  • 學位論文


Products Design based on the Circular Design - Assembly furniture design

指導教授 : 王千睿


自然生態鏈是一個大循環,缺少任何一個部分,將會破壞生態上的平衡,而現代科技日趨進步,在各式各樣產品推陳出新的同時,產生了許多的廢棄物,以及對大自然原物料過多的擷取,對於人類與環境來說,可能會是一場可怕的浩劫。以「循環經濟」的概念為背景,探討「循環設計」,在產品設計之初就為其考量後續的處理,使原本單一線性的產品生命線變成一個循環;但要達到百分之百的回收再利用是有難度的,期望透過「循環設計」的概念,盡可能地減少廢棄物的生成,選擇可回歸循環系統的材料作為使用,使得材質原物料的開採得以減少,並且降低對生態環境的破壞;而組裝家具(ready to assemble,RTA)方便搬運、組裝及拆卸等優點,當零組件損壞時,可更容易更換,盡可能地達到「減少廢棄物生成」及「升級回收」的目標,讓材質得以簡單且快速地回歸循環。本研究透過問卷調查的方式,了解消費者對於現今組裝家具的印象及使用感受,並發現在整體品質與設計觀感成正比之下,有75.8%的消費者會願意購買有環保材質認證製作的家具;在後續產品設計上,得以延續優點改善缺點。本研究透過組裝案例分析不同產品的組裝方式,運用於組裝家具上,以「螺旋拴緊」為主要組裝方式,發展出十四種圓管狀零件,並完成三款基本單元之創作,讓家具能像玩積木般自由拼組、便於改裝,且因應未來損壞部分,可方便拆除更換及回收,呼應循環設計之精神。


Nowadays, the rapid development of science and technology makes products out with the old, in with the new. Even though innovation brings us a lot of conveniences, there are many problems in it like: numerous refuse, overexploitation, natural resource exhaustion, etc. Before product design, think about how to handle products if we don’t need it anymore. Most products’ life ( from material to production, market, using and discarding ) is linear one way only. Through the concept of the “Circular Design”, hope products’ linear life will become a loop. However, reaching one hundred percent of recycling is difficult. As a result, “Upcycling(upgrade recycling)” and reducing bring litter as far as possible is the main design target. The RTA ( ready to assemble ) furniture is this thesis’s main design project because of its advantage: movably, easily assembly and disassembly so that we can recycle the broken component easily in the future. Besides, it may solve the problem of bulky furniture waste occupy on the sidewalk when it discarded.Through the questionnaire, understand and analyze how customers’ thinking about RTA furniture. To discover 75% person will accept the products which use environmental protection material. In the creation part, not only keep the advantage but also improve the disadvantage of RTA furniture. Through the different product cases about installations, use on the assembly furniture design. To create 14 round tube components and to install 3 kinds of furniture. Let the install process more easily and randomized just like playing toy brick. Simultaneously, easy to change broken components and reduce litter has echoed the spirit of circular design.


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