  • 學位論文


Transformation of Chinese Schools in the Philippines under National Education Reforms: Case Studies on Chiang Kai Shek College and Grace Christine College

指導教授 : 楊聰榮


西元1899年菲律賓創立第一所華校中西學堂,百年來菲華學校歷經萌芽、開創、停滯及復興等不同階段的發展。本研究採訪談法及問卷調查法,以菲律賓大馬尼拉指標性華校中正學院及基督教靈惠學院為研究個案,聚焦在2013年菲國「K-12基礎教育改革」對菲華學校的影響。此次改革包括了制定目標、調整結構、改革課程、建構評鑑制度和強化保障機制。其中變動最大、影響最深的是結構的調整,將以往十年制基礎教育調整為與國際教育學制接軌的十二年制, 加上幼兒學前教育一年。 研究發現經過菲國國家教育改革,菲律賓華文學校已擺脫過去傳統華校模式,轉變為兼具全球化眼界及本土化意識的「新式華校」。新式華校不論在學校定位與目標、學生來源與結構、課程規劃及教材教法都和過去大相逕庭,新式華校已展現學生多國化、教學專業化、課程多元化的風貌。


Mandarin education for overseas Chinese has been a crucial issue in overseas Chinese studies. For the past century, Mandarin education in the Philippines had gone through the stages of sprouting, growing, plateau and revival. This dissertation examines the impact of two major national education reforms that brought significant impacts and changes to its progress. This research adopts the methods of interviews and questionnaires conducted in Chiang Kai Shek College and Grace College in the Philippines. Its conclusion argued that the two national education reforms made the Philippine Chinese Schools break out of traditional constraints in the 21st century, and develop a new Mandarin education system with perspectives and connections in the national and global levels. Now the Philippine Chinese Schools bear differences in terms of the purpose and goals of schools, enrollment, curriculum, materials and teaching methods. Venturing into a new era after the national education reforms, the Philippine Chinese Schools in the 21st century have increased student nationalities, broadened ideas of Mandarin teaching profession, and diversified the curriculum. With great competitiveness, these Chinese Schools stand out in the Philippines as schools that not only meet standards of national education policy, but also are able to cope with the global challenge in Mandarin education.


