  • 學位論文


A Study on Retired Junior High School and Elementary School Teachers’ Human Power Utilization and Consultant in I-Lan County

指導教授 : 張明輝


摘要 本研究的主要目的在於探討我國教師退休制度之沿革、退休人力運用及退休輔導的相關理論基礎;調查國民中小學退休教師之生活型態、工作型態、參與志願服務工作情形及退休輔導的實施現況;分析國民中小學退休教師對現行退休教師人力運用、退休輔導、退休教師人力運用主管機關資訊提供程度相關意見。最後,根據研究結論提出建議以供國民中小學教師規劃退休生活時之參考,並作為教育行政主管機關規劃退休教師人力運用、實施國民中小學教師退休輔導之參考。 為達上述目的,本研究兼採文獻探討、問卷調查法及訪談法進行研究。首先,透過文獻探討以了解我國教師退休制度之沿革、退休人力運用及退休輔導的理論與實施。其次,根據文獻探討的結果編製「宜蘭縣國民中小學退休教師人力運用及輔導現況之研究調查問卷」進行問卷調查,以瞭解宜蘭縣國民中小學退休教師的生活型態等相關議題。爾後根據文獻探討的結果擬定訪談大綱,對宜蘭縣各公立國民中小學退休教師聯誼會負責人進行訪談。最後根據研究結論,提出具體建議。 本研究的問卷調查對象為85年2月至90年8月間,依民國八十四年修訂之「學校教職員退休條例」自宜蘭縣公立國民中小學退休之教師,共發出問卷434份,實得有效問卷172份,問卷採SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science)8.0視窗版套裝軟體進行資料的統計處理與分析。訪談對象為宜蘭縣公立國民中小學退休教師聯誼會負責人,共訪談三所學校學校層級退休教師聯誼會及兩個縣層級退休人員聯誼會。 綜合問卷調查及訪談研究的結果,獲得以下結論: 一、國民中小學退休教師的生活狀況普遍良好且對退休生活感到滿意。 二、雖然國民中小學退休教師曾再工作的比例並不高,但如能提供充分 的工作訊息則仍有近七成的人有意願及能力再度投入工作職場、貢 獻所長。 三、國民中小學退休教師鮮少是為了經濟因素而曾(願意)再工作。 四、國民中小學退休教師多願意參與志工服務,但需顧及退休教師的個 人需求。 五、雖然有不少國民中小學退休教師願意回到學校擔任志工服務,但實 際返校服務的比例卻偏低。 六、國民中小學退休教師普遍肯定退休輔導的重要性,並且願意參加及 協助退休輔導,只是舉辦方式及議題需能切合需求。 七、國民中小學退休教師聯誼會(協會)在聯誼工作的推行已見成效。 八、國民中小學退休教師與退休教師聯誼會(協會)對於退休輔導主辦 單位的看法迥異。 九、主管機關在退休輔導的辦理及相關行政協助上仍有極大的努力空 間。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查研究、訪談研究的結果提出建議如下: 一、主管機關應積極籌劃辦理退休輔導,並可委託退休人員協會辦理。 二、主管機關應給予退休人員協會足夠的支持,使其運作更上軌道。 三、志工資訊流通的方式應更符合一般大眾熟悉的模式。 四、志工運用單位應給予志工們更多的尊重並協助其學習成長。 五、學校應開放心胸,強化組織成員對志願服務的認知,讓退休教師不 但有機會回學校服務,同時也能從服務中獲得榮譽感、成就感。 六、國民中小學教師退休前宜預作退休規劃,退休後宜努力維持身體健 康、擴展生活領域。 七、退休教師聯誼會(協會)應建立彼此之間的合作機制,集眾人之力 作更多的事。 八、退休教師聯誼會(協會)應主動出擊,為退休教師發聲。 九、進一步研究之建議,可將縣府人事主管機關以及各校人事列入訪談 名單,以取得退休教師人力運用主管單位的相關意見。同時應可輔 以訪談法、觀察法、個案研究法以深入瞭解退休教師的生活面貌。


Abstract The main aims of this study is to: 1.explore the history of teachers’ retirement system, utilization of retiree human power, and the theoretical foundations of retirement consultant; 2.investigate the life and work styles, engagement in voluntary service, and the practice of retirement consultant of retired teachers of elementary and junior high schools; 3.understand the opinions of different associations of retired teachers on utilization of retiree human power and retirement consultant. 4.raise recommendations on planning retired life to elementary and junior high school teachers, and on scheming out the ways to utilize retiree human power and to counsel retired teachers. Three research methods are used by this study: literature review, questionnaire survey, and qualitative interview. Through literature review, this study explores the history of retirement system, current utilization of retiree human power, and the theoretical basis and practice of retirement consultant. Then, a ‘Questionnaire of Utilization of Human Power of I-Lan County Junior High School and Elementary School Retired Teachers’ was drawn up in order to understand relevant issues. An interview guideline was also composed and applied to interview the heads of variant Associations of Retired Teachers. Finally, this study gave concrete recommendations for policymaking. The questionnaire targeted teachers retired on the condition of ‘The 1995 Retiring Statute of School Teachers and Staff’, during February 1996 and August 2001. There were totally 434 questionnaires sent out, and 172 of them were effective for analysis. The questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS for Winsows 8.0 version. The subjects of qualitative interview were the heads of Associations of Retired Teachers. This study interviewed 3 associations’ leaders at school level and 2 associations’ heads at county level. Combined the outcomes of questionnaire and interview, some conclusion were drawn as follows: 1.Most retired teachers are adaptable well to and satisfied of their current lives. 2.The rate of working after retiring from schools is not high. However, if there are suitable opportunities approaching 70 percentages of them are capable and willing to have a job. 3.It is rare to see a retired teacher working again because of finical difficulty. 4.Most retired teachers are willing to contribute to the voluntary service, but it needs to consider personal needs. 5.Although there is a high percentage among retired teachers to be a volunteer at school, the percentage of taking action is low. 6.Retired teachers universally agree the importance of retirement consultant and are likely to take part and help relevant activities. However, the issues and types of these activities must fit their demands. 7.The outcomes of the services of The Associations of Retired Teachers can be observed on the issue of increasing fellowship. 8.There is a disagreement between different associations on which unit should be in charge of retirement consultant service. 9.There are still many issues that can be improved by the government. According to the outcomes of the study, some recommendations were raised: 1.The institution in responsible should organize activities of retirement consultant actively, and it can sponsor the Association of Retired Teachers as an organizer. 2.The institution in responsible should give the Associations of Retired Teachers more support, to improve their management and function. 3.The ways of information attribution needs to consist with the ways people are familiar. 4.Voluntary organizations should give volunteers more respects and help their personal development. 5.Schools should be more open and establish their members’ attitudes to voluntary work. Thus, retired teachers are able to provide voluntary services to schools, and obtain honor and fulfillment as a return. 6.Retiring teachers should plan their forthcoming retired life in advance. After retirement, they should try to maintain health and to expand the extent of their lives. 7.It is necessary to establish a cooperative relationship between different Retired Teachers Associations. 8.The Retired Teachers Associations should voice actively for the interests of retired teachers. 9.For the following research, it is suggested to include the personnel of city council and schools. In addition, some other research methods can be applied to explore the retired teachers’ lives in depth, such as qualitative interview, observation, and case study.


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