  • 學位論文


The reserch evaluation indicators of junior high school principals' managing performance.

指導教授 : 吳清基


摘要 本研究的主要目的,在於探討國中校長辦學績效與校長評鑑的相關論點,了解各縣(市)國民中學校長辦學績效評鑑的實施現況,另研擬國民中學校長辦學績效評鑑指標之問卷調查。最後根據研究結果建構「國民中學校長辦學績效評鑑指標」,並提出研究結論與建議,做為校長辦學及提供教育行政機關及相關人員參考。 為達成上述目的,本研究首先採用文獻分析法,釐清校長的角色與職責,接著探討校長辦學績效與學校效能的關係,校長評鑑的實施與評鑑指標的彙整;其次經由訪談法,了解各類領域人員對於校長辦學績效評鑑項目、指標、及實施方式的意見;最後藉由問卷調查法以獲得不同背景人員,對於校長辦學績效評鑑項目、指標、及實施方式的適當性之態度與看法。經由上述研究的結果,得到以下的研究結論: 一、相關人員對於國中校長辦學績效評鑑項目的優先順序與重要性,以行政管理績效最受重視,已普遍具有共識。 二、相關人員對於國中校長辦學績效評鑑指標之建構已漸獲認同。 三、實施國民中學校長辦學績效評鑑,宜充分釐清校長的角色與職責。 四、校長辦學績效指標與學校效能指標彼此具有相互關聯的作用。 五、校長與教師會均強調教學領導績效是校長評鑑的重要項目。 六、院省轄市學校之教育人員較重視校長在教學領導、訓輔工作、專業成長、公共關係方面的表現。 七、一般鄉鎮地區以及較大型的學校人員較重視校長「公共關係績效」、「專業成長績效」的工作表現。 八、遴選委員和家長委員都認為校長總結性評鑑的實施時程,必須要慎重其事。 九、校長辦學績效評鑑實施方式受到相關人員身分和立場偏見的影響。 十、遴選委員和教師對於校長評鑑結果的評定方式,表達出其對現行校長考核制度評定方式的不滿。 十一、相關人員對於「校長評鑑結果之用途」的看法採取較為積極和正面的做法。 十二、現階段學校所實施之校務評鑑仍可做為校長辦學績效評鑑的參考。 另外,對於主管教育行政機關和國中校長有如下的建議: 一、對主管教育行政機關的建議 (一)宜優先制定可行的國中校長辦學績效評鑑制度,以利校長遴選評鑑之用。 (二)宜辦理校長及評鑑人員有關校長評鑑的研討會議或相關進修,袪除其身分立場之偏見,以利評鑑工作公正客觀合理的進行。 (三)宜由政府匯集各方力量積極發展校長評鑑之指標。 二、對國中校長的建議 (一)國中校長應該重視其行政管理績效與教學領導績效工作的表現。 (二)國中校長應在行政方面和管理措施上,給予教師多方面的支援和協助,以提昇學校的績效。 (三)國中校長應與教師會之間發展良性互動,以提昇學校的績效。 (四)國中校長應落實自我評鑑工作,以利辦學績效的自我提昇。


Abstract This study was undertaken to explore theory of managing performance and evaluation of junior high school principals and to understand the current situation of principals’ managing performance in junior high schools. A questionnaire was designed to investigate the evaluation indicators of principals’ managing performance in junior high schools. And according to the results, construct the evaluation indicators of principals’ managing performance in junior high schools. To achieve those purposes mentioned above, the study first utilized the means of literature analysis to clarify principals’ duty and role, to explore the correlation between principals’ managing performance and school efficiency and to integrate the execution of evaluation system and the evaluation indicators. Second, by means of interview analysis, understand different opinions about evaluation items, indicators, executive ways of principals’ managing performance. Last, the means of questionnaire survey was utilized to understand the general attitude and opinions about the propriety of evaluation items, indicators, and executive ways. The results of this study were summarized as followed. I. The persons concerned had the same opinions about the order and importance of evaluation items of which “administration management performance item” was recognized best of all. II. The persons concerned had gradually recognized the construction of evaluation indicators of junior high school principals. III. When implementing the evaluation of principals’ managing performance in junior high schools, we should thoroughly clarify principals’ role and duty first. IV. There was correlation between the indicators of principals’ managing performance and the indicators of school efficiency. V. The principals and the Teacher Association all considered teaching leadership performance item as an important item for principals’ evaluation. VI. The educationalists of urban-district schools emphasized more on principals’ teaching leadership, dicipline-guidance performance, professional development performance and public relation performance. VII. The educationalists of rural-district schools and large-scale schools emphasized more on principals’ “public relationship performance” and “professional development performance.” VIII. The Election Committee and Parents’ Committee both thought that time and procedure of conclusive evaluation should be considered carefully. IX. The executive ways of principals’ managing performance was affected by the identification and bias of the person concerned. X. The Election Committee and teachers were dissatisfied with the current evaluation system of examining principals. XI. The persons concerned thought well of “the functions of principals’ evaluation results”. XII. The current school-affair-evaluation can still be taken into consideration as a reference of principals’ managing performance evaluation. Moreover, this study provided suggestions for educational administration organizations and principals in junior high schools. I. The suggestions for educational administration organizations 1. Formulate a useful evaluation system of principals’ managing performance in junior high schools as means to elect principals. 2. Hold seminars or provide advanced studies opportunities about principals’ evaluation system to exclude the bias of identification and to evaluate principals fairly, objectively, and reasonably. 3. Construct evaluation indicators properly through the government. II. The suggestions for principals of junior high schools 1. The principals of junior high schools should emphasize their administration management performance and teaching leadership performance. 2. To promote school efficiency, the principals of junior high schools should support and help teachers on the aspects of administration and management. 3. To promote school efficiency, the principals of junior high schools should have good interaction with the Teacher Association. 4. To promote managing performance, the principals of junior high schools should implement evaluation system.


