  • 學位論文


The Study of Neighborhood Environment, Health Belief, Physical Activity, and Health Status: An Ecological Model of Active Living

指導教授 : 李晶




Active lifestyle plays an important role in health promotion and disease prevention. The purpose of this study is to realize the relationship among neighborhood environment, health belief, physical activity, and health status through an ecological model of active living. The methods of data collection were from open government data and questionnaires. The participants were residents above 18 years old in Taiwan selected by quota sampling. Totally 1228 valid responded. The questionnaire included the scales of Physical Activity Neighborhood Environment, the accessibility of sport spaces, Health Belief in Physical Activity, IPAQ, SF12, and demographic background. Descriptive analysis, ANOVA, Chi-square, canonical analysis, logistic regression, and Partial Least Square-path analysis were used. The results demonstrated residents living in the high policy environment had significantly higher scores in the walkability, transport-related physical activity, and mental component summary, but a significantly lower body mass index and the distribution of cardiometabolic diseases than those living in the low policy environment. The accessibility and exercise benefit could positively predict active lifestyle, but exercise constraint was negative. Participants with an active lifestyle had a lower odds ratio in hyperlipidemia, overweight, and a 68% probability of cardiometabolic risk than those with an inactive lifestyle. The determinants of health belief, neighborhood and policy environment. Maintaining active lifestyle is beneficial for the quality of life and cardiometabolic health. This study provides a recommendation for people, environment, and policy. Physical activity promotion is a necessary element, in order to achieve the goal of health promotion.


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