  • 學位論文


The Influence of Sport Socialization and Motivation on Sport Participation: A Case Study of University Students Who Take Table Tennis As Their Elective

指導教授 : 黃國義


本研究旨在探討興趣選項桌球組大學生運動社會化因素與選項動機因素對桌球參與程度之實況及其影響。本研究以就讀公私立大學體育課興趣選項桌球組學生(二年級510人、三年級269人、四年級125,共計904人)為研究對象,採用問卷調查做為資料蒐集方法,施以「大學生運動社會化因素量表」、「大學生選項動機因素量表」及「大學生主動參與量表」作為研究工具,並將測量結果以描述統計、積差相關、多元迴歸分析、邏輯迴歸分析來進行統計處理。本研究主要發現如下: 一、選項動機因素經因素分析後共萃取出七個因素,並依內容加以命名為「社會需求」、「健康體適能」、「刺激避免」、「教師教學」、「運動項目特性」、「成就肯定」、「運動成績考量」等七項。 二、在影響興趣選項桌球組大學生主動參與的多元迴歸分析中顯示,總解釋力(R2(adj)=0.733)達73.3﹪,呈顯著的因素有「學校」、「同儕」、「家庭」、「大眾媒體」、「運動特性」、「社會需求」等六項。 三、在影響興趣選項桌球組大學生課餘時間是否參與運動的邏輯迴歸分析中顯示,此迴歸模式的預估值有66﹪與實際觀測值相符合,呈顯著的因素有「運動項目特性」、「運動成績考量」、「同儕」、「刺激避免」等四項。 四、在影響興趣選項桌球組二年級大學生選修桌球課一次或二次之邏輯迴歸分析中顯示,此迴歸模式的預估值有76﹪與實際觀測值相符合,呈顯著的因素有「運動項目特性」一項。 五、在影響興趣選項桌球組三、四年級大學生選修桌球課一次或二次之邏輯迴歸分析中顯示,此迴歸模式的預估值有78﹪與實際觀測值相符合,呈顯著的因素有「運動項目特性」、「成就肯定」、「學校」等三項。


This thesis intends to study the influence of sport socialization factor and motivation factor on the participation and performance of the university students who take table tennis as their elective. The subjects of my study consist of 904 university students, including 510 sophomores, 269 juniors, and 125 seniors. With questionnaire-surveys as the main source of data. ‘‘University Student Sport Socialization Factor Scale’’, ‘‘University Student Motivation Factor Scale’’, ‘‘University Student Active Participation Scale’’ are also employed as research tools. Finally, the data is analyzed by means of Descriptive Statistics, Person Product-moment Correlation, Multiple Regression, Logistic Regression. The results of my study are as follows: 1.A Factor analysis reveals that there are seven factors that may help to explain the motivation students want to take table tennis as their elective subject. They are ‘‘social needs’’, ‘‘health and fitness’’, ‘‘release of tension’’, ‘‘teacher’s way of teaching’’, ‘‘the nature of the sport’’, ‘‘achievement and honor’’, and ‘‘grade consideration’’. 2.A Multiple Regression analysis reveals that there are six factors that may have influenced students who not only take the course but also actively involve in the sport. They are ‘‘school’’, ‘‘peers’’, ‘‘family’’, ‘‘mass media’’, ‘‘the nature of the sport’’, and ‘‘social needs’’. 3.A Logistic Regression analysis reveals that there are four factors that may have influenced on students’ degree of participation, including the ‘‘nature of the sport’’, ‘‘grade consideration’’, ‘‘peers’’, and ‘‘release of tension’’. 4.A Logistic Regression analysis reveals that there is only one obvious factor that influences sophomores who take the course for one or two times, namely, ‘‘the nature of the sport’’. 5.A Logistic Regression analysis reveals that there are three main factors that influence juniors or seniors who take the course for one or two times, including ‘‘the nature of the sport’’, ‘‘achievement and honor’’, and ‘‘school’’.


洪嘉文(民89):社會化與運動關係初探。中華體育,54期, 1-9頁。


