  • 學位論文


The Policy of Fire Rescue for Warehouse Building

指導教授 : 徐瑞宏
共同指導教授 : 游峻一(Chun-Yi Yu)


灣自助儲物空間至2016年為止,全國設置共有82處,其中40處設置於台北市,約佔全國總數量之49%,顯示自助儲物空間設置於人口稠密之都會區為其未來趨勢。本研究以倉庫類建築火災中「自助儲物空間」為個案的研究對象,針對此類場所之火災特性進行討論,彙整相關法規、國內外案例分析及作業規定,並利用軟體SMART FIRE建立設定數值模型,分析其熱流場及煙流溫度分佈情形之變化,得知此類場所並非一般傳統型倉庫建築物,利用軟體模擬分析觀察後發現,火場在短時間內產生之高溫及濃煙將影響建築物內部人員逃生及消防人員搶救的視線,演變成高危險的救災環境,研究發現,若無法有效將室內燃燒之煙熱排出,救災活動僅能陷於被動模式,執行防止延燒及周界防護,因此建議該類場所之火災應訂定相關搶救之標準流程,以因應未來災害之緊急應變處理,並提供給相關單位參考。


In the year of 2016, there have been 82 locations installed with self-service storage spaces in Taiwan. Of the installed ones, 40 locations are in Taipei city which account for 49% showing that the installation of self-service storage spaces may be a trend in the densely populated metropolitan area. In this study, the research targets were the “self-service storage space” of the type of warehouse building fire. After synthesizing relevant regulations, cases studies and operation regulations at home and abroad and using the software SMART FIRE to set the value model, analyze its heat flow and smoke flow temperature distributions, it is found out that “self-service storage space” does not belong to traditional warehouse building. Through the software simulation analysis, it was also found out that once the fire breaks out, the heat and smoke may influence fire escape and the vision of fire rescue team in a very short time which may turn into a high risk of disaster relieving environment. The results showed that the activities of relieving disasters would fall into a passive position and can only prevent burning if the indoor burning heat and smoke cannot be discharged. Therefore, the establishment of standard rescuing procedure of the “self-service storage space fire” is needed for future emergency response and the authorities.


2、王鵬智, 「居室火災避難容許時間基準之驗證研究」,2007年。
4、美國加州奧克蘭市府消防局, 「拍攝火災現場照片」,奧克蘭市府,2016。
5、消防署, 「火災搶救初階班教材」,內政部,2015
