  • 學位論文


The Effects of Work Stress on Physical and Mental Health - Take EMBA senior managers as an Example

指導教授 : 洪聰敏


研究背景與目的:處於經濟與人力競爭日趨詭變的環境中,各個行業面臨市場激烈的競爭,職場工作者比以往面臨更多的不確定性和挑戰,工作壓力亦隨之升高,面對居高不下的職場工作壓力,不僅影響工作者的工作表現,也影響工作者的身心健康,瞭解職場壓力對身心健康的影響因素,以提升自己在職場的價值是必要的。 研究方法:本研究以EMBA高階經理人為對象進行網路問卷調查,利用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析,獨立樣本T檢定以及迴歸分析,來探討不同背景之EMBA高階經理人在工作壓力與身心健康之差異,並分析哪些工作壓力因素可預測身心健康之狀況。 研究結果:以不同人口統計變項EMBA高階經理人在工作壓力之差異性而言,受雇者之工作壓力大於非受雇者(職務屬性,P<.039),工作負荷分量部分,職務屬性為受雇者有較高的工作負荷壓力,非家庭經濟來源主要提供者比主要提供者有較高的工作負荷壓力;婚姻狀況為單身者有較高的工作負荷壓力。年收入200萬以下者工作壓力比較高。 而就不同人口統計變項EMBA高階經理人在身心健康之差異性而言,非受雇者之身心健康比受雇者之身心健康佳,其中究營造工程業比金融及保險業、軍公教及服務業之身心健康佳,已婚比單身之身心健康佳。 最後,以工作壓力對身心健之多元迴歸分析發現,角色壓力、工作負荷及專業知能可以顯著預測身心健康,其中角色壓力分量的解釋力為34%,工作負荷分量增加3%,專業知能分量再增加1.5%。三個工作壓力分量對於身心健康的總解釋為38%。 整體而言,EMBA高階經理人在職務屬性、婚姻狀況、家庭經濟支撐以及年收入等變項上與工作壓力與身心健康關係密切,而且工作壓力可解釋身心健康變異量超過三分之一,代表工作壓力在EMBA高階經理人身心健康上扮演重要角色。因此,EMBA高階經理人在因應職場工作壓力,建議首先採行確認工作壓力源,再來面對問題、理性思考、情緒調適、尋求支持及自我提昇職場智能,換言之,適時自我覺察在職場承受的身心壓力,提昇職場新技能,增進人際溝通技巧,適時透過相關繼續教育,自我充實職場新知識,藉以提高工作自信心與自主性,降低角色模糊性,適時尋求協助,養成良好運動習慣,藉以紓解工作壓力,提升工作者的身心健康,增加在職場的競爭力與自我價值。


工作壓力 身心健康


Research background and purpose: In an environment of increasingly fierce economic and human competition, various industries are facing fierce market competition, workplace workers are facing more uncertainties and challenges than before, and work pressure is also increasing. High work pressure in the workplace not only affects the performance of workers, but also affects the physical and mental health of workers. It is necessary to understand the influencing factors of workplace pressure on physical and mental health in order to enhance their value in the workplace. Research method: This study conducted an online questionnaire survey on EMBA senior managers, using descriptive statistics, single-factor variance analysis, independent sample T test, and regression analysis to explore the work pressure and physical and mental health of EMBA senior managers of different backgrounds. Health differences, and analyze which work stress factors can predict physical and mental health. Research results: In terms of the difference in work pressure of EMBA high-level managers with different demographic variables, the work pressure of the employed person is greater than that of the non-employed person (job attribute, P<.039), part of the workload component, job attribute For employees who have higher workload pressures, the main providers of non-family economic sources have higher workload pressures than the main providers; marital status means that single persons have higher workload pressures. Those with an annual income of less than 2 million have higher work pressure. In terms of differences in the physical and mental health of EMBA senior managers with different demographic variables, the physical and mental health of non-employed persons is better than the physical and mental health of employed persons. Among them, the construction engineering industry is better than the finance and insurance industry, military public education and The physical and mental health of the service industry is better, and married ones are better than single ones. Finally, a multiple regression analysis of work pressure on physical and mental health found that role pressure, workload and professional knowledge can significantly predict physical and mental health. The explanatory power of the role pressure component is 34%, the workload component increases by 3%, and the professional knowledge component Increase by 1.5%. The total explanation of the three work stress components for physical and mental health is 38%. Overall, EMBA senior managers are closely related to work stress and physical and mental health in terms of job attributes, marital status, family economic support, and annual income. Work stress can explain more than one third of the variation in physical and mental health, representing Work pressure plays an important role in the physical and mental health of EMBA senior managers. Therefore, in response to workplace work pressure, EMBA senior managers recommend that you first identify the source of work pressure, and then face problems, rational thinking, emotional adjustment, seek support and self-improvement of workplace intelligence. In other words, self-awareness in the workplace Physical and mental stress, improve new skills in the workplace, improve interpersonal communication skills, and enrich self-new knowledge in the workplace through relevant continuing education in a timely manner, so as to improve work self-confidence and autonomy, reduce role ambiguity, seek timely assistance, and develop good exercise habits to relieve work pressure, improve workers' physical and mental health, increase competitiveness and self-worth in the workplace.


陳端容(Duan-Rung Chen);鍾政達(Cheng-Ta Chung),心臟科醫師工作壓力與身心健康之關係,醫護科技學刊7卷4期,379-392,2005
王穎駿,我國機場安檢人員工作壓力及其因應策略研究,以中正、松山與小港機場三處的國際及國內航線全體約 260 位安檢線安檢人員為研究對象,運輸計劃季刊第三十五卷第一期頁29 ~頁58,2005
