  • 學位論文


The experiential learning process of non-commercial homestay tourist for the youth

指導教授 : 徐敏雄


本研究目的旨在探討打工換宿者之經驗學習歷程,了解參與者如何經由環境的刺激展開個人的學習旅程,透過Goffman戲劇理論的分析架構以及Dewey對於經驗的概念,更細緻地分析參與者如何透過與人互動的過程,逐漸習得各行為在該場景中的符號意涵,接著連結過往經驗,透過反思的歷程將客觀經驗內化為對自己有用的知識。 本研究共邀請13位研究參與者,以質性訪談的方式分享其打工換宿經驗,並將其經驗歸納出打工換宿者的經驗學習歷程。結果發現,打工換宿的符號意涵與小幫手自身狀態相符時,便會產生打工換宿的行為;此些符號意涵作為參與打工換宿的動機,亦成為小幫手參與打工換宿的行為依據;接著,待小幫手進入實際的打工換宿體驗後,透過與業者、旅客、在地居民以及其他小幫手的互動過程中,逐漸習得屬於該場景實際的劇本,他會不斷的透過印象整飾的方式使自己符合該角色期待。然而,過程中可能會發生實際劇本與想像劇本有落差的情況,使小幫手進入反思的階段,為了解決衝突而產生行為或想法的改變,甚至影響其自我認同。最後,本研究支持Dewey對經驗的主張,透過社會理論的視角考量社會文化脈絡對於形塑個人經驗的重要。換言之,強調從經驗中學習的重要性。另外,本研究主張,參與打工換宿活動成為現今青年突破同溫層的一種行動參與方式。


In recent years, non-commercial homestay tourism was increasingly adopted as a way to travel by the youth in Taiwan but few of the studies focus on participates’ learning process stimulated by the environment. The study aims to deeply explore the experiential learning process for non-commercial homestay tourists and to analyze how participates form their personal learning experience from the side of Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis and Dewey’s concept of experience. Based on in-depth interviews and semi-structured interviews, these findings were drawn from an examination of youths who took part in the work exchange in Taiwan. By studying on participates’ performance at the front stage as well as certain “inappropriate actions” hidden in the backstage, this study displays the series of symbolic meanings in the work exchange fields. Moreover, the process of sensing these ordinary symbols contributes to the learning effects. Here are the findings: The motivation of the participates is the key to start a learning process. Through the interaction with others, the participates summarize their “script” for their role. In other words, this script changes frequently. the participates use the technique of impression management to avoid the inappropriate performance. However, this learning process is not always smoothly, they need to adjust their behaviors, values to fit in their role when the reality is over their imaginations. At last, this study support Dewey’s concept of experience with the horizon of sociology to emphasize the importance of culture context for individuals.


