  • 學位論文


The Study of International Perspective among Taiwanese College Students: A case Study in the Greater Taipei Area

指導教授 : 徐筱琦


「國際觀」一向是企業及人資部門在徵才時用來判斷的標準,所以本研究將鎖定即將邁入職場的大學生,以觀察社會新鮮人是否已具備企業所需之國際觀標準。在研究操作上,筆者以大台北地區之大專院校為標的,並透過30題國際新聞認知的問卷調查來分析大三及大四學生的國際觀程度。 在研究發現上,大學生之國際觀平均分數為56.8分、中位數為56分,且在議題上無明顯差異。此外,在四組迴歸分析中也可觀察到,「直接閱聽外媒」對國際觀分數以及各大議題上皆有顯著影響,證明了外媒對大學生的國際觀建構是最有影響力的一項因素。 最後,本研究也針對專家學者進行深度訪談,並將訪談所得資料與調查數據進行比較分析與解釋,結束發現大學生的國際觀程度雖然仍算符合就業市場所需,但總體分數而言仍然有偏低的現象。針對此點,本研究從「媒體-政府-受眾」等三面向提出建議,希望可以從媒體環境著手,以改善大學生整體的國際觀。


“International perspective” is an important criterion for companies to select their employees. Therefore, this study aims to understand whether college students’ levels of international perspective match companies’ hiring criteria. To conduct the survey, the author constructed a questionnaire with 30 international news items, and distribute them to junior and senior college students in the greater Taipei area. According to the statistical analyses, the mean score of international perspective is 56.8, the median is 56, and there are no differences between hard and soft news issues. Moreover, in the four linear regression analyses, “the frequency of watching foreign media” is the only attribute that has significant impact on respondents’ scores in all three types of news issues. Hence, foreign media play an important role in shaping college students’ international perspective. The author also conducted an in-depth interviewing with scholars. By comparing survey data and interviews, this study finds that the survey result of college students’ levels of international perspective matches most companies’ expectation. However, there is still significant room for improvement. Drawing on three important dimensions- media, government, and audiences, this study offers a set of suggestions about how to ameliorate the media environment and enhance college students’ international perspective.


一、 中文部分
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