  • 學位論文

高中公民與社會科課程對學生統獨立場與中國印象的影響: 以一所桃園的學校為例

The Influence of Senior High School Civics and Society Curriculum on Students’ Stance of Unification and Independence and Impression of China: An example of a school in Taoyuan

指導教授 : 黃信豪


本研究旨在探討高中公民課程對學生在統獨立場與中國印象上的影響。研究對象選擇採取立意抽樣法(purposive sampling),以桃園一所組成多元的高中為施測對象,總樣本數為312。採準實驗設計(quasi-experimental design),受試學生中的四個班為實驗組、另外四個班為對照組,由實驗組修習「中國政治與經濟」課程,對照組則不修習此課程。為釐清課程是否造成學生在統獨立場與中國印象的變化,在課程前、後分別測量態度。此外,也針對課程設計知識測驗題,以測量學生透過課程所習得之政治知識。本研究的主要發現是,學生的統獨立場在修習課程後未有明顯變化,但中國印象隨著中國政經課程知識的越充分,而越朝「正向」變化,此研究發現顯示出公民課程的政治社會化效果。另一方面,本研究也將研究樣本與TEDS2020全國性調查的統獨立場做平均數比較,以探究學生的統獨立場是否有其特徵;研究結果顯示,本研究樣本比TEDS2020的受訪者傾向支持臺灣獨立,且達到統計上的顯著差異,透露出2002年、2003年出生的高中學生的政治態度特徵。本研究所探討之高中學生的統獨立場與中國印象,是過去文獻較為缺乏的部分,因此本研究期許能作為公民與社會科教師教學時的反思,也或許能為政治學、社會學、教育學等相關領域帶來一些貢獻。


This study aimed to discuss the influence of Taiwan’s senior high school Civics and Society curriculum on students’ stance of unification and independence and impression of China. The research employed purposive sampling and selected four classes as the experimental group and four classes as a control group from a senior high school in Taoyuan (total valid N = 312). Students’ attitudes were measured once before and after classes about the Politics and Economics of China. The posttest included a set of questions based on the classes to measure the political knowledge attained by the students in the class. The major findings of this study were that there were no statistically significant differences in students’ stance of unification and independence between pretest and posttest. However, the more scores students gained in the political knowledge test, the more positive the students’ impression of China was. This result implied the effect of political socialization. This study also compared the research sample and the national survey for adults: Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study (TEDS2020). The result implied that senior high school students’ stance was more for independence than the national samples’. The result showed certain characteristics of the political attitude of students who were born from 2002 to 2003. This research is the first to give a glance at Taiwanese senior high school students’ stance of unification and independence and impression of China. Therefore, this study can work as a pilot study for fields such as Civics and Society, Politics, Sociology, and Education.


Babbie, E. R.(2013).研究方法基礎理論與技巧(蔡毓智譯)。雙葉書廊有限公司。(原著出版於2011)
中央通訊社(2020,July 3)。政大民調:台灣人認同感67%創歷年新高(謝佳珍,主編)。中央通訊社。https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/202007030346.aspx
