  • 學位論文


Study the Image Style of HD Quality Documentary Illustrated by shooting a Atayal Tribe film named Ancestors' words

指導教授 : 張柏舟


摘要 關心原住民文化的人,也許會在圖書館查詢相關書籍,閱?原住民的「狩?文化」,人們多半知道他們「曾經是很會打?」的民族,卻很少關心他們「現在還是會打?」的民族。對於泰雅族和其他台灣原住民族群而言,象徵光榮的服飾、?具在博物館?高掛著,隔著玻璃供人欣賞,而打?的勇士光環只能悄悄隱沒於山?間。現代的泰雅青年?能熟諳各種的山?知?與陷阱智慧,除?與昔日「泰雅勇士」的獵人文化產生斷層,另外斷?的還有泰雅文化的喪失,以及隨之而?的文化認同問題。因此本研究以泰雅族文化的傳承為主題,創作以高畫質拍攝的寫實紀錄片「祖靈的話」。本研究透過文獻探討與實際深入部落訪談的方式,針對泰雅族文化做深入考察。本研究第三章就創作類型、攝影風格與攝影美學作分析,探討影片拍攝方法與攝影美學。第四章紀錄作品執行方法,影片拍攝與後製過程。本研究影片拍攝為全外景作業,為表現高畫質影音,在影像部份追求攝影機運鏡角?的多樣化,呈現台灣美麗的自然風光與泰雅族部落的人文景觀,並嘗試運用高畫質數位攝影機拍攝接近電影膠片的質感與色彩,聲音部分也追求音質與音效上表現,後製部份以非線性軟體剪輯,再以專業調色軟體調整影片色調,完成影片製作。第五章分別就文化層面與技術層面檢討創作過程中所面臨的問題。本研究利用高畫質影片解析度高,細節完整,色彩更豐富的特性,拍攝「祖靈的話」,除了希望能記錄下珍貴的原住民人文資料,也期望讓後代族人看到往日的泰雅族是如何生活,了解祖先的獵人文化與大自然共存的精神,並利用影片數位化的特性,增加保存性與普遍性,以此記錄避免「祖靈的話」淹沒在歷史的洪流之中,為泰雅文化的傳承與教育略盡棉薄之力。


Summary People interested in aboriginal culture may like to read the writings about anthropology or the hunting tradition of aborigines. Aborigines are known for excellent hunting skills in the past, but now they are no longer regarded as good hunters. For Atayal Tribe or other aboriginal tribes in Taiwan, the traditional dressing and hunting gear which imply the glory of the past, are now exhibited in museum and viewed by people through glass cabinet. Once in a while, you may catch a glimpse of hunting warriors chasing wild animals in the forest. Nowadays, Atayal young men have few knowledge about nature and trapping, they are very different from their ancestors. They don't understand the spirit of their ancestors and even lose their culture identity. Keep this in mind, I have my study focusing on cutural continuity of Atayal Tribe, illustrated by shooting a HD quality documentary about Atayal Tribe, the name of this film is Ancestors' words. By studying related documents and visiting aboriginal communities, this study explores Atayal culture widely and thoroughly. Chapter 3 explores shooting method and the aesthetics of photography by analysing film genres, picture style and photography art. Chapter 4 records the processing of preparation, shooting and post-production, the whole video shooting are taken outdoors for the purpose of high quality, and camera angles are various in order to present nature beauty of Taiwan and culture landscape of Ayayal Tribe. In addition, I used HD digital video camera so that the quality are close to movie film texture and color. As for the sound, audio quality and sound effect are also emphasized. In post-production, it is done by non-linear editing system and adjusted by professional color-grading software. Chapter 5 explores culture difference and technology for analysing why the difficulty and challenge are met during shooting. Ancestors' Words is shooting in high resolution with delicate detail and fully color range. The aim of this study is not only to record the curlture of aborigines, but also provide opportunity to the offsprings so that they can understand how their ancestors make living, and realize the traditional spirit to coexistes with nature. Unlike traditional film, the main advantage of digital shooting is easily archived and preserved, so that it can avoid being destroyed as time goes by. If anyone can learn anything from this study, then all my efforts are worthy. Keywords: Atayal, Hunting Culture, High Resolution, Documentary, Video Shooting and Post-production.




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