  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 晏涵文


摘 要 本研究旨在了解新竹市國小六年級學生與其家長之間有關「性」議題方面的溝通情形,同時比較在不同「背景資料」及「性資訊來源」下的差異,並進一步了解子女與父母填答情形的一致性,及「子女與父親」和「子女與母親」間的溝通情形是否有所差異;另外,亦想了解學生與家長之間「性資訊來源」在背景資料不同下的差異,以及學生「與性相關的行為與經驗」在其與家長間「與性有關主題的溝通」不同上的差異。 本研究以隨機抽樣方式抽取新竹市五所國小為實際施測學校並進行問卷調查,學生有效樣本計350位,家長計597位(其中父親288位、母親309位)。獲致的研究結論如下: 1.(1)學生和家長間對「性」相關議題的溝通頻率偏低,態度亦偏向不 自在,整體的溝通情形並不理想,其中以「親子間之身體親密」 及女生「青春期生理」之溝通情形較好,以「懷孕、避孕、性行 為」溝通情形最差。 (2)學生與家長間對「性」相關議題的溝通情形,在「親子間之身體 親密」、「與性有關之社會議題」、「異性交友」、部份之「青 春期生理」等議題有顯著差異,且為家長知覺與子女間之溝通頻 率較子女知覺與家長間的為高且態度較自在。 (3)學生與母親在各議題之談論上比與父親之談論多、態度亦較自 在。 2.女生與母親之溝通情形較男生好,且學生與母親的溝通亦較與父親 的溝通好;父母的感情親密程度較佳、父母的教養態度較關心、子 女自覺家庭氣氛和諧、父母親自覺的教養態度較關心、母親自覺的 家庭氣氛較和諧、父親的社經地位較高、子女與家長性資訊來源得 分愈高者,親子間之「性」相關議題溝通情形愈好。 3.(1)學生性資訊來源不多。大部分得自課堂上性教育講解,其次是電 視兩性問題探討節目、自行參閱性教育書籍或父母告知;而家長 性資訊來源亦不多,六成左右偶爾藉性教育書籍及電視兩性問題 節目來獲得,其他管道則很少接觸與參與。 (2)女生性資訊來源較男性為高,父母的教養態度為非常關心、母親 較年輕者,則子女在性資訊來源上較高。而母親之社經地位較 高、母親教養態度為非常關心、母親自覺家庭氣氛非常和諧者, 則母親在性資訊來源上較高。又父親之社經地位較高者,則父親 在性資訊來源上較高。 4.(1)男女生青春期發育有提前的趨勢,在有月經、夢遺時,仍有學生 不知道這些知識,多數人處理方式是告訴母親、父親。少數學生 已有與異性交往、自慰、被性騷擾的經驗;對於「性」方面的想 法和感受,仍有二成左右的學生覺得沒有必要告訴別人;在做與 性有關的決定前,多數人表示不會詢問父母,主要是認為這是私 事,沒有必要問。 (2)學生與家長間對「性」相關議題的溝通較多、態度較自在者, 在遇有與性相關之行為經驗時,比較會告知父母;遇性方面的想 法及問題時,比較會主動說出來以及找人幫忙。 最後,本研究並根據上述研究結果提出若干在將來研究及家庭教育上之建議。


學生 家長 溝通 性議題


ABSTRACT This study is aimed at understanding the communication of sex related issues between the parents and their children in the 6th grade of elementary schools in Hsin-Chu City. By comparing the differences detected from their backgrounds and source of obtaining sexual information, not only the consistence of the parents' and children's answers but also the situation of father-child and mother-child communication are investigated. Besides, it is my intention to learn about how it would differ in parents' and children's source of obtaining information on sex as far as their backgrounds are concerned and how parents' ways of communication could affect children's sexual behaviors and experiences. Five elementary schools in Hsin-Chu City are randomly selected and invited to perform the questionnaire investigation. 350 students and 597 parents (including 288 fathers and 309 mothers) are involved and the main findings are as follows: 1.(1) The rate of parents' communication with children is low and they do not feel comfortable when they talk to each other. The overall situation of communication is not good. Among the cases, better communication would exist where "body intimacy between parents and children" and "girls' physiological changes at puberty" are concerned. However, there is little communication when it's about "pregnancy, contraception, and sexual behaviors." (2) The communication of sex related issues between the students and parents shows significant differences on the subjects of "body intimacy between parents and children," "society debate on sex," "making friends with the opposite sex," and "physiological changes at puberty." The parents think it's frequent for them to talk to the students and they feel more comfortable than the students do. (3) The students have more discussions with mothers than with fathers, and talking to mothers makes them feel at ease. 2.Girls maintain better communication than boys do, and the students communicate better with mothers than with fathers. The frequency and level of communication are preferable when the following variables display positive--intimacy between fathers and mothers, parents' care about children, family atmospheres, social and economic status, and source in obtaining sexual information. 3.(1)The students do not have much sources of obtaining information on sex. Most of their understanding is achieved from the classrooms, TV shows discussing sexual issues, books on sex, or parents. Actually, the parents do not have much sources in acquiring sexual information themselves. 60% of them try to gain the information from books or TV shows while the others do nothing about it. (2)Girls have more sources in obtaining sexual 附錄information than boys, as well as those whose parents care much about children and whose mothers are younger. Furthermore, mothers have more sources in obtaining sexual information if they have better social and economic status, care more about children's education, or have better family atmospheres. Fathers have more sources when their social and economic status is better. 4.(1) There is a trend toward earlier puberty. However, some of the students have no idea at all as their periods or nocturnal emissions appear. Most of them deal with this by telling their fathers or mothers. Some of them have experience of dating, masturbation, or sexual harassment. As for their thoughts and feeling about sex, 20% of them will not let others know. They think it's personal so they will not ask for parents' permission before doing anything related to sex. (2) The students who feel comfortable while discussing sex related issues with parents will let their parents know about their sexual experience and will seek for help while encountering sex related problems. Based on the findings of the study, further suggestions are offered for family education and future studies.




Brock,L.J. & Jennings G.H.(1993). What Daughter in Their 30s Wish Their Mothers Had Told Them, Family Relations, Vol.42 No.1, pp.61-65.


