  • 學位論文


A Study of Sustainable Design for Musuem Exhibition–An Example of Reusing Old Wood from National Taiwan Museum

指導教授 : 嚴貞


人類為維護地球環境、創造美好未來,近年逐漸重視「永續發展」議題,並期許於2030年前能達成聯合國所制定之永續發展目標(SDGs)。在永續思潮成為主流前,博物館之營運及策展領域已長期致力於「永續」議題的探討與推廣,國、內外博物館對於永續議題的關注從研究調查報告、倡議與策略規劃到實際落實與執行,博物館欲實踐永續發展理念,展示設計儼然成為博物館必須投入研究並深度探討之領域。 本研究主要目的為將永續設計「再利用」方法導入展示設計之中,並藉由國立臺灣博物館「舊木料再利用」作為展示構件資材,實踐展示設計之永續性。研究流程分為三個階段,第一階段透過文獻分析,探討國內外永續設計方法原則、博物館展示類型與設計及永續設計應用於博物館展示設計之現況與原則;第二階段透過深度訪談法,針對博物館策展人、展示設計師及木作職人共7人,歸納分析展示設計永續性原則要素與舊木料再利用於展示設計之可行性;第三階段根據第一、二階段歸納分析之結果,應用於博物館展示設計進行符合永續性之創作設計共3件。 本創作研究結論為:(1)博物館展示設計能藉由微型展以實踐永續設計之理念;(2)展示設計可應用模組化、組合性、機動性與未來性以符合永續「再利用」之設計原則;(3)展示設計可應用「舊木料」作為「再利用」展示構件之資材;(4)展示構件的模組設計需考量後續重複使用之功能性與存放空間;(5)永續設計理念之實踐與否須受「決策者」之共識與態度。


In recent years, more attention has been paid to the topic “sustainable development” and the society hopes to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations by 2030 since the ultimate goal for human is to protect our only earth and create a better future. Early before the concept of sustainability became the mainstream, for a long time the museum communities have already devoted themselves to the studies and promotions on sustainability ideas regarding museum curation and management. The aspects that museums inside and outside the country focus on in order to practice sustainability include survey research, strategies and initiatives developmentand actual implementations and executions. For museums to fulfill sustainibility concepts, exhibition design would certainly be the field that needs further study and exploration. The main goal of this research is to introduce the concept of “reusing” to museum exhibition design by referring the case study of reutilizing old wood in exhibitions at the National Taiwan Museum and introducing how the sustainability ideas were incorporated into exhibition designs with such material. The research is conducted in three stages: the first stage is performing literature review to analyze the sustainable design principles and their applications in museum exhibitions in local and foreign examples; the second stage is conducting interviews with 7 museum curators, exhibition designers and carpentersto categorize important elements of a sustainable exhibition designand explore the feasibility of reusing old wood in curation; and based on the first two stages, the third stage is providing 3 pieces of design works demonstrating the concept of reusing old wood that aligned with the goal of sustainability. The conclusions of the research are (1) Museums could use short-term or small-scale exhibition design to fulfill and demonstrate sustainable concepts, (2) modularity, composability, mobility, and future potential can be considered as the application principle of sustainable “reusing” concept, (3) “old wood” can be utilized as the material while designing the “reusing” of exhibition composition, (4)It is necessary to consider the reusability in the future and the storage space while designing the exhibition composition modules, (5) Whether the sustainable design concept could be fulfilled is dependent on the consensus and viewpoints among the “decision-makers.”


1. Alexander, E. P. (1979). Museums in Motion:An Introduction to the history and functions of Museum. United Kingdom:AltaMira Press.
2. Jones, L.(吳燦中)。(2010)。對環境負責的設計-室內設計師的綠與永續設計。臺北市:六合出版。
3. Karl Abeyasekera & Geoff Matthews. (2006). SUSTAINABLE EXHIBIT DESIGN Guidelines for designers of small scale interactive and travelling exhibits. Lincoln, UK: The author.
4. McLennan, J. F. (2004). The Philosophy of Sustainable Design.Kansas City: Ecotone.
