  • 學位論文


The possibility of shaping time-an appliance to the design of conceptual timekeepers

指導教授 : 周賢彬


這個研究旨在研究幾個領域對時間的看法,以獲得多面性的觀點,將無形之「時間」勾勒出可見之形象,把時間形狀化後的結果應用於計時器之設計。論文的主軸奠基於各領域所描述出時間具體的「形狀」-有明確的形狀、形態、具有圖像意義的理論,並以此為文獻範疇的篩選原則。 研究鎖定在三個主要討論的面向:科學、藝術與自然。因藝術領域上有受到心理學和哲學的影響,所以後兩者也被列入為次要的討論範圍。這樣的研究欲以多面向、累加的態度去探討時間,試呈現出「時間形狀」的更多可能性。將透過文獻探討之方式,融會科學、藝術、自然等領域解釋時間的論點,及在心理學上人因事件的不同,對時間的長度便有相異感受的說法,推導出時間可以是線狀、粒狀、角錐狀、彈簧狀、切片狀。研究結果分述如下: 1.根據科學理論,當時間被單獨討論時,可為線狀、粒狀及彈簧狀。若考慮時間與空間具有相依的特性,當空間因重力影響而變形,時間會因變形的影響而造成形狀的產生,時間即可為角錐狀。 2.在超現實主義繪畫的「時空重置」手法裡,當一個主體的時間和空間不合理交疊,主體部位被「挪接」於非被預期出現時空的情況,對等的涵義即是,主體當下時間片段被分割、其空間片斷相對也被分割重置,時間、空間可被重新排列成片狀。 3.主體邊緣線與細節粗糙化或消除,以模糊及抽象的形式代表運動中的形體快速移動時產生的動態,為未來主義呈現時間之繪畫手法。在有速度的情況下,糢糊的邊線及消除具體邊框可表達時間在移動時之形狀。另外,未來主義也受攝影術的影響,將成串改變中的動作影像陣列排出成連續圖像,可見運動中形體轉變的過程,也是時間段落的呈現。 4.在自然生態的時序中,螺旋狀葉序的植物葉片是依照黃金數值的旋轉角而向上生長,此時葉序的形狀可為自然時序的形狀。 5.把符合黃金數值的線段繪出並擴大成幾何型,得到的形狀為正五角型,且正五角型可依「1.618」數值分切出多個黃金幾何型。正五角型擁有不間斷的自我相似性,亦是自然生態時序的形狀。


時間 形狀 科學 超現實主義 未來主義 黃金比例 葉序


According to the view points about time discussed in academic fields, the main idea of this research is trying to shape the outlines of time and apply the various results to the design of timekeepers. The discipline of document selecting is based on the arguments which describe the 「concrete shape」-outline, figure and dormant image of time. Due to the selective limits above, science、aesthetic and botany are chosen to be the three major parts discussed in this research. Besides, aesthetics is influenced by psychology and philosophy; the two behind are chosen to be the minor discussions. To present more possible shapes of time, this kind of research tends to discuss diverse opinions and pile them up. Through documentary research, the shape of time could be lines, dots, cones, springs and slices. Analyses are described below: 1. According to scientific theories, the shape of time could be lines、dots springs. If the adherence character of space-time is considered, time can be formed when space is transformed by gravity; therefore, the shape of time could be like cones. 2. The resetting space-time skill of objects in Surrealism makes time and space folds illogically. The implication means that when time is chopped and separated into different pieces and so is the correlative space. Accordingly, time and space could be rearranged to anarchy pieces. 3. Deleting and blurring the outline of an object to represent speedy figures of a movement is one skill of futurism to express a duration. In a speedy condition, a blur or an unshaped outline could represent the shape of passing time. Besides, influenced by photography, the skill that arrays pictures of a movement, one by one, displays the process of transformations. And that also means the array shows a complete duration of a movement. 4. In the growing order of plants, the leaves of spiral phyllotaxy were found that the angle between the first and the second leaf followed the golden ratio numbers. Hence, the spiral angles with golden numbers could be the shape of time of the nature world. 5. Extending the line parts in golden ratio that can get a regular pentagon which can be parted in many geometric shapes with golden ratio. A regular pentagon which has a continuous self-alike character can be the shape of time.


time shape science surrealism futurism golden ratio phyllotaxy


3. 林春明(民94)。柏格森:時間-綿延-生命。哲學與文化,5,91-96。
2. 尤昭良(民94)。現代繪畫全釋與柏格森哲學研究。哲學與文化,12,71-92。
(一) 書籍
1. 劉河北、劉海北(譯)(民94)。愛因斯坦和畢卡索。臺北市:聯經。(Arthur I. Miller)
2. 葉李華(譯)(民95)。時間與空間。臺北市:城邦文化。(Mary、John Gribbin)


