  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 晏涵文


本研究的目的,主要在了解國中生被性騷擾頻率與相關經驗、對性騷擾的界定與感受、性騷擾防治知識、態度、性騷擾應對處理之自我效能、性騷擾防治資訊背景與性騷擾防治教育內容等需求及其相關因素。本研究以民國八十九學年度第一學期就讀於台北市某國中學生為母群體,採分層集束抽樣法進行抽樣,有效樣本共計308人。研究工具採結構式問卷,以團體自填問卷方式收集資料。本研究所得結果如下: 一、被性騷擾的頻率與相關經驗:七成七的學生從國中一年級開始到目前為止,至少曾遭受一種形式以上的性騷擾行為,男生與女生遭受性騷擾的比率接近,且男生略高;學生被性騷擾的前三項類型依序是:對你說些與「性」有關且不受歡迎的言辭、向你展示色情書刊、圖片、漫畫等、故意掀你的衣服、裙子或脫你褲子;男女生的加害者皆以「男的同學或朋友」為主要加害者;受性騷擾當時所採取的行動以「不理會」、「加以反擊」居多數。 二、對性騷擾的界定、感受與相關看法:五成以上的學生將所列的十項行為界定為性騷擾,四成以上的學生不認為「向你展示色情書刊、圖片、漫畫」是性騷擾;各有三成二及二成三的學生認為「向你展示色情書刊、圖片、漫畫」、「對你說些與「性」有關且不受歡迎的言辭」無所謂;「好玩、惡作劇」是學生認為國中生故意碰觸、撫摸同學生殖器官最可能的動機;「校外休閒娛樂場所與「校園周圍或角落」是學生認為最容易發生性騷擾的地點;學生首要的性騷擾求助對象是:「父母」;「覺得丟臉不想張揚」是學生未尋求協助的主因。 三、性騷擾防治知識、態度、性騷擾應對行為之自我效能、性騷擾防治資訊背景、課程內容需求與相關看法:學生在知識部分的平均答對率約六成,五成以上答錯性侵害迷思與相關法律部分;學生整體在性騷擾防治態度方面偏正向;有半數的學生自認有六成以上的把握能妥善應對及處理所列的十項性騷擾行為;學生性騷擾防治資訊主要來自學校,來自家庭的性騷擾防治資訊最少;學生認為自己「需要」或「非常需要」學習的性騷擾防治課程內容是「良好人際溝通的技巧」;學生最喜歡的性騷擾防治教學方法及教學媒體是「角色扮演法」與「錄影帶」;「設計課程來教導」被認為是實施性騷擾防治教育最好的方式。 四、被性騷擾的頻率因年級、性別、母親教養態度、家庭氣氛、異性交往、網路交友經驗、接觸色情媒體經驗而有所差異;對性騷擾的界定因性別、接觸色情媒體經驗而有所差異;對性騷擾的感受因性別、家庭氣氛、異性交往及接觸色情媒體經驗而有所差異。 五、性騷擾防治知識因年級、性別、父親教育程度、母親教養態度及接觸色情媒體經驗而有所差異;性騷擾防治態度因性別而有所差異;性騷擾應對行為之自我效能因父親教養態度而有所差異;性騷擾防治資訊背景因性別、父母親教養態度而有所差異;性騷擾防治課程內容需求因年級、性別、網路交友及接觸色情媒體經驗而有所差異。


The purpose of this research aims to examine the following factors and how they affect junior high school students: (1) the frequency of and correlated experiences of being sexually harassed, (2) definitions of and feelings toward sexual harassment (3) knowledge, attitude, and information background of the prevention of sexual harassment as well as the self-effectiveness of the corresponding reactions to sexual harassment and the requirement for resourceful content of the preventive education. This research took the students of the first semester in the school year 2000 in certain junior high school in Taipei City as a sampling group. By using a stratified cluster sampling method,308 of valid samples were collected with a self-administrated questionnaire. The following conclusions were drawn from the study. (1) The frequency and correlated experiences of being sexually harassed. The result of the questionnaire indicates that about 77﹪of the students have suffered at least one form or another of sexual harassment since they attended junior high school. The ratio of being sexually harassed among boys is a little higher than that of girls. The top three types of sexual harassment behaviors are: verbal abuse regarding the word ‘sex’, visual abuse concerning pornography, and physical abuse such as taking off the victim’s pants. According to the victims, ‘male school mates and friends’ forms the major abusers. The common responses of victims are ‘ignore’ and ‘fight back’. (2) Definitions of, feelings toward and opinions of sexual harassment.The outcome of the survey shows that while more that 50﹪of the students have defined the ten behaviors listed on the questionnaire as sexual harassment, more than 40﹪of the students do not take visual abuse (showing to you pornographic pictures or books) as sexual abuse. Meanwhile, 32﹪of the respondents take visual abuse as no big deal and 23﹪of the respondents do not consider verbal abuse (saying to you in some nasty way concerning the word sex) as sexual harassment. In addition, the survey shows that ‘to have fun or just being naughty’ is the most possible reason incurring the behavior of touching or caressing the sexual organs of their peers. As for the place the respondents suggest that sexual harassments are most likely to occur is ‘the area around school and the dark corners of school’. While ‘parents’ is the help that students are most likely to turn to help when they suffer from the abuse, ‘feeling losing face and wishing to forget about it’ might deter students from reporting their suffering. (3) Knowledge, attitude, and information background of the prevention of sexual harassment as well as the self-effectiveness of the corresponding reactions to sexual harassment and the requirement for resourceful content of the preventive education.The respondents of the questionnaire have an average rate of around 60﹪of correct answers in knowledge part in contrast with more than 50﹪of the students answered wrong concerning sexual harassment myth and related law regulations. While school serves as a major source for providing prevention knowledge, family provides the least help. As for the most required content of prevention course, ‘good personal communication skill’ comes on top of all. ‘Role-play’ and ‘video-show’ remain the favorite learning method and media. Finally, ‘to design a course specialized for teaching the concept of sexual harassment’ is considered the best way to internalize the prevention education of sexual harassment. (4) There are some other factors leading to the differences of the preceding three major conditions.Age, gender, maternal raising attitude, family atmosphere, relations with the opposite sex, the experiences of on-line friend-making, and the experiences of contacting pornographic media influence on the frequency of being sexually harassment. Next, gender and the experiences of contacting pornographic media have an impact on the definitions of sexual harassment. At last, gender, family atmosphere, relations with the opposite sex and the experiences of contacting pornographic media make a difference in the respondents’ feelings towards sexual harassment. (5) Age, gender, paternal and maternal raising attitude and the experiences of contacting pornographic media affect the sexual harassment prevention knowledge. Gender can influence the attitude of the prevention towards sexual harassment. Paternal raising attitude has an influence on the self-effectiveness on the corresponding action of sexual harassment. Also gender and parental raising attitude can determine the information background of the sexual harassment prevention knowledge. And last but not least, age, gender, making Internet friends, and the experiences of contacting pornographic media have an influence on the course content of sexual harassment prevention.






