  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 游進年博士


中 文 摘 要 本研究主要目的在探討(一)桃園縣國民中學校長教學領導之現況。(二)桃園縣國民中學學校效能之現況。(三)桃園縣國民中學教育人員對校長教學領導行為知覺的差異情形。(四)桃園縣國民中學教育人員對學校效能知覺的差異情形。(五)桃園縣國民中學校長教學領導行為與學校效能之關係。(六)桃園縣國民中學校長教學領導對學校效能是否有顯著的預測力。(七)依據研究結果,研擬改進國民中學校長教學領導的建議。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,半結構式訪談為輔,受試者包括桃園縣公立國民中學校長、主任、組長、導師、專任老師,每校16-31人共1037人,其中有效樣本908人可用率為87.6%,研究工具為『國民中學校長教學領導調查問卷』及『國民中學學校效能量表』,Cronbach’s 信度係數介於.7903 -.9307之間。本研究以SPSS for windows 10.0版的套裝軟體為統計分析工具,玆將研究主要發現分述如下: 一、桃園縣國民中學教育人員所知覺到的「校長教學領導」,得分平 均數為3.70,整體而言屬中上程度。 二、桃園縣國民中學教育人員所知覺到的「學校效能」,得分平均數為3.67,整體而言亦屬中上程度。 三、不同環境變項的桃園縣國民中學教育人員所知覺到的「校長教學領導」差異情形不一。 1.就不同學校規模而言:以37-72班學校得分最高,但沒有顯著差異。 2.就不同地區學校而言:都是一般地區得分高於偏遠地區,且有顯著差異。 四、不同人口變項的桃園縣國民中學教育人員所知覺到的「校長教學領導」差異情形不一。 1.性別、年齡、年資、職務對「校長教學領導」知覺度有顯著差異,以男性、年齡在51歲以上、服務滿26年以上及擔任校長者得分最高。 2.學歷對「校長教學領導」知覺度沒有顯著差異。 五、不同環境變項的桃園縣國民中學教育人員所知覺到的「學校效能」有顯著差異,以37-72班學校及一般地區學校得分較高。 六、不同人口變項的桃園縣國民中學教育人員所知覺到的「學校效能」現況有顯著差異,以男性、51歲以上、服務26年以上、擔任校長職務、研究所或四十學分班結業者得分較高。 七、桃園縣國民中學「校長教學領導」各層面與「學校效能」各層面有極顯著正相關。 八、桃園縣國民中學「校長教學領導」行為對「學校效能」各層面有顯著預測力。依據文獻分析與研究結果對教育行政機關、國民中學校長與未來相關研究,提出下列建議: 壹、對主管教育行政機關的建議: 一、校長甄選應加強國中校長的領導專業知能,以提昇學校效能。 二、應編列專款及增加人員編制補助偏遠地區學校,提昇其效能。 三、應積極規劃教育資源,發展適度規模的學校。 四、可依據本研究之校長「教學領導」與「學校效能」指標,作為評鑑學校的參考。 貳、對國民中學校長的建議: 一、校長應不斷自我進修,增進教學領導知能。 二、校長應積極推動「教學領導」以提昇學校效能。 三、校長應協助教師將七大領域發展為自發性組織。 四、校長應實施校內兼行政職務教師輪調制,並重視與未兼行政教師的互動。 五、校長應尊重資深優良教師使之成為教師的楷模。 六、校長應支持與關懷女性教師。 七、學校應舉辦多元活動,廣邀家長與社區參與,增進對學校認同感。 八、校長應營造良好學習環境,促進教師專業成長,提昇學生學習成效。 參、對未來研究的建議 一、在研究對象方面可擴及台灣地區與私立學校及國小與高中職。 二、在研究方法方面可加強質的研究。 三、在研究工具方面可發展更為妥適的研究工具。 四、在研究變項方面可擴充研究變向及向度的內容。 關鍵詞:教學領導、學校效能、國民中學。


A Study on Relationships between Principals’ Instructional leadership and School Effectiveness of Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County Abstract The purposes of this study were: (1)to explore the status quo of instructional leadership of junior high school in Taoyuan County, (2)to explore the status quo of school effectiveness of junior high school in Taoyuan County, (3)to probe the difference of perceptions of principals’ instructional leadership among educators, (4)to investigate the difference of perceptions of school effectiveness among teachers, (5)to understand the relationship between principal’s instructional leadership and school effectiveness of junior high school, (6)to explore if principals’ instructional leadership has predictive efficacy for school effectiveness, and (7)to make some recommendations for improvement of principals’ instructional leadership. This study was proceeding with survey study as well as semi-constructed interview. Two scales (Questionnaire of principals’ Instructional Leadership of Junior High School and Scale of school effectiveness of Junior High School). were used to data aggregation, The Cronbach’s coefficients of the scales were between 0.79 and 0.93, it indicated a good reliability and conformity among the items. 16-31 teachers were chosen from each junior high school in Taoyuan County. Finally, 908 data were collected and were analyzed by SPSS 10.0 for Windows the conclusions of this research were as follows: 1. The teachers of junior high schools perceived an upper level on “principals’ instructional leadership”, and the average was 3.70. 2. The teachers of junior high schools also perceived an upper level on “school effectiveness”, and the average was 3.67 3. The teachers of junior high schools have different perceptions of “principals’ instructional leadership” in terms of different demographic variables. (1) So far as the school size is concerned, there was no significant difference in schools with 37-72 classes scored the highest. (2) In terms of the school district, the general areas scored higher than distant areas, but did have significant difference. 4. The educators of junior high schools have significant difference of “school effectiveness” in schools with 37-72 classes and the general areas scores the highest. 5. The educators of junior high schools had no different perceptions of “principals’ instructional leadership” under different demographic variables. (1) In terms of gender、age、service years、a post have significant difference of “principals’ instructional leadership” and the man、age above 51 years、service above 26 years、the principals scores the highest. (2) In terms of academic background, was no significant difference of “principals’ instructional leadership” 6. The educators of junior high schools have significant difference of “school effectiveness” under different demographic variables, and the man、age above 51 years、service above 26 years、the principals 、a research station or forty credit scores the highest. 7. There were positive and strongly significant correlations among all dimensions of principals’ instructional leadership and school effectiveness. 8. Principal’s instructional leadership had predictive efficacy for all the dimensions of school effectiveness and the ranking (from strong to weak) was “The whole dimension of principals’ instructional leadership”, “Development of Supportive Environment”, and “Promotion of Teacher Expertise” Based on the findings, several suggestions were made for the authorities of concerned and junior high schools’ principals and respective researchers. Keyword:Instructional leadership, school effectiveness, junior high school


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