  • 學位論文


The Study of the Management Strategies of the Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周談輝 田振榮


我國綜合高中實驗課程在教育部積極規劃並推動辦理下,經三年五屆之試辦後,已於民國八十八年七月十四日於新高級中學法中,明列為正式學制之一。展望二十一世紀我國教育願景,綜合高中亦將成為我國後期中等教育制度的主流之一。 而至八十八學年度止,我國綜合高中辦理學校實際招生總數雖已增加為一百二十一所。但依據文獻資料顯示,學術界有關經營策略研究或報告之完整論述尚付之闕如。本研究為彌補此一缺憾,旨在探討綜合高中之相關經營策略,除利用學理理論探討及文獻分析,以蒐集與建構可行經營策略資料外,並自編「各校基本資料及實施概況」問卷調查表及「綜合高中經營策略發展考量因素」訪談調查表,且搭配有實地訪談方式進行資料蒐集。期間亦常請益於學者專家,最後並經學者專家指導乃成本研究之結論與建議。 本研究之主要發現,茲臚列如次: 一、基於應然及實然面因素分析,可以發現綜合高中之經營可分為理念、課程、教學、輔導、組織及運作六大面向。 二、公、私立辦理學校均以學校本位及特色為基礎,從而發展並規劃學校教育目標。其中公立學校較具學術預備傾向,而私立學校則較兼具學術及職業預備傾向。 三、公、私立辦理學校均認為學校體質為課程設計及發展時之最重要因素。其中公立學校以師資調配為主要考量,而私立學校則以經費收入為主要考量。 四、公、私立辦理學校均認為輔導人力以每十班置一人較符合需求。而其工作項目較一般高中、職校而言,則以缺乏專屬綜合高中之有效測驗量表、工具一項為主要困擾。 五、公立辦理學校所受限制較多,其中尤以員額編制及經費開支項目較為嚴重。而私立辦理學校則因辦學空間較具有彈性,因此較無上述之困擾。 六、公、私立辦理學校之組織運作模式,均認為必須重新思考與定位新的管理運作模式,以因應綜合高中「開放、多元及彈性」之特性。 基於上述主要發現,本研究提出TSDR策略發展機制,並實際用以探討有關綜合高中之理念、課程、教學、輔導、組織及運作等經營面向實然策略,可獲致主要結論為: 一、結合上一級學校進行整體規劃,並持續辦理宣導活動。 二、考量學校體質,進行學校本位之革新規劃。 三、發展統整科別本位之課程設計策略。 四、建構拼圖式組合方案之課程架構發展策略。 五、發展以教師角色經營為本位之教學設計策略。 六、建構激發學生主動學習為目標之陪同發展式教學引導策略。 七、以機會媒介取代資源安排之輔導定位經營策略。 八、以歷程陪同發展取代被動引導之輔導推展經營策略。 九、發展積極興利取代消極防弊之管理經營策略。 十、增設專職人力之研發經營策略。 十一、以「安排取代支配」之資源運作策略。 十二、以「協商取代管理」之激勵運作策略。 十三、以「協同取代分工」之分權運作策略。 十四、以「專業取代制度」之權責運作策略。 我國綜合高中實驗課程在教育部積極規劃並推動辦理下,經三年五屆之試辦後,已於民國八十八年七月十四日於新高級中學法中,明列為正式學制之一。展望二十一世紀我國教育願景,綜合高中亦將成為我國後期中等教育制度的主流之一。 而至八十八學年度止,我國綜合高中辦理學校實際招生總數雖已增加為一百二十一所。但依據文獻資料顯示,學術界有關經營策略研究或報告之完整論述尚付之闕如。本研究為彌補此一缺憾,旨在探討綜合高中之相關經營策略,除利用學理理論探討及文獻分析,以蒐集與建構可行經營策略資料外,並自編「各校基本資料及實施概況」問卷調查表及「綜合高中經營策略發展考量因素」訪談調查表,且搭配有實地訪談方式進行資料蒐集。期間亦常請益於學者專家,最後並經學者專家指導乃成本研究之結論與建議。 本研究之主要發現,茲臚列如次: 一、基於應然及實然面因素分析,可以發現綜合高中之經營可分為理念、課程、教學、輔導、組織及運作六大面向。 二、公、私立辦理學校均以學校本位及特色為基礎,從而發展並規劃學校教育目標。其中公立學校較具學術預備傾向,而私立學校則較兼具學術及職業預備傾向。 三、公、私立辦理學校均認為學校體質為課程設計及發展時之最重要因素。其中公立學校以師資調配為主要考量,而私立學校則以經費收入為主要考量。 四、公、私立辦理學校均認為輔導人力以每十班置一人較符合需求。而其工作項目較一般高中、職校而言,則以缺乏專屬綜合高中之有效測驗量表、工具一項為主要困擾。 五、公立辦理學校所受限制較多,其中尤以員額編制及經費開支項目較為嚴重。而私立辦理學校則因辦學空間較具有彈性,因此較無上述之困擾。 六、公、私立辦理學校之組織運作模式,均認為必須重新思考與定位新的管理運作模式,以因應綜合高中「開放、多元及彈性」之特性。 基於上述主要發現,本研究提出TSDR策略發展機制,並實際用以探討有關綜合高中之理念、課程、教學、輔導、組織及運作等經營面向實然策略,可獲致主要結論為: 一、結合上一級學校進行整體規劃,並持續辦理宣導活動。 二、考量學校體質,進行學校本位之革新規劃。 三、發展統整科別本位之課程設計策略。 四、建構拼圖式組合方案之課程架構發展策略。 五、發展以教師角色經營為本位之教學設計策略。 六、建構激發學生主動學習為目標之陪同發展式教學引導策略。 七、以機會媒介取代資源安排之輔導定位經營策略。 八、以歷程陪同發展取代被動引導之輔導推展經營策略。 九、發展積極興利取代消極防弊之管理經營策略。 十、增設專職人力之研發經營策略。 十一、以「安排取代支配」之資源運作策略。 十二、以「協商取代管理」之激勵運作策略。 十三、以「協同取代分工」之分權運作策略。 十四、以「專業取代制度」之權責運作策略。


綜合高中 經營策略 課程 教學 輔導 組織 運作 機制


The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has been working intensively on the experimental curriculum of the comprehensive high school, and after implementing a pilot project for three years, the Ministry of Education has made the comprehensive high school one of the formal education systems with the passing of the New High School Law announced on July 14, 1998. The comprehensive high school will become one of the mainstreams of our nation's post-secondary education system in the twenty-first century. By the academic year 1999, the total number of registered comprehensive high schools has reached 120. The related document of academic field on comprehensive high schools reveals that there is still no thorough overview on its management strategies. Therefore, this study is to discuss the management strategies by collecting and analyzing the related document to construct some feasible strategies. Besides, the field study of individual comprehensive high school is performed by using the questionnaire “The Basic Information and Implementation of Individual Comprehensive High School” and the consulting form “The Relevant Factors of the Developmental Management Strategies of Comprehensive High Schools.” During the working period, the author acquired valuable advice and instruction from many scholars and specialists. Without their guidance, this work would not have been accomplished. The major findings of this study are as follows: I. The practical considerations of managing comprehensive high schools in Taiwan can be found in the following six fields: concept, curriculum, teaching, guidance counseling, organization and operation. II. The public and private comprehensive schools have developed their own characteristics and established educational objectives corresponding to their specific needs. Among other things, public schools offer more academic-oriented programs and private school education, however, is both academic-oriented and vocation-preparatory-oriented. III. Both public comprehensive schools and private ones consider the essence of the school as the main factor influencing curriculum design. The difference between public schools and private ones is that the former emphasize the arrangement of teachers while the latter center on the enrollment fees. IV. With respect to guidance counseling of comprehensive high schools, both private and public ones agree on that it will meet the best needs if the distribution is one counselor for ten classes. As far as the working items are concerned, the major disadvantage is the lack of valid measurements, compared with academic and vocational high schools. V. The public schools are subject to more limitations, especially the staff number and expenditure, which are more serious than the others. The private ones can get rid of the preceding disadvantage due to its much flexibility. VI. With respect to the operation of the organization of comprehensive high schools, both the public and private ones think that it is necessary to reconsider and relocate the new operation models so as to be suited for its characteristics of openness and multiplicity and elasticity. Based on these findings above, the author proposes conditioning framework of the management strategy---TSDR (trust, selection, self-discipline, responsibility) and examines its practical use in the field of concept, curriculum, teaching, guidance counseling, organization and operation for the management of comprehensive high schools. The conclusion of the study is as follows: I. Associate with schools of higher education and make corporate planning. The propaganda should be made continuously for the comprehensive high school. II. Consider the essence of the school and perform school-based renovation. III. Develop curriculum design strategies by unifying courses. IV. Multiple curriculum structure should be offered. V. Teachers ought to develop individual teaching strategies. VI. Construct a variety of learning strategies to inspire students to learn actively. VII. Guidance counselors should develop strategies to provide multi-information for students. VIII. Guidance counseling should be performed actively. IX. Initiate the useful and abolish the harmful in managing administration. X. A group of full-time staff should be set up to conduct specialized research work about information, for example. XI. School resource operation should be well arranged instead of being dominated. XII. Negotiation as a replacement for command-and-control in promoting school administration. XIII. In power operation of administration, full coordination across departments of school should replace individual operation. XIV. Professional performance as a replacement for system in distributing responsibility in the field of administration work.


胡正華(民85)。試辦「綜合高中」課程實驗具體作法及建議。技術及職業教育雙月刊, 33,頁 11-13。
孫志麟(民87)。美國教育改革的新趨勢:柯林頓的三大目標與十項行動計畫, 23,頁 51-54。


陳薇萱(2008)。台北縣市國民小學領導卓越校長學校經營 管理策略之研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2008.00646
