  • 學位論文


The Experimental Study of Integrating Information Technology on Music Instruction

指導教授 : 姚世澤博士


本研究欲探討如何應用數位科技於音樂課程之教材設計與教學,瞭解學生在數位學習之成效和學習態度上所產生的影響,主要研究目的有四:(一)藉由文獻探討的分析,瞭解現代科技與音樂教育整合的必要性。(二)運用資訊科技作為音樂科教學輔助與延伸教學之工具。(三)透過教學實證,檢視資訊融入音樂教學與傳統一般音樂教學在學習成效之差異性與實效性。(四)根據研究結果,建構乙套可行之課程教材規劃與教學設計模式,以作為教師教學與研究之參考依據。 本研究之教學實證採準實驗研究法,以國中一年級學生為研究樣本,隨機選取實驗組與控制組各三班,共294人,分別進行五週之「資訊融入音樂科教學」與「一般音樂教學」,並以「音樂學習成效測驗」、「學生音樂學習歷程問卷」、「學生資訊科技素養與能力調查問卷」以及「資訊科技融入音樂教學之學習評估問卷」作為研究工具,來瞭解資訊科技融入音樂教學與一般音樂教學之過程與成效差異。藉由電腦音樂編輯軟體、電腦繪圖軟體、CAI多媒體輔助教學光碟、網路音樂教學資源、自製之多媒體互動式教學教材、多媒體電腦簡報編輯、文書處理軟體以及網頁編輯軟體等數位科技來設計、規劃一可行之教學模式與策略,透過文獻資料之蒐集、教學實證、教學成效測驗、問卷調查以及研究觀察的結果分析結果,檢視資訊科技融入音樂教學之實施情況,探究其與一般音樂教學之差異性,並評估其可行性,進而提出建議,以作為發展資訊科技融入音樂科教學與研究之參考。本研究結論如下: 一、 應用「資訊科技」於音樂科教學確實能提昇學生音樂學習興趣與 成效,並得到多數學生正面之肯定與喜愛 二、 整合性之多媒體資訊教材確實能強化學生學習能力與效率。 三、 電腦音樂編曲軟體的使用能增強學生之理解力、想像力與創造力,提高音樂創作之興趣與技能,並使學生對於創作更具信心與成就感。 四、 電腦繪圖軟體、網頁編輯軟體、文書應用軟體以及網路確實能作為延伸學習之有效工具。 五、「資訊科技」融入音樂之實證教學中,學生在音樂認知與數位應用能力之皆有顯著的提昇。 六、 本實證研究之教學設計模式能有效執行,確實能獲得良好的教學成效。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of integrating information technology into music instruction, and discover its influence in the students’ learning performance and learning attitude through the practical teaching. The main purposes of this study are as follows: (1)to understand the importance of integrating information technology and music education.(2) to apply information technology to be an effective tool to assist and extend music instruction .(3) to evaluate the feasibility and difference between experimental and controlled classes.(4)to construct and provide a model study for integrating information technology on music instruction. The methodology of the study adopts quasi-experiment .Six Samples were randomly selected from the first-grade classes at Nan-Shan junior high school in Taipei, and equally divided into the experimental group and the controlled group. The experimental group accepted the integrating information technology in music teaching and the controlled group accepted the traditional music teaching. The research designed the ”music achievement test”, “music leaning experience questionnaire”, “Information Literacy questionnaire”, and “learning estimate questionnaire” to comprehend the process and effect between experimental and controlled classes. This study applied the composing software, the painting software, CAI, internet , Interactive multimedia teaching materials, and Microsoft office which includes Powerpoint, word, and Frontpage to design a model and strategy for integrating information technology into music instruction. The study will evaluate learning performance, the difference between the two groups and the feasibility through the literature review, practical teaching, music achievement test, questionnaire survey, and observation analysis. Furthermore, the research also provides some suggestions as a reference for integrating information technology on music instruction. The major conclusions of the research are as follows: 1.Using information technology into music instruction indeed improves students’ music learning motive and performance, and receives good responses from students. 2.The integrative multimedia teaching materials can reinforce the learning ability and effect. 3.Using the composing software can improve students’ comprehension, imagination and creation, and enhance the interest and skills of music composing, and make more confidence and achievement on music learning. 4.Using software and internet can be an effective tool to assist and extend music learning. 5.Using information technology into music instruction indeed improves students’ music understanding, computer abilities and skills. 6.Integrating information technology into music instruction can put into practice effectively and show a positive effect on students’ learning performance.


李德竹 (2000):資訊素養的意義、內涵與演變。圖書與資訊學刊,35


邱羨嘉(2010)。資訊科技融入藝文領域教學與教師創新教學表現之研究 ---以桃園縣國中藝術與人文領域教師為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2010.00082
