  • 學位論文


A Study of High School Swimming Athlete’s Learning Adaptation and Academic Pathway for University

指導教授 : 吳清基


體育班長久以來都被外界質疑為重體育輕學習,社會上亦出現不少關於體育班是否應該續存的討論浪潮。本研究旨在了解高中運動績優生的學習適應與升進路之現況,透過文獻探討與半結構性訪談法作為研究方法,訪談高中體育班運動績優生、普通班運動績優生、學校專任教練、體育班班導、普通班班導,以探究體育班運動績優生與普通班運動績優生各自的學習適應與升學進路現況為何、體育班運動績優生與普通班運動績優生學習適應與升學進路之間的差異為何,以及高中運動績優生和師長對於運動績優生就讀體育班或普通班的適宜性、對體育班制度規劃與續存的看法與意見。 本研究發現,高中體育班與普通班運動績優生的學習適應皆為良好,當中體育班運動績優生適應最好的面向排序為人際關係適應、運動訓練適應、學科學習適應。而普通班運動績優生適應最好的面向為學科學習適應,人際關係適應與運動訓練適應並列在後。在升學進路方面,體育班運動績優生真正能選擇的升學管道並沒有比普通班學生多,可是體育班運動績優生升學管道能選擇的大學與系所卻比普通班學生局限,大多都是與運動領域相關的系所偏多,結果便是比較難以轉換到其他領域進行升學與生涯發展,而當體育班運動績優生的運動績優生運動表現與成績不出眾的時候,最終其升學進路亦會受到影響。普通班運動績優生能選擇的升學管道、大學與系所都較體育班運動績優生多元與廣闊,亦能夠按照自身的運動成績與學科成績去衡量和選擇最適合、符合自己升學進路目標的升學途徑,其生涯發展不會因運動表現不佳而受到限制和影響。本研究將於最後綜合文獻探討與研究發現,提出研究結論及對體育班制度未來改善之建議。


For a long time, the sports class has been criticized by the public for being focused on sports and neglecting academic learning. There has been a wave of discussion in society about whether the sports class should continue to exist. This study aims to understand the current situation of learning adaptation and advancement of high school athlete student, using literature review and semi-structured interviews as research methods. Interviews were conducted with sports class athlete students and regular class athlete students, dedicated coaches, class advisors of sports and regular classes, to explore the current learning adaptation and academic advancement of sports and regular athlete students, the differences between them, and the suitability of attending sports or regular class, as well as the opinions on the planning and continuation of the sports class system among high school athletes and teachers. This study found that the learning adaptation of sports class and regular class athlete students in high school is good. Among sports class athlete students, the best adaptation aspects are interpersonal relationship adaptation, sports training adaptation, and academic learning adaptation. Among regular class athlete students, the best adaptation aspect is academic learning adaptation, followed by interpersonal relationship adaptation and sports training adaptation. Regarding academic and career development, sports class athlete students with outstanding athletic achievements do not have more options than regular class athlete students, but the universities and departments that sports class athlete students can choose are limited to those related to sports, making it more difficult for them to switch to other fields for academic and career development. When sports class athlete students ' athletic performance and grades are not outstanding, their academic and career development may also be affected. Regular class athlete students have more diverse and broad options for academic advancement and can choose the most suitable path according to their academic and athletic achievements, without being limited or affected by their sports performance. Based on the literature review and research findings, this study will provide research conclusions and recommendations for improving the sports class system in the future.


