  • 學位論文


The study of the Conduct of the Junior High Cram School-Community Liaison in Taipei County

指導教授 : 高強華


本研究旨在於探究台北縣國民中學附設補校的經營與課程實施現況,瞭解學生課程需求及探討最佳經營方針,期其於社區發展上,克盡社區責任,促教育資源效益之發揮,以達公平正義的原則。其目有下:(一)瞭解台北縣城鄉國中補校「社區化經營」現況。(二)分析台北縣國中補校「社區化經營」城、鄉間之差異情形。(三)探討國中補校「社區化經營」對師生社區活動參與之影響。(四)根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供未來國中補校「社區化經營」之參考。 本研究依據前述目的,進行文獻分析。經由社區成人教育相關理論之探討,以及台北縣成人教育、社會教育、補校教育現況的瞭解後,進行台北縣國中補校之訪問調查,並將其結果彙整以完成統計分析工作。 根據統計分析結論,分別就教育當局、國民中學、學校所在地社區及未來繼續研究者四方面,提出以下建議: 一、 對教育主管機關的建議:研議權力下放尺度,給予學校較大經營空間;研擬獎勵措施,鼓勵學校辦理社區化成人教育;強化補校行政組織,以利社區教育順暢運作;建立合理的補校教師任用制度,強化教師課程設計能力;寬列補校經費,以利社區教育的推展。 二、 對國民中學的建議:校長施政能順應時勢民主領導;學校與社區建立夥伴關係,加強社區與密切互動;教師的支持與參與是補校社區化經營成功的基礎;審慎思考補校轉型經營的空間。 三、 對學校所在地社區的建議:學校合作無間關係之確立;在補校社區化經營上,展現優秀社區的風範,提供社區資;鼓勵社區早年失學居民,積極參與補校社區化教育提升社區整體素質。 四、 對未來研究者的建議:若能佐以質化研究,可更增研究的價值性;研究範圍可擴及台灣地區,使研究結果更具推論性;抽樣樣本應注意城鄉差距。


The central focus of this study is to discuss the current status of the management and the curriculum of the adult extensions in the Taipei County Public Middle Schools, to understand students’ needs and develop the optimal managing guidelines, to ensure it is contributing to the community in terms of community development, and to encourage the educational resources to be utilized to its fullest. These are the four main points which I will discuss in this paper: 1) to understand the current state of “community management” of the adult extension at Chan-Shiang Middle School in Taipei County. 2) to analyze the differences of adult extension “community management” among towns in the Taipei County Middle Schools. 3) to discuss the influence of “community management” to the students and the teachers’ involvement in community activities. 4) to provide concrete suggestions for further developments for future adult extensions in terms of “community management”. According to the summaries and analyses, these are the recommendations for the Bureau of Education, middle schools, the vicinal areas and future researchers: 1. For the Bureau of Education: Instead of taking control of the entire management, it is recommended to give each school more liberty in managing; to promote ways of awarding schools that establish an adult education; to reinforce the structure of the administration so community education can be executed without issues; to establish a logical way to hire teachers for adult schools and reinforce teachers’ abilities to design curriculum; to set aside enough funds in order to promote community education. 2. For the middle schools: the principals should take leadership at the right time with the right people; to establish a partnership between the school and the community, and to increase the interaction between the two; the support and involvement from teachers is the basis of a successfully managed community education; to take deliberation in changing the management of adult extensions. 3. For the vicinal areas: to ensure there is a seamless partnership between the school and the community; to be the model role for other communities and to provide community resources for community education; to encourage residents who were drop-outs to actively participate in community education and thus raise the cultural standards of the entire community. 4. For future researchers: The area of research could be expanded to the entire area of Taiwan in order to give the research results more recognition; one should consider the differences between each town when doing random sample studies.




