  • 學位論文


The Study of Household Solid Waste Reduction Behavior and Its Relevance Factors at Shin-Yia and Shia-Bei,Taipei

指導教授 : 王順美


本研究旨在探討一般家戶對垃圾減量行為現況及其相關因素,以提供未來政府政策擬定與環境宣導實際操作之參考。研究對象是以立意取樣方式選取台北市中山區興亞里與下埤里家戶為母群體進行個案研究,並以系統抽樣法(systematic sampling)選取調查樣本1213戶進行施測,共得到590份有效問卷。研究所得重要結果歸納如下: 一、 本研究對象在垃圾減量行為現況,於意識消費行為方面,是以對購物時較常會做到選購可替換式或可填充包裝以及耐用或壽命較長之商品,以減少製造垃圾,但對於購置食物則較為欠缺計畫性適量購買習慣。在垃圾減量想法,則有七成以上研究對象具有簡樸價值信念且能覺知環境惡化與資源短缺問題。對於用過而失去原用途物品會再使用者佔37.8﹪,拿去當成資源回收物者佔42.7﹪,而當成垃圾丟掉的有19.5﹪。研究對象有作資源回收的比率高達99.2﹪,但回收項目並不多,以廢紙類的回收比率最高佔90.2﹪。 二、 研究對象從事垃圾減量行為的相關因素,於意識消費行為是以對環境的關懷(資源有限性、減少製造垃圾)及為了下一代的想法為主要因素。對於物品會有再使用行為則是以來自個人節儉地一種內在動機為主要因素。另研究對象作資源回收的原因,是以對環境關懷、有回收管道及可幫助窮困的人為主要因素。 三、 當比較曾經歷垃圾費隨袋徵收試辦三個月的下埤里家戶,與未參與試辦的興亞里家戶,在意識消費行為及垃圾減量想法上,前者的正向強度,並無明顯優於後者。 四、 研究對象的垃圾減量行為,會因不同垃圾丟棄處理方式及經常與較少處理/傾倒家中垃圾者而有顯著差異,其中以家中垃圾由「家人或自己直接拿到環保局清潔隊垃圾車丟」以及經常處理/傾倒家中垃圾的民眾,其垃圾減量行為正向強度優於其他垃圾丟棄方式以及較少處理/傾倒家中垃圾的民眾。 五、 家戶垃圾製造量,與家庭人口數以及日常生活中經常丟棄冰箱內過期或已壞掉的食物等,對垃圾製造量的影響是正向顯著關係。而與研究對象參與戶外活動次數、住家空間、每次傾倒垃圾的天數,還有經常作到用餐時拒用免洗餐具以及認同垃圾費徵收制度;應依所產生的垃圾量多少就付多少者等,對垃圾製造量的影響是負向顯著關係。 根據本研究結果,建議政府在擬定垃圾減量政策與環境宣導時,不應只強調垃圾減量管理中管末的資源回收,更應著重於垃圾源頭的減量,提倡意識消費與物品再使用的知識與技能。且能針對家戶民眾有關垃圾減量行為,多停滯於知而不行的階段,加強環境教育,增強其對環境關懷的內在動機,以調整民眾垃圾減量行為的態度與信念,再配合政府垃圾減量政策的執行,將較能有效解決垃圾問題與達到垃圾減量之目的。


The Study of Household Solid Waste Reduction Behavior and Its Relevance Factors at Shin-Yia and Shia-Bei, Taipei A Master Thesis Chen Tsao Chou Abstract This research is to explore the household’s solid waste reduction behavior and its relative factors of the Shin-Yia and Shia-Bei communities of Chungshan district in the Taipei City. The researcher used a self-designed questionnaire and conducted systematically sampling. The major findings are listed below: 1. The subjects preferred to choose durable goods or goods with refillable package rather than planned purchase to reduce solid waste. 70% of the residents have positive attitudes toward simple life and perceived the depletion of natural resources. When the goods loose its function, 37% of the residents reused it in different way, 42.7% of the residents recycled it, and the other threw away as garbage. Although 99% of the residents had conducted recycling, the paper recycle is a major item. 2. The household’s reduction behaviors are with various reasons. The subjects adopt eco-conscious behavior because they concerned of the limitation of natural resource and left resources for future generations. They reused goods because of frugal habit and conducted recycling with reasons of environmental concern, convenient recycling system and helping poor people. 3. Comparing the Shia-Bei community, which had attended the Taipei City Per Bag Trash Collection Fee Program for three months with the Shin-Yia community without the new program, the former did not showed significant difference with the latter in terms of eco-conscious behaviors. 4. The research found the frequency of solid waste reduction behaviors is different in groups who had different dumping ways and different dumping frequency. The residents who frequently assisted throwing garbage into collecting trunks directly have the highest reduction behaviors. 5. The volume of household’s garbage is positively correlated with family size and the frequency of throwing away food in refrigerator because of souring. The frequency of attending outdoors activity, space of the house, and the frequency of refusing disposable utensils container are negative correlation with the volume of reduction. Finally, the researcher suggested that reducing consumption (pollution prevention) need to be emphasized and promoted rather than recycling (pollution control) in the future. Through environmental education approach, the residents’ knowledge and skill of reduction behaviors should be increased. The belief of waste reduction should be combined with relative policy, so that the serious solid waste problem can be solved.


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