  • 學位論文


Cooperative Learning In One Junior High School English Classroom: An Action Research

指導教授 : 許月貴


在本研究中,教師兼研究者基於行動研究的精神與架構,在國中英語教室實施合作學習,採用學生小組成就區分法 (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions),小組遊戲競賽法(Teams-Games-Tournaments),和共同學習法 (Learning Together)等三種合作學習方法,以解決教師在教室中所發現到的英語教學及學生英語學習問題。本研究採用質性研究法,研究者蒐集多樣化的資料,並加以描述、分析、詮釋。研究對象是教師兼研究者的國二班級學生,一共有37位學生,其中男生20人,女生17人,在教學實驗過程中,以異質分組的方式,接受合作學習之英語教學,為期五個月。研究者同時兼任此一班級學生之英語教師兼班級導師。 在研究發現中,研究者在第一部分先介紹教師兼研究者如何在國中英語教室中實行合作學習之準備事項與實施步驟。在第二部分中,研究者呈現合作學習對學生英語學習的影響,以優點和缺點兩方面來探討:合作學習可幫助學生提升學習成就、學習動機,培養學生自尊、自信、與積極的學習態度,磨練社交技巧和增進人際關係。然而在實施合作學習過程中,研究者亦發現,小組中勞逸分配問題、學生課堂參與程度,及教室管理問題是教師需要克服之缺點。研究者在第三部分探索實施合作學習的困難處,從教師、學生、家長、以及學校等四方面進行探討,並且針對實施合作學習過程中所發現之缺點和困難,發展因應策略,藉以改善教室內之學習環境。 研究結果顯示,教師兼研究者在國中英語教室中實施合作學習,有其正面意義。本研究建議,當教師在英語課堂中實施合作學習或是融入合作學習活動時,教師應瞭解實施合作學習可能產生之問題及困難,並發展因應策略,進而提升學生學習英語之成效。


In this study, the teacher-as-researcher conducted an individual teacher’s action research in which the teacher implemented the cooperative learning methods, Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD), Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT), and Learning Together (LT) to solve her instructional problems identified in the junior high school English classroom and to improve the learning situations within it. Qualitative research design was adopted in the study in which the researcher described, analyzed, and interpreted the data collected from multiple sources. The subjects were the teacher’s intact second-year class, including twenty boys and seventeen girls. The teacher adopted heterogeneous grouping to adhere the models of the three cooperative learning methods. In the first part of the study, the researcher presented the process of how she implemented cooperative learning in the classroom context. In the second part, the influence of applying cooperative learning methods on the students’ learning was discussed under two sections: strengths and weaknesses. Cooperative learning helped the students increase English academic achievement, promote learning autonomy, motivation, positive attitudes, and self-esteem, develop social skills and interpersonal relationship. Yet, free-rider effect and higher noise level were discovered during the research process. The teacher discussed the difficulties of employing cooperative learning in the third part. The primary factors were due to time limitation and the teacher’s inexperience in cooperative learning. In light of the weaknesses and difficulties, the teacher developed workable strategies to adapt cooperative learning into the context. To sum up, this study reveals that the effects of implementing cooperative learning in the junior high school English classroom are generally positive; however, it is recommended that teachers need to consider the weaknesses or possible difficulties if they intend to integrate or employ cooperative learning into the traditional English classrooms.


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