  • 學位論文


Narrative Study of Bisexuality and Discrimination

指導教授 : 游美貴


有鑑於在台灣,雙性戀鮮少人知,卻又充滿污名迷思的社會處境下,本研究旨在瞭解、整理並呈現出雙性戀遭受歧視的經驗、影響與回應,期待提升社會大眾對雙性戀的正確認識和瞭解,改善雙性戀負面的社會處境。 本研究為質性研究,以敘事研究作為研究取徑,邀請到共三位自我認同為雙性戀的人,並透過敘事分析中的「整體-內容分析法」呈現其敘說的故事。 研究發現,首先,將雙性戀的自我認同經歷分為下列三階段: 一、自我認同為雙性戀之前:被同性吸引開啟自我認同;雙性戀性傾向之多元流動;獲得同志資訊的管道來源不同會影響認同建立。 二、建立或確立雙認同的階段:性傾向二元觀點阻礙雙性戀認同發展;不想抹滅掉任何一段情感經驗是自我認同為雙性戀的關鍵;看見雙性戀多元樣貌與定義。 三、確立雙認同後:雙性戀對兩性情慾、性慾偏好的多元;透過參與同志或雙性戀社群,可協助個體建立或堅定雙性戀認同。 其次,在雙性戀遭受歧視的經驗、影響與回應中發現: 一、雙性戀仍載浮載沉、隱晦不明,處在被邊緣化社會處境的現況。 二、面對被質疑的雙性戀認同,只能不斷向他人重複解釋和說明。 三、雙性戀會主動發聲,擊破迷思和謠言。 四、來自重要他人的歧視或負面態度會對雙性戀造成影響。 綜合上述,雙性戀仍遭到來自異性戀和同性戀的「雙重歧視」。儘管雙性戀某些時候被視為「較有優勢或是既得利益者」;但仍須回到社會結構與脈絡下去看見並理解,不論是同性戀、雙性戀或是其他非異性戀以外的性少數群體,都是被異性戀主流文化所壓迫的群體;讓這個社會減少歧視,看見並尊重多元。


雙性戀 經驗歧視 敘說研究


In Taiwan, people know little about bisexuals and they are under the situation of stigma and discriminations. This study aims to understand, arrange and to show the experience, impact and responses of how bisexuals are being discriminated, hoping to promote recognition and understanding of bisexuals, also changing their negative situation in society. This is a quality research, and had used narrative as a research approach. Three participants whose self-identification is bisexual were invited, and the stories were showing by using Overall analysis of Content approach. Research had discovered that, first, the self-identification of bisexuality have three phases; I.Before being self-defined as a bisexual: Attracted by same sex people and starting self-identify; the sexual orientation of bisexuality is diverse and flowing; building self-identification will be influenced by the different paths of acquiring same sex information. II.Building or confirming bisexual identification: Binary perspectives in sexual orientation obstructs the developing of bisexual definition; Not to deny any relationships is the key to self- identify as a bisexual; Realizing the diversity and definition of bisexual. III.After confirming self as a bisexual: The diverse sexual desire and preference in bisexuals; Participating same sex or bisexual community helps themselves building or firming the self-identification of bisexual. Second, the discovers from the experience, impact and response of bisexual are being discriminated: I.Bisexuals are still in a unstable, unclear and being marginalize circumstances in the society. II.When facing the doubts of self-identify as a bisexuality, still need to repeatedly explain and clarify. III.Bisexuals are active to strike the myths and rumors. IV.The discriminations and negative attitudes from “the significant others” will cause impact to bisexuals. To conclude, in contemporary Taiwan society, bisexuals are still undergoing the double discrimination from heterosexual and homosexual. Although bisexuals are sometimes being considered as vested interest holders, we have to think and realize them in the social structure and social context. Whether homosexuals, bisexuals or the sexual minorities are all under the hegemony of heterosexuals, stand together and exert the power of LGBTQ community, reduce the discriminations in society, to see and respect them.


Bi the way.拜坊-看見臺灣雙性戀(2007)。超越男女之分,看見生命更寬闊的可能性。取自http://bitheway.pixnet.net/blog/post/18669246
女人迷(2018)。# Drop The B誰在煽動排擠雙性戀?取自https://womany.net/read/article/16185
