與社區意識關聯性資料,將調查結果進行分析討論。 研究結果發現,文山報導讀者以閱報年資長達四年以上為主,閱報動機主要為獲取資訊,特別關心的是風土人情類的人文新聞,而在當地居住時間越久的讀者,對社區意識更為重視。 經研究分析及結論陳述提出幾點建議: 1、在針對社區報讀者閱讀習慣部分,建議拓展三十歲青壯年群體,並加強社區多元化資訊與在地產業獨特性報導,並因應各地區人文型態規劃適當版面; 2、在提升社區報讀者意識形態部分,建議提供專版以宣傳社區參與者現況,並加強報導風土人情以拉近族群融合。


社區 社區報 社區意識


Taiwan academic research has long neglected the crucial role of the community newspaper in raising community awareness. This study focuses on examining the readers of Wen Shan Weekly Newspaper in an attempt to explore the use of a community newspaper as a channel for developing readers’ sense of community. The research findings are based on a thorough examination of existing literature and cross-analyzed results of a comprehensively designed questionnaire. With a sample of 600, from which 559 valid responses were received, the research covered the readers in five regions of Taipei County--Hsin Tien, Wu Lai, Ping Lin, Shen Keng, and Pin Shi. By applying Scheffe’s Method, the research concludes that the more faithful the readership, the higher the sense of community obtained. Finally, the study suggests the following: 1. More readership in the 30s age group needs to be gained. In order to do so, community newspapers have to enrich news sections about local business and community resources. 2. In addition, a news section which specifically features local culture is also in demand. Hence, the sense of community can be built upon a foundation of community identity through news reading.
