  • 學位論文

探討日本與台灣學生之模型本質認識 -以東京與台北地區為例

Discussion about the understanding of the Nature of the Model on Japanese and Taiwanese students -A case Study in Tokyo and Taipei

指導教授 : 邱美虹


摘 要 由科學史我們可以發現,科學家經常透過建立模型來說明科學理論;並以模型協助進行推理以驗證現其理論,或產生新的科學理論。 隨著全球化的研究盛行,城鄉差異、國際差異的研究亦受到重視。為了解我國學生與日本學生對模型本質的認識有何差異,本研究以邱美虹(2015)國科會計畫的模型本質認識問卷為基礎,修改並且翻譯成日文。經一位日本科學教育背景的教授與7名日本研究生,確認翻譯內容與原文無誤。對台灣台北地區,以及日本東京地區國中、高中、大學生為研究對象,進行模型本質認識之調查。研究對象分別為東京地區某公立中學,學生158名、理科高中生83名;大學,理科61名、文科61名。台灣台北地區某公立中學,八年級學生162名;高三文科學生120名、理科學生96名;大學,理科大學生72名。訪談對象從問卷對象中隨機抽取,日本中學生15名、台灣國中生15名。 結果顯示: 1. 我國課程綱要在國小、國中階段,對模型的敘述明顯少於日本。此點在訪談、問卷等各項上均能看出台灣的國中生對模型的掌握與了解較日本中學生少。我國課程綱要在高中階段大幅提升本體論相關的模型敘述,使得台灣450名受試者中有332人達「層次3-1」以上,73.8%;日本363名受試者中269人達「層次3-1」以上,74.1%。高層次者比率無明顯差異。 2. 學習日語時「モデル」(模型)原本包含的數項意思中,「塑膠、實體模型」的概念轉由「模型」(もけい)一詞取而代之。這樣的轉變,似乎間接幫助了「モデル」一詞的重新思考。當然,日本中學校學習指導要領亦同時提及了不少「モデル」。對協助學生修正、擴充新的概念有相當程度的幫助。




Abstract We can see from the history of science, scientists often by creating a model to explain the scientific theory; and to assist in the model to verify current theoretical reasoning, or to produce new scientific theory. With the popularity of Globalization, urban-rural differences, the study of international differences also attention. To understand the differences betweenTaiwanese students and Japanese students’s understanding of the nature of the model, this Study use Mei-Hung Chiu(2015)NSC’s the nature of the model questionnaire, modified and translated into Japanese. By a Japanese professor of science education in Japan and seven graduate students, and to confirm the contents of the original translation is correct. The participant of this study included Tokyo area in a public school, 158 students, 83 high school students in science; University of Science 61, Arts 61. Taipei, Taiwan area at a public middle school, 8 grade students 162; 12 grade liberal arts students 120, science students 96; University of Science Students 72. Interviewees randomly selected objects from the questionnaire, 15 junior high school students in Japan, and 15 junior high school students in Taiwan. The results show that Taiwan syllabus at the primary, secondary stage, the model described significantly less than Japan. This point can be seen in the interviews and questionnaires that Taiwanese junior high school students’s understanding of the model is less than Japanese junior high school students. Taiwan syllabus increase ontological related statement of model in high school, so that Taiwan 450 students in 332 levels of 3-1 or more, 73.8%; Japan 363 students in 269 levels of 3-1 more than 74.1%. High levels were not significantly different rate. Learning Japanese, usually use “モデル” to show the concept of Plastic model or Solid model in the beginning. After learning more Japanese, “模型(もけい)” will replace to show the concept of Plastic model or Solid model. This change can help Japanese students' concept about “モデル” have new understanding . Japan syllabus have a lot of the description of “モデル”, that also help student build up new concept.


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