  • 學位論文


The Analysis on the Editions of Taiwanese folk song Pregnancy and the Comparison of Related Taiwanese and Hakka Cultures

指導教授 : 陳龍廷


民間歌謠,是民間的集體創作,表達人民的思想與情感,富有充沛的生命力,是民間文化的重要載體。歌謠和語言都是人類文化的產物,歌謠是人類為了抒發內心情感,強化喜怒哀樂等情緒,藉由語言的自然節奏,所表現出來的一種美化語言。這種人類的天性雖然會隨著族群、年齡、身分、地理環境的不同而有不同的表現方式。 〈病子歌〉,是一首古早的歌謠,描述女子病子的辛苦與嬌態,與丈夫細心呵護的鶼鰈之情,原本是兩族群共有的曲目,也是現今仍然在傳唱的一首小調。〈病子歌〉分別源自福佬庄的「車鼓戲」和北部客家庄的「採茶戲」,表演的形式極為相似,都屬於農村歌舞小戲的性質。〈病子歌〉的演唱屬於「月令聯章」體,藉由男問女答、男唱女和的方式,按月鋪陳懷孕婦女於「病子」期間的特殊口味與偏好,從正月唱到十月或十二月,月月精彩溫馨,歌詞生動逗趣,一唱一和之間,順勢帶出十至十二種頗具地方及族群風味的吃食特產,也反映了兩族群的飲食文化特色。 本研究擬藉由<病子歌>的演唱腳本─「歌仔(傳仔)」的語言文字上的特性,及書面化的狀況,以及對〈病子歌〉的版本及內容比較,探討它們的歷史淵源,並從生育禮俗與禁忌、飲食特性與文化的觀點解讀,希望讓普羅大眾對這首歌的淵源流變以及文化意涵有更多的認識。更希望透過研究,呈現逐漸消失的民間文化面相,間接改變現在人們對臺灣本土語言低俗的刻板印象,重新認識臺灣福佬及客家族群的文化。


Folk songs are a part of folk literature, a collective work with vitality to express people’s ideas and emotions, and an important vehicle for folk culture. Songs and languages are products of human culture. Songs are beautified words, created for voicing emotions and strengthening sentiments, and are expressed through the rhythm of language. Such expression may vary in different ethnicities, age groups, social statuses, and geographic environments, but the fundamentals on language are the same universally. The ancient Taiwanese folk songs of “pregnancy” depict the hardship women endure from morning sickness during pregnancy, and the love shown from husbands’ attentive care. The songs are familiar to both Taiwanese and Hakka people, and are sung until this day. Taiwanese and Hakka “pregnancy” songs are originated from “che gǔ sì” of the Holo village and “cǎi chá sì” of the northern Hakka village respectively. The performance is similar to stage opera in rural villages. “pregnancy” songs are sung in “calendar union chapter” format. Through questions and answers by the man and the woman, the songs depict special tastes and preferences of pregnant women experiencing morning sickness. The songs are sung in vivid words though a timeline, from January to October or December, to feature local foods and specialties of each month and reflect the food cultures of Taiwanese and Hakka people. This research intends to explore the historic origin of “pregnancy” songs by examining the characteristics of the languages in their scripts and the status of documentation, and by comparing the contents of Taiwanese and Hakka songs. The study also hopes to make plain to the general public the origin and evolution of the songs by discussing customs and taboos during pregnancy and food culture, in the hope of presenting the disappearing folk culture, changing the stereotype that Taiwanese local languages are lower in status, and broadening public knowledge in Taiwanese and Hakka cultures.


